There are girls browsing Sup Forums right now

>there are girls browsing Sup Forums right now

>girls (male)

i pretend like everyone is a girl until proven otherwise


Ask a gal anythin

ur all my trap blowjob slaves

favorite distro?

No, we're safe here.

Go back to bed, user.


CALL 911


fuck man, you just scared them off

I'm a gamer girl



How big is your dick

Don't get exited, you won't get any from femanons

Tits or gtfo?

Bigger than yours

Tee hee

I am a born and raised femanon. AMA.


Im a girl but only when I'm wearing a skirt :3

>girls on Sup Forums

good one

Girls who are into tech and Sup Forums related subjects usually dont have that feminine charm. Literally they are neckbeard in every sense of a word except they have female reproducticle organs instead of male and dont have a beard (this is not alwaya the case though).

what if I put you in leggings or knee socks instead?

Go away you virgin bully

There are girls on Sup Forums but believe me, they don't to Sup Forums. They go to boards like Sup Forums, /an/ and /soc/


Get away from my virginity you perverted freak!!!11


not her btw

Oh yes pls.
>tfw no qt femmy bf who enjoys dressing me up in girly clothes and forcing me into have degrading submissive sex where I'm the girl

im a masculine guy,I know you'll still let me push your head in my groin and force my dick in your pretty faggot face tho. and yea I'd make you moan in a girl voice and wiggle / shake your hips like a thirsty girl while fucking

thats enough internet for today.

Yep, guys on this site range from normalfags to full out aspies. But females on this site are 100% of the time on the aspie side.

imagine being forced to wear girls clothes and then having your penis locked up in chastity so that the only way you can feel pleasure is from being fucked like a girl while your useless girly dick flops up and down

I bet that's the dream of your life, degenerate :3


I don't believe any of this

I do. Keep in mind that this is compared to "average".
Considering that Sup Forums has faggy shit like Sup Forums, /mlp/, /lgbt/, /soc/, etc. I bet there are plenty of girls on Sup Forums compared to other websites.

>Sup Forums

make no mistake, those are men posting and only men. totally not teenage girls from tumblr, gaia, and deviantart. yeah. Sup Forums is bros.




Wearing panties and calling yourself a trap doesn't make you a girl.


what fucking year have i wondered into

Girls are overrated as fuck. I was in a relationship for a year. After the first two months the magic faded and it became a drag.

Both men and women are human, after a while our disgusting habits surface which annoy the other person. There is no denying that pussy feels great but it is not worth the headache afterwards.

Not her, still a gal.
Arch Linux.

On a scale of 1 - 10, how do you rate your looks? How much do you weigh?

I'll answer, but only if you post your height.

>tfw no trap blowjob slave

gonna kms Sup Forums



you're right

you need the entire ensemble
pantsu, knee socks, a skirt and a copy of SICP

>not having a girlfriend () who codes

You make Sup Forums look bad. Damn Macfags.

Yes, there are.

What's the point of calling attention to it? It'll just be one of those "tits or GTFO"/"rant about wimmin in tech"/"moan about traps" (one way or the other) shitposting threads.

This isn't a treehouse. Literally anyone can post here, as demonstrated every day in every thread. Whether anyone wants to because it's a Clueless cesspool, that's a different question, but at least this isn't, say, the gossipy bitchfest of the seagulls over on the cosplay board. It's no /u/ or /d/ either, occasional 'trap programmer' moments aside (which, incidentally, I am 100% OK with).

Favourite distro? Void Linux has some neat ideas; I've gotta give some love to all the other OSes out there, Minoca looks fun and very NT-inspired (in a good way), Fuschia looks like one to watch and I've got to recognise seL4, in as much as that counts as an OS; what I actually use is Ubuntu, however, after many years of being a stable, dependable Debian with less shit defaults. I've got a Win10 desktop too, because it makes a nice desktop.

real Sup Forumsirls use arch linux with pastel color rice

Again, you homo/fag enabler

it does if you're cute

DNA doesn't lie.


I hate how much I hear about Fuschia compared to how much I concretely know about it. 2suspense4me

Third fembot reporting, Debian wrapped in AVLinux reporting. Ask me nothing.

you sound like you have a case of sour grapes because you don't have the willpower to pull off being cute

You are not a girl, you're a fag wearing a girl's panties. You have a penis. And analysis of your DNA reveals that you're a male even though you're so mentally ill to think you're female.

in the internet, no one knows you're a young white male posting anonymously.

> he actually thought this would be a good post

You got me user, I do love me's some cock. At least I don't have to beg for it like you though ^__________^

>in the internet, no one knows you're a young jewish male posting as a young white male


nevermind, wrong file

this thread is shit anyway

ITT: faggots pretend to be women for attention

..and why exactly did you just bump this shit thread back up user?

Here's your (you)..

Only faggots would be desperate enough to give you cock anyways.

Just fuck my shit up

i can't believe this shit wasn't deleted. a new low everyday. i give up