Music player thread

post your music player


nice pinku

That's some embarrassing shit OP

Wow who knew someone could have such shit taste in music AND music players


when will those fucking weebs die out? fucking degenerates.

I use mocp because I don't look at my music.


>Nier OST
>DJ Okawari

How do you not have their best album, OP?

haven't gotten around to converting it yet

dat brickwall waveform



>having the worst avril lavigne album at all
>only one song from let go

>someone likes something that I don't

>post your music player
>OP and second faggot posted image viewer

congrats, you officially have the worst taste in music


bullying not allowed in itt thread

oh sorry



This is AAE right? How do i get it?

Return to nhk is goat

Pretty sad excuse for a desktop thread 2bh.




music player

The funniest thing is that you cannot open audio files with it and you can't drag and drop music to it.
Well, it poses itself as a more of a music collection manager that can play it as well, albeit you barely can manage it there
>no volume control
you have system control come on now
use system audio mixer if you want to get anal about it
it is kind of a miss though
there are no preferences

"there is a room for improvement", but i guess they're taking small steps to keep it refined (in a way, it is) and I like that approach

Because you could always just wing it and slap bunch of shit together and get something like kde's music player, or even banshee, even foobar - it looks like a disjointed mess (you want anime titties on your player? here's your anime titties on your player), or something that looks like a spreadsheet, or something that you just keep running in background just to never look at ui again and use it without gui.

The design looks great.
It's simple and I love it

I know its ugly but cbf to rice it


oops, forgot image

it looks like this now, and hey look, they actually removed a feature. I guess it looks even cleaner now.



WMP since XP.

MPC-HC for video.

>fucking degenerates
How to spot a Sup Forums user

>video game soundtracks
>popular music
This is bait right?

Master race reporting.


you'd be surprised. i bet he has no shame.


Google Chrome user here

i like trasparent things

mick gordon is pretty cool guy

How did you get that set up for foobar?

i pick some black lime theme that i dont remember and modded it myself
It was on deviantart 2 years ago

what do yo lads use now that is rip

Why is dead?

It just werks.

Carly Rae Jepsen, nice

just werks and looks great

I am but a simple man

What player is this?


why would you do this? I know it's a media player but still. one image viewer/video player and audio player with library. unspoken rule.

>Your compatibility with Yuuji21 is Very Low.
sorry man ;_;


I can queue a playlist with mpv, Im fine with it.

also, youtube videos

whatever works for you.I'm glad people are you using mpv on windows. Would be cool if they finally could create a simple installer.


its probably a winamp derivative with a skin

>all this weeb shit


looks like mpd+ncmpcpp




best mpd player.

cantata is pretty nice. i hate how it decides that an album with more than one artist is actually separate albums though


Oh, I think in this particular case it's because of the "/" instead of "&". But yeah, Cantata do separates albums with more than one artist in separate albums.

retag your shit. make Graham Lambkin your sole album artist and it groups it together.

Yeah, but If an album has two separate artists playing different songs, I can't simply say one of them is playing when actually it is not.

Unless you don't care, of course.



>Dr. Peacock

same as always

I still use Windows Media Player. No hate mate. Just works for me.

dats sum nice fonts

Welcome to the year 2016

Whatever happened to Mosh?

If I wasn't so autistic about preserving my play counts since the first ipod, I would love to switch to something like this. itunes is damn ugly

MPD, a bunch of i3 bindings that use mpc and a dmenu script when I want to play a specific song.

Should've used


Can you post the Kuroneko wallpaper?

Just works

What player?

Mah nigga

welcome to 256kbps streaming botnet. get real

name of music player?

music player

This is an anime website.



heyyyy! :)))