Why don't SSD vendors just take all the cheap nand chips they have lying around and release a 10TB 3.5" SSD?
Why don't SSD vendors just take all the cheap nand chips they have lying around and release a 10TB 3.5" SSD?
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they have to first consider if the cost of such an SSD would be low enough for consumers to want to buy enough of them to turn a profit
you can put together an effective 10TB ssd, by raiding them together
it'll end up faster, too, as you'll have multiple IO channels to use
But I don't need any more speed. I need more space.
just buy a high capacity hard drive
What type of flash memory do they use in ram?
Ram is fast as fuck and doesnt burn out.. why dont we make ssds out of that?
But I already have several. They're limited to 90-110MBps too.
They can't use the same type of memory, because RAM is cleared when there's no power.
RAM uses DRAM, not Flash
DRAM is volatile, unlike Flash, so it will lose its contents once power is lost
this makes it unsuitable for permanent storage
Then buy a 1tb hdd.
then get a hard drive
RAM is only able to store shit when your computer is on.
Why don't you make your own?
But I need fast space.
don't we all
either raid up a bunch of cheap ssd's, if you need their IOPS, or raid up a bunch of hdd's, if you only need more sequential r/w (hdd's are not that bad when you just need sequential r/w)
pick two
Takes a lot of power to store data in ram i think
no (consumer) market, even if they made one, it'd be expensive due to low demand
consumers don't have large active datasets, mixing an ssd with a hdd is the best "bang for buck", with active data on the ssd, and mass storage on a hdd
businesses with large active datasets would benefit from larger ssd's, but they use raid anyway for it's availability advantage, and they're typically not so contrained for power or space either, so having many drives is not a problem
Then put a battery in it like a gameboy or an 1980s memory chip (cant find picture, its an ic with the silicone chipped apart to expose a button cell that you can pry out and put a new on in, /r/ing it if you have it)
Ram doesn't work like that you mouthbreather.
game cart use low power SRAM chips that don't need constant refreshing like DRAM
SRAM is more expensive than DRAM
to be clear, the battery only used for a relatively small savegame area, the actual game is on mask ROM, because it's cheaper to produce en masse than SRAM (not to mention it would be a problem if the game was lost entirely when the battery died)
>needs power to keep its state
>always letting it have power is out of the question
Fucking ssd jew detected, get to work making real shit. Stop peddling slow shit that wears out faster than a fuel filter.
Id buy a 3.5" ssd that has a near infinant life span of fast as fuck memory and is loaded with 18650s
>/r/ing it if you have it
you might, but who else will?
ever heard the term "economic of scale"? things are only cheap is lots of them are made, lots of something is only made if lots of people are buying them
you *can* do that, but it won't be cheap
No the one I was looking at was a tall dip 16 chip with a ag13 inside of the actual chip itself. Its even less user serviceable than that.
Somebody used a magnet to figure out where the battery was, broke the casing open with a chisel, swapped the battery out with a new one, and put it all pack together like nothing happened.
it was /diy/ tier, not /vg/.
Youre telling me you wouldnt buy an ssd that never goes bad and is made out of the same stuff as high end ram?
Is there even an ssd that can max off sata2 right now? let alone take advantage of sata3?
Sata3 is 6gbps.. the best ssd Ive seen is 2.x gbps. That is less than sata 2s specs of 3gpbs
i've seen old RTC chips with integrated batteries, but either way, it's the same technology/idea used as in gameboy carts, just this is more visible
>the best ssd Ive seen is 2.x gbps
m8, you can get ssd's that hit over 2GB/s (16Gbps)
Please be bait.
link? I looked for them but foudn nothing but garbage
might be it, I think it was a flash memory chip though, but he did something like this
and this
wait sata 3 6gbps.. what is that in the standard unit for write speed
28 gbps
>cant tell the difference between bit and byte
Spotted the mactard.
sata is deprecated, m8y, we NVMe now
shit, I got mixed up with the g/bits GBPS and GbPS or whatever stupid wordings werent matching up.
So that thing can read faster than sata III, just cant max off the write?
nvme is a meme
Literally less than 0.2 second load time difference in any real world scenario to SATA.
NVMe SSDs are a waste of money.
Best value right now are the Crucial MX300 SSDs. They are just as fast as all the other SSDs in real-world performance but they only cost €0.22 per GB.
this desu senpai
>the best thing I can do with a 3.5GBps read rate is play Tomb Raider and open GIMP
>and open GIMP
Fucking lost hard
>pcie ssds didnt even sweep the load time benchmarks
those other programs will be bottlenecked by the cpu past a certain point
though i will admit most consumers won't need more than a few hundred MB/s, at this point in time
>bottlenecked by the cpu
What a time to be alive.
That's an EPROM. It is programmed once and maintains it's contents
the only game carts that use EPROM are development carts, not production carts
EPROMs stand out as they always have a sticker on them (to cover the window)
5TB HDD and short stroke it to 2.5TB.