I'm falling for the 144hz 1ms meme

I'm falling for the 144hz 1ms meme.

However I can't make up my mind which one to buy. This one or the Asus VG248QE?


Do you have a 1080? Or Titan X pascal? I ask this because those are the only two GPUs than can run most modern games at >144fps 1440p.

The iiyama one is a goddamn nightmare to get the contrast/brightness/gamma to something acceptable

Why? I hear a lot of complaints about it.


>modern games
Back to Sup Forums with you before you get v&.

Don't buy chink tier bullshit.

The VG248QE is excellent, however if you have the money get a 2560x1440 144hz display.

What the hell is the point of 144hz if you're not gaming?

Smoother scrolling.

Smoother window management action!

Smoother mouse cursor.

iiyama is Japanese.
Asus is Taiwan.

If anything the Asus is the one that's "chink".

the del S2716DGR is also a good choice.
no gamer styling bulshit
27in 1440P 144hz
goes onsale for $480 every few weeks.

Because $200 extra is worth it for these great features

Don't try to reason with Sup Forums. They actually believe their Logitrash mice aren't made in the same sweatshops as Razer.


None of these are preferable to image quality desu. If you don't play video games, you should be prioritizing color, contrast, resolution, etc. over refresh rate and response time since for anything else than video games having response times even as high as like 40ms is barely noticeable.

I'm with this user, I would take 4k 60hz over 1440p 144hz anyday

Besides having smoother scrolling/mouse movement and video, any game made pre-2010 and quite a few afterwards will run at 144 Hz and beyond with modern hardware.

go a 27" pixio

use the same panels

>Asus VG248QE
It came out 3 years ago, there are better monitors now adays. It's still a good monitor no doubt but I would look at newer options.

I can recommend the Viewsonic XG2401. It's priced around the same as the Asus you're looking at.

If you want something better and cheaper than the Asus VG248QE get the AOC G2460, won't be as good as the XG2401 though.

Better fall for the FreeSync meme (if you have AMD GPU)

Monitor without FreeSync is monitor from the past

>tfw just want a good 1080p 60 fps TN
>they don't exist anymore and all I can find is 144fps 1440p IPS

I want to fuckin die


BenQ 27 inch XL series.

Neither. Get LG 24GM77-B. Thank me later.

I like my Asus.
No experience with the no-name stuff.

Like others have said, though, the time you'll most notice the difference is during gaming. The smoother mouse movement and stuff is there ad it's nice, but it's not INCREDIBLE or anything.

If you're not gaming, I'm with the guys who say focus on resolution over high refresh rates. It will be a much more palpable improvement for you.

Why is this worth another $50?

if it has better color and black/white contrast and more color shades then sure, thats why I got a BenQ when it was on sale over Asus or other shit flat screens - read some spec sheets

Best color reproduction, most uniformly lit, next to no overshooting out of all 144 hz non-gsync tn panels. good quality control.

>>trusting contrast ratio specs


i own it and use it as my daily driver. only complaint, like with most panels these days, lowest backlight setting still a little too bright in the evening or at night. otherwise it's fucking perfect for a tn.

nothing that style sheets and the like of f.lux can't make bareable.

I have a VG248QE OP, I really like it. In fact, I want 3 of them.

But I also think 3 of another monitor might be better.

I had 2 other 60hz monitors so I run 3 regardless right now, but swapping between 144hz to 60 constantly kills my soul.

if you end up getting it, set DAS mode to ON and RESPONE TIME to MIDDLE. test have shown, that setting it to low causes overshoot but next to no improvement to performance.

The Asus one has pwm back light which is ass.

The iiyama one has freesync, I've had it myself for a while until i sent it back cause 1080p looks like ass these days.

Is Memesync worth it on either brand? Dunno why Nvidia charges an arm and a leg for their memesync.

I thought it was only good if you ran games at ass framerates, but nothing I play ever drops lower than 100.

This one is the best (discontinued) but it has zero motion blur feature and the best colors for a TN gaming monitor.

for a tn it's really good. even horizontal viewing angles are suprisingly stable. vertical not so much. the usual. it's still a tn.

i'm the most pleased with how uniformly lit mine is, and that there is NO backlight bleeding. hate that shit.

before i got this one, i tried two different dell ips models. both had issues. yellow tint and occasional signal loss for a second - which i have seen on other brands, even TVs as well. absolute no go as well. i can't tolerate the screen going black for a bit ~ once an hour or so. shit, once a day is too much, come on.