ITT: tech red flags

ITT: tech red flags.

>program is written in python
>program name starts with GNU

Other urls found in this thread:

>program is written in Java
>program name starts with Microsoft (Visual Studio is the exception, this program is amazing)

>the post has an anime picture attached to it

>program name contains "free"

>program doesn't come with documented source code
>program isn't distributed in source only form

>the OP likes redhead sluts

What is deluge?

>"tech" guy wears a suit.

So much this.

Only use "Libre" and "Open".

>his favorite idol isn't nozomi

>available only on Windows
>wants you to install Chrome and/or toolbars
>requires Java, flash player or another 3rd party dependency to work
>requires Internet connection to work or start working
>installation file is provided through or a similar ad infested site
>has the word "legit" anywhere
>requires subscription
>is an anti virus
>made by Microsoft

>visual studio is amazing
Nice meme pajeet

>his favorite idol isn't kotori

> it uses scons/cmake
> written for nodejs
> it uses boost
> it uses linuxisms / doesn't work ootb on *BSD
> it doesn't work ootb on cygwin/mingw
> .net

>he actually watches anime

They are awesome.

Not GNU.

Deluge is a BitTorrent client written in Python. Deluge is cross-platform, using a front and back end architecture where libtorrent, a software library written in C++ which provides the application's networking logic, is connected to one of various front ends (including a text console, a Web interface, and a graphical desktop interface using GTK+) through the project's own Python bindings.

Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3, Deluge is free, open source software

>Product name starts with Micro*

>installer gently persuades you to install some other program
>installer installs it anyway
>programmed in java
>explanation of the program is on a single webpage with no scrollbar or external links to anything with more info, but is actually still complicated
>installer installs an installer, so there is no offline installer
>installer makes you point to different dependency locations rather than figuring it out by itself
>proprietary/closed source/invitation required for a relatively simple program or tool
>regular version has all the tools you don't want and one tool you want, but premium has tons more tools you don't want, and one tool you were actually looking for
>asks me to buy premium before or during the install, or asks me constantly when using it
>all updates and added features only go to the premium version
>must start on boot in order to work, but uses this to exploit the user by opening a webpage or any window to tell you something
>custom borders/UI/notifications
>hasn't updated in over 6 months
>more open pull requests than issues
>many easy-fix issues are open for over 6 months
>broken links in documentation, yet the project is still very active
>"be sure to add this line to [environment variables, etc] in order for this to work!"
>"see special install instructions for [your specific device, out of all possible fucking devices]" and still doesn't work
>constantly yells at you to update or updates for you, or completely refuses to operate until you update (out of security purposes, surely)
>requires visual studio as well as 37 different C++ redistributables for windows, but requires nothing for Linux (fuck you Mozilla [spidermonkey in particular])
>everyone begs the author to do something, but that violates some sort of philosophy, and gives no reason except that it violates the philosophy
>written in some spinoff of another language (coffeescript, for example)
>site talks more about how great they are than they do about the program itself

I mean this:

The op mentioned GNU, not GPL.


>"uninstall" program
>is still leaves files and launches them at autorun

>Russian text anywhere in the readme
>payment is repeated or only lasts a year rather than a single one time payment
>asks you repeatedly to get the app
>"about the author" page is the longest page
>front page is one of those giant high-res pictures of something irrelevant to the program, or just a single screenshot of the program that doesn't tell you anything with giant buttons for "installation" and maybe some other pages, but no page for "what the fuck this is"
>trial version is limited, so you don't even know what you'd get if you bought it (which is the point of the trial)
>MUST log in to use it, requires social media or an email
>three different pages, "download" talks about dependencies, "installation" tells you how to install it, but has no download link, "setup" actually has the download link, and gives the same instructions as "installation"
>free, but begs for donations
>actually has ads inside the program itself
>site tries to look all cool and hip with the youth rather than professional and structured
>program tries to do the same
>some shortcuts aren't defined and some features are hidden (like how ctrl+x used to actually close Eclipse in the older versions [like 2-3 years ago])
>use of the program requires internet connection, yet it's just a simple tool
>updater doesn't remove previous versions, so you end up with some sort of problem later on
>program takes forever to boot up, even when it's something simple (like fucking Eclipse)
>any sort of administration issue, where ownership is either disputed or could change (new authors completely change software)
>software/project name is after some random animal no normal person knows about
>constantly updates its GUI with no way to go back to previous themes
>cares more about one specific community, demographics, their looks, popularity, or amount of features than they do about how the users like it
>creator(s) spend all their time insulting those who don't like them or their software

>have to solve russian/arab capcha to download program

>program is written by a woman

"Free" = probably nagware


>endorsed by the FSF

>audio in game stops working if you install additional codecs

>program can either export uncompressed avi or h.264 (but only if you install quicktime)

>Requires you to install something like Java or some redistributable during the install process
>Installer actually downloads the application during install (what the fuck is wrong with an installer that has the whole thing from the get-go?)
>Node.js in general (job application required me to learn it to solve a programming task even thou it's not even a Node.js job)
>Uses it's own proprietary implementations of things when there are good open source implementations available
>Transferring sensitive information like credit card information without SSL (you still see this occasionally)
>Project or company strongly advertises it's diversity efforts and how supposedly diverse it is
>Project or company actually lets politics affect the technical aspects of a product and/or funds expensive efforts for trivial things like changing the wording used in the source code (I'm looking at you firecuck)

Only if you are blind and can't choose not to install.

That's like saying that Win10 is not a botnet bcause you can just use it offline all the time.

>written in C
>no unittests
>warnings during compilation

What the fuck is wrong with C you goddamn nigger

Probably some asspained Java fanboy pissed off about not everything that could be written in Java, being written in Java.

>uninstall shitware
>uninstaller offers you a discount for premium together with a picture of a cat

>"Gaming" attached to the name of anything
>no technical specs whatsoever on the page/packaging
>all reviews by normies (ie; "its worsk so buetifully 5 ster" or "lags and doesnt woerk is rubish")
>installer requires extra downloads
>program size suspiciously large or small for what it is
>any form of bloat anywhere
>opting for inefficient languages when it clearly could have been done in regular or more efficient ones
>looking at you java you fat fuck
>robot waifu starts asking about the patriarchy and making dial up modem noises

>open readme.txt
>It only contains "Everything in this release is documented."

>main website is source forge
>program urges you it's free and legit, yet it's closed source
>says it's open source, github repo is just full of precompiled binaries for different versions
>closed source, linux install is "apt-get install..." with no binaries
>uses a mirror for a download link (even worse if the mirror is broken)
>authors use their twitter to talk about more than their program or organization (or rather, anything controversial)
>config files for program are fucking all over the place
>program is completely updated, was updated last week/month, but requires a specific version of a dependency that would break other programs and will not work with anything else, author refuses to find a workaround
>"ignore the warning when compiling"
>"will not work on windows versions below 8" (it's rare now that windows 7 doesn't work, but it'll get increasingly less rare the next few years)
>mac/ios has more documentation and details than windows or linux
>first thing in the FAQ is the author (angrily) trying to justify something
>Supports [whatever you explicitly chose not to use] as well as [exactly what you have], but "we recommend you/it will be easier if you use [the former]"
>any meme at all on any documentation or in the program itself
>the word "share" is anywhere in the settings (when referring to data)
>multiple different pages for documentation (as in, not accessible from one place), with some of it missing for over 3 months
>anyone using Gentoo on Sup Forums doesn't like it
>made many different tools and sticks a prefix to all of them
>main organization has so many projects and users that any development at all that isn't fixing bugs (or even is fixing bugs) is laughable
>has different files, meant for the user to read, with different extensions (some with .docx, .txt, .pdf (with no pictures), .yml, no extension, .dat, etc)
>has "reviews" by "actual people" on website
>anything to do with storing your data online

Is python that bad?

>what the fuck is wrong with an installer that has the whole thing from the get-go?
Sometimes they want to pull only what's needed for your computer, by using the installer to check for and resolve dependencies.

That's usually their excuse, it probably actually is so they can send info about your computer and what you have installed back to them.


It's a scripting language. If it's used for any large scale project, it's a pain in the ass for the author and the user.

It's great for small scale to mid scale projects though.

It's extremely handy for building small scripts, but its shitty OOP model and dynamic-typing make it unusable for proper projects.

Ah I see you also are a man of sophistication and impeccable taste

>made with love
>many github stars
>in javascript, haskell, go, rust
>X but in memelanguage
>curl|sudo bash install
>links to author's twitter
>author has unnatural hair color / is a numale
>for humans
>macos screenshots
>has a GUI or is a website

>has a "lite" and/or "pro" version

yes I too have autism, however I am more on the high-functioning end of the spectrum

>""""artisan"""" code

If you're a NEET who has all the time in the world to code fizzbuzz everyday then by all means use nothing but C, but in the real world people need high level abstraction in order to solve real world problems.

Nobody is going to wait on some autistic fuck to spend months coding up basic facilities present in modern languages by default, by the time the autismo finishes writing basic functionality, the competitor will have already coded and deployed the app and probably ended the product's life cycle.

>not in debian repositories

>software craftmanship

stupid maki poster

>Uses ubuntu
>Likes Python
>Does web development but can't manage a database

Ubuntu's fine, get your asperger's under control