Maximum comfy.
Maximum comfy
What makes you think it could not get any comfier? Sure doesn't look comfy.
>taskbar at the top
Get out
>generic kernel
>3 times the same info "me@zzzyh" - uhh bloat anyone?
>clock on screen
>volume set to maximum
>non-standard Ubuntu icon
it's even 4 times the same info
Gnome is the best DE.
works on my machine.
Gnome is cancer incarnate.
It's like someone took a tablet UI and said "What can we do to make this worse?"
how do i do this
I think GNOME is absolutely designed with desktop PCs in mind. It is completely keyboard-controlled, and I've found a lot of features are really useful once you get used to them. alt-tab showing you windows from every workspace is often slammed, but it actually allows you to use workspaces extremely productively once you figure out a good method of controlling it. I love being able to open any program, resize any window, tile any window, change workspaces, close (almost) any window, or log out with a keyboard shortcut. it's incredibly responsive.
I don't agree with the default feature that opening another instance of a window just takes you to the open window, but I think the extension to fix that is installed by default, so it's all good.
Anyway, you should use things before you develop opinions on them.
>window buttons disabled by default
>active window bar disabled by default
>application menu disabled by default
>can't create text documents without making a template
>annoying hot corners
I can't think of any worse UI for a desktop OS.
Install Gnome and the Arc Theme.
Not him, I tried Gnome 3 numerous times since the time it was created. I started using linux in Gnome 2 days for the record. I actually have a lot of respect for people who are capable of not slamming their fist through their monitor when using Gnome 3. I legitimately gave it a try on numerous occasions, and it was shit every single time. My last attempt was few weeks ago. Who the fuck thinks anything developers did with this DE is a good idea. Why is fucking tray icon in bottom left corner. Why the fuck can't I get rid of this shit without downloading some crappy extension that will be fucking broken with next update. Why the fuck is there no file path in nautilus. Why does everything look like it was made for toddlers.Why is nothing customizeable without additional program that still doesn't make it half as customizeable as other DEs Who the fuck even uses this shit.
The only good thing about Gnome 3 is that it served as a decent base for Cinnamon devs that built normal DE for human beings around it.
I feel pretty comfy with pic related. A tiling WM might make it more comfy, but I always change back after using one.
>can't create text documents without making a template
is this the new desktop thread
Wrong. I'm using the latest gnome and you can't create documents at all (default)
>two taskbars
Nice screen space utilisation and usability... NOT
>I can't think of any worse UI for a desktop OS.
The list goes on and on, they're all shit when compared to gnome 3.