What silly times we live in.
I liked it better when there was no hunger bar implemented yet ;n;
Good job, here is your diploma in Minecraft. Now go study some liberal art.
I haven't tried this game in years but the part where you make logic gates out of blocks seemed like a great idea for kids
But then how would servers like 2b2t be fun without people dying so often from not having enough food near spawn?
It's their own damn fault, just pick a cardinal direction and walk and some bleeding heart has a melon farm within starvation range.
Minecraft was a error - society
I wonder how many little shits will throw fits when they find out that the teachers can turn off their ability to be little shits to other kids.
also, how the fuck is this game still retardedly popular.
>refreshing sandbox
maximum kek
hunger bar ruined everything. it made playing tedious as fuck
Yeah. It's actually not that hard to build computers in the game, I built one in a week. It was a really shitty computer but it still crunched 3 bits lmao.
minecrapt is nothing more than a full retard autism simulator.
why does it have to be a cardinal direction retard?
>full retard autism simulator.
Kill yourself, shit stain.
Fucking HUGE Mod community
Fucking HUGE sandbox
FUCKING HUGE social game
You may not understand because you only play it solo. But when you work with other people to make massive things,building or tech wise, you get good feels and make friends.
I understand why it is not popular on Sup Forums
I did play on servers. it was either a hugbox full of screaming retards or a greif fest of screaming retards. I have never found a server with a chill community.
Doesnt matter anyways because i no longer have an account.