What went wrong?
What went wrong?
>the model for all OS'es that came after
they started mimicking mobile tracking and including advertising directly in the OS
Topkek, how was your 18th birthday?
memes aside
window 95 was a mix of 32bit and 16bit code and a messy one at that which lead to frequent crashes
Windows 95 wasn't an OS at all
it was a DOS shell
what does the OS in DOS stand for, hmm?
It stands for shut the fuck up.
DOS is an OS, WIndows 95 is a shell.
I was talking exclusively about Windows, not DOS.
>literary one of the youngest operating systems
>one of the last ones to get a actual GUI
>model for all others
you see any modern OS that look like fucking amiga, os2 or next? no. They all look like windows 95
I think that Ubuntu just barely beat them to it.
they all look like mac os
including 95 itself
Yes, macOS and Loonix DE's look exactly like those old OS's with their menu bars and window controls.
Only Windows looks like Windows.
You are also shallow for only considering at looks.
yeah the Amazon shit was pretty shady, but they're not downloading Candy Crush Saga with your system updates
>Windows looks like any other OS that came decades before it only with a taskbar*
>implying the "taskbar" was an Windows thing
Kek, it's scary how clueless Sup Forums sometimes is
Most likely only because Canonical didn't get paid for it.
Taskbar was the thing Windows at least popularized.
Source: DEs before and after Windows 95.
Unless you where a office drone you knew exactly how to make anything to your liking before Windows became popular and forced everything on people
Tasking is not a Windows invention, keep dreaming
You'd better show what exactly DE had taskbar the first. Swearing at anons isn't nice behavior.
>Swearing at anons isn't nice behavior.
wat, triggered much?
>You'd better show what exactly DE had taskbar the first.
There where several simple add ons for loads of systems.
Also stop calling them DEs, they weren't like todays Linux DEs.
Apple's Lisa had a taskbar way before Windows did.
Apple Lisa was released in 1983:
NeXTSTEP opened dynamic icons in its dock for every new program opened
MacOS had an program to make the task switcher a window that you could snap to the corner of the screen
Workbench had programs that had a dock or just a window with active windows listed and clicking to bright them to front
UNIX workstations had DE addons that displayed a list of running programs you could switch, that's not a new thing
mostly at the time there where far better alternatives for a taskbar because of the way you used the system
>had an program
>had programs
>had DE addons
woah it's fucking nothing
Windows 95 was the first shell to make this behavior default and available from the first start.
But nobody asked for it, people know how to customize their desktop for their liking, Windows just picked one way and forced it.
>people know how to use computers
Yes, son, back in the late 80's people who used computers actually knew how to use them.
Unless you where a office drone, the exact audience Windows targeted.
People wouldn't be so technologically illiterate if things weren't made this easy.
The majority mainstream people care about having the latest iPhone, the latest smart TV, the latest OS, etc, but do they do this because they like the software and hardware and understand how stuff works or are they buying these things just to look cool?
Windows 8, then 8.1 and then 10.
8.1 was OK
10 is perfect 7 replacement
Unless you're a stupid illiterate and don't know how to utilize it
hahah, lol
>still apologizing for windows 95
>unironically using Edge
>unironically even having Edge on your system
Not my fault.
>Unless you're a stupid illiterate and don't know how to utilize it
nice try pajeet, but no. your piece of shit is broken from the very first screen that you se when you boot your pc.
Works on my machine, please fuck off if you're too stupid, this isn't a place for tech illiterate people.
You can be sure as hell the botnet part of it works flawlessly.
The guest OS is the problem. The host does not have anything to do with what's inside the VM.
Sure thing, Microsoft is going bankrupt because all the big corporations using LTSB are sueing them for the botnet in it.
Oh wait, it's not.
you Linuxfags are more concerned with being autistically "correct" than actually doing any real analysis of the world, which is exactly why the year of the Linux desktop is postponed indefinitely
Not into Linux.
Also Linux didn't exist back then.
Steve Ballmer happened.
u mad Bro?
not him, but stale memes from ages ago are the only mad thing in this thread
You didn't like motherfucking awesome REVERSI?
What ever went right? Microsoft has been nothing but faggotry and cancer since day one.
That's LTSB 2016 x86 in the screenshot.
How could Steve Jobs compete!?
>meanwhile in the adult world
>10 years later
>LTSB 2016 x86
not him, but ltsb with that login screen?
are you using some pirated crapversion?
Same issue is present on 2015 as well.
It's a VM. I don't need it to have more than 2GB of RAM. And everything else that an x64 OS can offer is not going to be of any use anyway.
No, it's the official iso file. That's the default logon screen picture.
>No, it's the official iso file.
sure thing, ltsb does not have the blue window background while logging in
I bet it's some merged iso file with other updates
Is that legit version? I wanna install ltsb n edition but not sure how to activate it,
What? Those 2 videos cover the ads made during roughly the same exact time period.
>Same issue is present on 2015 as well.
Not on my machine, if you're too stupid and pick shitty builds it's not my fault.
Oh well, there was just iMac as as a thumbnail.
the editions you install on many machines are usually preactivated
I made a copy of an official disc my relative got from work
You truly are retarded.
Yes. Don't use the N version, it lacks codecs and the only difference is the WMP. Every piece of crap is still in there. Use Microsoft Toolkit for activation: forums.mydigitallife.info
Lo no.
>You truly are retarded.
thanks for confirming my thoughts, keep being a clueless faggot
noice, I like how you have to mess with ltsb at work every day
oh wait, you don't you just torrent
Those are from MSDN idiot, the torrent files are made by me and uploaded.
But it also lacks store, apps, cortana and other ms bullshit
Keep acting like a retard.. You truly are proving me wrong.
Ads in the start menu and pushing that cortana whore with notifications.
Sure thing fella, whatever helps you sleep at night
Normal LTSB lacks those too
Yes those are not present anymore. However, telemetry is still there and can't be disabled completely via GPedit (text attatched). Also Cortana is still there, just disabled.
Hurts that much?
>You truly are proving me wrong.
Don't need to, people who know this shit already laugh at you
Yes, those who have a clue and know how to check a hash surely think you showed me.
What went wrong?
Who are they all?
2000-tan does funny things to my peepee