>not using analog clock in your Apple macOS taskbar
i shiggy to dig
>not using analog clock in your Apple macOS taskbar
i shiggy to dig
Analog clocks are for retards
this tbqhfampai-san-sensei. i just duct-taped a sundial to my laptop.
go into any job interview wearing a digital watch. see if you get hired.
digital clocks were actually made for retards who were too retarded to tell time on an analog clock
>not epoch
I don't like having to think about what time it is.
there are people on earth who are as retarded as this poster
Not an argument.
yeah it is, and you made it a stronger one
Not seeing any arguments.
comfy af, ty senpai
allow me to clarify, this is what he probably means:
>look at analog clock
>short hand is on 6
>long hand is a little past 4
>think for a second
>it's 6:21
>look at digital clock
>it says 6:21AM
>no need to look at it or think about it, it's 6:21Am
>he's so unfamiliar with analog clocks he cannot tell exact time at a glance
a bit harder to tell without any markings
this, except this analog clock doesn't even have numbers, so how are you even supposed to tell the time at all
You are legitimately retarded if you cannot read an analog clock. Do you need someone to assist you with shitting? Can you chew your own food?
Not using 24 hour time :^)
This is acceptable but autistic
Irony is, you don't even have a job.
what the fuck is this
only if you're a cuck. seriously, get on my level. i'm not even a chad
i do use 24 hour time because i live in a civilised country, but analogue clocks are more sophisticated
>I hate convenience
please don't shoot the messenger
I use an analog clock on my wrist where it belongs.
>go into system prefs thanks to meme OP
>discover huge list of system voices i've never seen before
that's the difference between osx and windows. you really do get what you pay for