Why aren't you using AmigaOS 4.1 on your brand new AmigaONE x5000, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you using AmigaOS 4.1 on your brand new AmigaONE x5000, Sup Forums?
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A lot of money to spend on a toy OS.
At least RISC-OS runs on hardware that costs next-to nothing.
I would if I could afford to do so
Why should I?
lol nice
it might be a toy OS now, but when Amigas came out the OS was pretty OP compared to Macintoshes or DOS computers, just no software but gaymes
Amiga is one of those sad stories, like that one car company with the engine in the trunk from back in the day they made a movie about
>like that one car company with the engine in the trunk from back in the day they made a movie about
Great movie. Highly underrated.
wtf is this contraption
I would if I could afford exotic tech.
>AmigaONE x5000
Topkek, no actual amiga fag takes that shit seriously
I forgot that thing existed, I almost bought one a few years ago.
>just no software
lol it was mostly used as a productivity machine, I bet you don't know more about the Amiga then just the budget machines
outside of Europe it didn't find much productive use other than maybe deluxepaint desu
because AROS
>mostly used as a productivity machine
it was used as both, since the amiga 500 was cheaper and more powerful than anything that dos or mac was capable of.
The Amiga was the original mac, it was more advanced than anything out at the time.
plus it rivaled arcades in graphics and sound, it could actually play live sound
>outside of Europe
>video toaster was an American addon for the American market
They should port it to the talos workstation
Why? They would lose money selling hardware then...
Is that a case mod or the actual amiga one x 5k?
is this like the new meme ?
pls (you) @me if it is so i could start using it on Sup Forums
Amiga One is a board only
>I don't visit threads where the current subject is relevant
>now I see it in it's own thread and label it meme
hello newfriend
>The Amiga was the original mac
What did he mean by this?
If you're too stupid to get it then you're on the wrong board
If you're too stupid to understand how time works, you might be on the wrong plane of existence.
I don't have the money. It's that simple.
Kek, you still don't get it what it was about
>like that one car company with the engine in the trunk
There where several cars from different companies like that
always forget about the meme toaster
there's two things
No worries, it happens when you're a dumbass
>The Amiga was the original mac, it was more advanced than anything out at the time.
yeah... no, just no, maybe in the price range, but they didn't even get hard disks or sane expandability until the big boxes, used the OG 68000 long past its expiration date, and even started coming up short on color graphics towards the end, there's a reason so many amigafags run accelerator-frankensteins and that upgrade market was so prolific, most Amigas were toys unless you paid out the ass
hello, happy 18th birthday, was it fun to browse old forums and wikipedia articles?
>until the big boxes
first amiga was bigbox
>b-but my anecdotes from when I was a kid 20 years ago!
sorry if reality strikes a nerve sometimes
you can keep liking them without spewing bullshit you know, they were still nice systems, but to say they were the "more advanced than anything out at the time" is just a bunch of masturbatory nostalgia-goggled horse shit, they had a lot of cool features that absolutely nothing in their price range could match, but they were still lacking in other areas
we both know what "big box" implies here, that thing was just a future 500 in a 128D shell with no real expansion whatsoever beyond the retarded sidecar bullshit
You pretty much sum up 15 years of Amiga in one post describing things that weren't relevant at a time and where in another as they would have been all at once.
Of course you get made fun of. You obviously weren't part of the computer world back then.
So they'd have a compt that isn't 1000 years behind
>missing the point
yeah keep on coming back with these unsubstantiated "b-but I was 5 in the '80s! stupid kid!" non-arguments like it means you were some kind of industry expert because you took a shit on the same plane of existence at the time
the fact that you would even entertain the notion that expandability and reliable mass storage was "irrelevant" while jerking off to a bunch of gimmicks really wins this argument for me, you're fucking clueless
I mean, let's not even go into detail about a significant portion of the PC platform's success drawing in its compatibility and expandability, or that even Macs and Amigas themselves ended up sporting expansion buses within a few years of their introduction because vanilla hardware and I/O just couldn't cut it for every job especially in the '80s when even the high end was weaker than shit and the interfacing standards of various pieces of equipment so diverse
Stop embarrassing yourself, first post wasn't even mine.
Obviously you have no clue about this shit.
>plane of existence
found the butthurt fag
>like my PC didn't have a floppy controller card
>like my PC didn't have a hard drive controller card
>like I didn't have to manually upgrade my PCs processor or RAM
what are you even on about? those things where normal not just on the PC but on the Amiga, Atari, Macintosh, and even the workstations at the time, instead you seem like expansions ruins a system
That's the budget machines desu, they were cheap alternatives after all, else this .
dude seriously just stop posting, I've outlined my argument and all you've come back with is "im older than you provably" and the implying meme
>first post wasn't even mine
it doesn't matter who was deluded first when you both share it
it was certainly normal and that isn't my implication, just pointing out that the typical Amiga was pretty anemic and practically required that kind of expansion judging by how prominent that practice is compared to other platforms, it's not common to see PCs and even Macs hotrodded as often, definitely not in the circles I run in
I'm not shitting on the big boxes all that much desu, I'd really like to own one myself if they were even remotely attainable
>it's not common to see PCs and even Macs hot-rodded* as often
>definitely not in the circles I run in
you don't visit retro threads much, do you?
That's because a shitty Amiga or Macintosh from the early 90's could still be a revenant machine in the late 90's thanks to expansions then a PC ever could. I can obviously see you don't run in the retro circles.
been to every one since I pushed the original 2014 /retro/ generals and I've seen maybe two or three accelerated macs and not one Pentium Overdrive or similarly chipped PC, RAM and disk upgrades are pretty much a given, but nowhere near the level of hotrod 500s/600s/1200s that seem pretty ubiquitous here and elsewhere
ghosts aren't real user, and this post is unreadable, please proofread in advance
also you're neglecting the hardware differences between these platforms, chipping was generally a failure on PCs post-1992 both because the chip upgrades like the Pentium overdrive were overpriced vaporware and also because you could just straight up board swap your system instead of strangling your brand new CPU on ancient ass chipsets like with Mac accelerators
>I can obviously see you don't run in retro circles
oh look, another bullshit appeal to "authority" like being the village idiot makes you the mayor
>since I pushed the original 2014 /retro/ generals
well memed my friend, you're not him
>but nowhere near the level of hotrod 500s/600s/1200s that seem pretty ubiquitous here and elsewhere
why are you still onto the budget computers need upgrades shit? how does that concept seem so weird to you?
also obviously you don't if you only seen "two or three" I myself already own three 68k Macintoshes with PPC accelerators what I have posted about and I know a few other people who have
>20 year old discovers retro computers
even justin would cringe
can you do anything but sputter about irrelevant bullshit
because no other platform fanbase tricks out their shit as much as amigafags
>also obviously you don't if you only seen "two or three" I myself already own three 68k Macintoshes with PPC accelerators what I have posted about and I know a few other people who have
good for you? it's your anecdote against my anecdote
you're right, he'd shit all over you retards and your weak ass namecalling
>I'm not shitting on the big boxes all that much desu, I'd really like to own one myself if they were even remotely attainable
>says he's a retrofag
>"wants" to own something
>does not own it
Actual enthusiasts are talking, might go sit in a corner, alright?
The butthurt is amazing, you're like the faggot who got pissed about terminal pics.
>you're not an enthusiast unless you BUY! BUY! BUY!
mother of kek, no wonder garbage like that abomination in the OP can continue to scam you delusional children out of thousands of dollars as long as it has the word "Amiga" on it, you're not a fucking enthusiast, you're a sheep
>muh butthurt
it's really hilarious how much you guys project when someone challenges your rose-tinted glasses bullshit
like I've literally not seen a single counter argument to anything actually related to the Amiga that I presented, just a bunch of namecalling and proclaiming yourself an authority on something because of who you circlejerk with
>mother of kek, no wonder garbage like that abomination in the OP can continue to scam you delusional children out of thousands of dollars as long as it has the word "Amiga" on it, you're not a fucking enthusiast, you're a sheep
Yeah, whatever buddy
>like I've literally not seen a single counter argument to anything actually related to the Amiga that I presented
budget machines need expansions to be anything more than budget
you still seem to not understand the concept
also don't mix up some fanbois with actual enthusiasts, makes you seem less of the latter
if quoting some random faggot on the Internet makes you feel better about that Sup Forums-tier bullshit opinion you just shat out, "whatever buddy" indeed
>quoting some random faggot
I might be a faggot, but I ain't just some random faggot :^)
>you're not an enthusiast unless you BUY! BUY! BUY!
well, if you would really want one, you might aswell get it? it's not like it's consumer shit from IKEA, it's cheap shit in garage sales and thrift stores
got my Amiga 2000 3 years ago for 20€ from a basement cleaning sale, box and everything, you look around
you look around, you eventually find it*
>tfw just wanted a nice Amiga thread
>been to every one
Post some of your shit on the current retro thread, I'm curious, ignore the shit in this thread.
>well, if you would really want one, you might aswell get it?
sure thing, I'll just go to the thrift store and get my own boxed machine
obviously you should not have started it with a crap bin that's Amiga in name only
>I pushed the original
The only thing you pushed is a dragon dildo up your butt, you're the kind of people who ruined those threads
But at the end of the day what can Amiga accomplish that linux\osx\windows can't?
Fuck Amiga, bring back OS/2.
But at the end of the day what can OS/2 accomplish that linux\osx\windows can't?
Fuck OS/2, bring back C64.
they're practically nonexistent and very expensive outside of Europe, you don't just casually decide one day to pick that shit up at a garage sale, you spend a lot time searching if you want one cheap and local
and even then you'll be lucky to turn up a big box, people stateside generally thought of it as a gaming/toy platform and didn't really take the high end stuff very seriously, so it's not common
posted some gear in there, don't want to further de-anonymize myself if I can help it for obvious reasons though
I've got a lot of stuff though, lots of PC shit but 68k/PPC Macs and workstations too, an ST, 8-bits as well, I pick up a lot of gear from thrift store back rooms
>don't want to further de-anonymize myself if I can help it for obvious reasons though
>obvious reasons
>make yourself a fool
>hide like an idiot
So you're one of them!
more like I don't feel like flinging shit with a bunch of whiny Amiga fanboys outside of this thread because I didn't mindlessly agree with them because of what sekrit klubs they rolled with
>Amiga fanboys
where? I see people being retrotards in general, no actual fanboys
maybe so, though it sure feels like it takes a fanboy or two to be this buttblasted that they'll try to launch a witchhunt in another thread because I didn't agree with a statement that the Amiga was the most "advanced" system on the market
what casual gets this worked up over someone on Sup Forums not worshipping a piece of plastic and metal they loke?
See why I keep trying to get retro threads removed?
Anything you post and its
"Kid" is just a byword for "I don't have any real argument"
Obviously it's making fun of you Justin.
We been using you as keks for ages now.
as I said, I wasn't the original poster, I just stated that how is the concept of budget machines needing expansions to be anything more then budget a mystery concept for you
nothing weird that those budget machines are loaded with all kinds of frankenstein shit
>"Kid" is just a byword for "I don't have any real argument"
it's more like an argument that "you don't know the shit I had to cope with back in the day with the hardware, I can't even be bothered to explain you shit shit"
i'm not mexican.
nah you're right, stacked up with the relative rarity of big boxes it's not really surprising it is the way it is, it would be pretty dumb of me to contest it after bringing up the reason it isn't this way in PCs
"coping" with the hardware didn't put your finger on the pulse of the industry any more than it did for the typical office drone of the '80s
justin's right for once, it's a cop-out, because you either know you're standing on an unstable foundation or you have no idea whatsoever what you're talking about beyond a couple blurry memories from two decades ago
>"coping" with the hardware didn't put your finger on the pulse of the industry any more than it did for the typical office drone of the '80s
Irrelevant much?
We all know Justin's story and why he's such a buttblasted faggot.
Nobody is talking about "finger on the pulse of the industry", I didn't invent chipsets or processors, but I did have to set up all kind of shit for office drones, media productions, etc, before I could just Google for an answer like "kids" today, stop being such a predictable little bitch.
SJWs do a very similar psuedo-argument, known as the meme "are you kidding me?". Idea is to insist that even asking such a thing means you are immediately wrong. The accusation IS the evidence. Reason why is because they secretly know they have nothing to say against you.
Best example of this nostalgia retardation is how any 80s or 90s person flips nuclear shit whenever you mention replacing the save button since nobody knows what a floppy disk is. But then actually ask about a floppy, and immediately it's "they were complete shit", broke all the time, unreliable, etc. So we're stuck in this retarded quantum circular bullshit circlejerk about how "you don't know shit about computers if you can't recognize a floppy" and "floppies were shit anyway", and the last time they even used one was 15 years ago
kek, they get called "kids" for a reason you know, they act like one
While all you faggots are pining for 'unikernels' and single address space for performance, and bare metal/embedded programming, Amiga had this in the 80s, and never lost it. Enjoy your intel 'management engine' and 'remote chip admin'.
Whatever is old is new again. The future is back to single address space and no-context switch IPC.
There's no such thing as shaming others kids in the retro community, only in Sup Forums and /vr/ because grown men behave like kids.
Nobody even said it as an argument, but usually add to the end of an argument or they just do it to piss people off and it seems to work just fine.
You already posted that shit Also, Macintosh and DOS had this too, that's why shitty software would kill the whole system.
Shitty software SHOULD kill the system. Id rather have the system interrupt than have a system that is in an inconsistent state, leading to data or security corruption! If you think that 'bad software' is fixed by VM/MMU you're fucking daft. This is why the industry is moving back to single address space or unikernel design on a hypervisor. (much like morphos).
Let's apply this idea to servers and see what happens.
But the problem is devs are lazy.
Nobody wants to make software anymore that could crash the whole system before they know it would not sell.
That's why it won't come back, keep dreaming.
No, bad software isn't fixed by MMUs, but lazy devs are, your program crashes, you can just relaunch it.
>While all you faggots are pining for 'unikernels' and single address space for performance
no, we are arguing about useless non tech related shit, gtfo
Holy shit, do some reading. What do you think servers are moving too? What do you think docker is? What do you think unikernels are?
As it is now, 'unikernels' contain the complete OS, but they're moving towards minimized kernels and userspace. Docker and so forth are a precursor.
As it turns out, its much easier to kill/restart a corrupted virtual machine than try to recover an entire OS.
State inconsistency is the biggest problem facing servers and entrprise software.
>Sup Forums
>Nobody is talking about "finger on he pulse of the industry"
you were, when you declared that expandability was irrelevant and started flinging the kid meme with no actual argument to back your whiny ass up, it's not my job to google your nostalgia-tainted opinions for you, if you care so much as you seem to I think you can probably pull a couple more anecdotes and maybe even some facts out of your ass to at least try and back it up, all you've done thus far is spew a bunch of fallacious shoddy bullshit trying to appeal to your age and "experience" instead of reality like an old man ranting about millennials
>but I did have to set up all kind of shit for office drones
that's cool and all and I'm sure you have a lot of interesting stories to tell but that doesn't turn shit to gold or really make you an authority on its technical merits or even demand at large
>haha baited xD
and you wonder why these tards get shit on
>and you wonder why these tards get shit on
I don't, I know they are just here for trolling.
>when you declared that expandability was irrelevant
when did I do that? I didn't bring it up just because they where perfectly expandable, do you even read or just shitpost?
>You pretty much sum up 15 years of Amiga in one post describing things that weren't relevant at a time and where in another as they would have been all at once
since the only particular thing I dwelled on and "described" in the post it replied to was expansion, I took it to mean "expansion was irrelevant." that's demonstrably false for reasons I later enumerated
so was I wrong? re-reading it again, it's quite an ugly run-on
As I said, I didn't even bring up expansions because they had them. I was talking about the fact you brought up the 68k and color capabilities, that weren't a problem most of the machine's lifetime.
maybe we really don't disagree on that, I do still think it was a great platform for most of its life despite my ramblings, but I can't stand the hype
I think I've spent too much time posting shit opinions on the Internet, peace out
Till next time, user