What are the main differences in a 720p display vs a 1080p display on a 6 inch screen?
What are the main differences in a 720p display vs a 1080p display on a 6 inch screen?
There isn't a significant one, they both look alright, but 1080p will look sharper and less jagged from close up. Unless you're holding it 10cm from your face or closer you shouldn't really notice
You're going to see a pretty large difference in text and smaller finer things, like rocks on the ground or far off creatures.
>Nintendo putting 4GB of vram in 2017
I would have been ok if the dock had power to unleash additional performance but no; Nintendo still thinks they can get away with it by cheaping out.
This device is not for me.
4GB isn't bad so long as they don't reserve more than 512MB for the OS.
Fucking shit if OS needs 1GB.
Isn't 4gb the largest in any handheld gaming system ever?
Wouldn't the fact it's using cartridges offset this a bit?
that's twice the amount in the wii u
The game carts are 16gb. I'm not convinced
How crazy is that?
What even is the differences when making games on cartridges vs discs? Like as far as what theyre capable of.
I dunno. Ram partitions on SD cards.
Shit's fast.
how old are you?
you will only see a difference if you stuff your face 1" from the screen.
i know because i have a sony t2 ultra 6" 720pee.
21, to be honest.
>tfw some people on Sup Forums are so young that they don't know the feeling of owning a cartridge-based video games console.
>tfw some people have never put a cartridge up their butt
I actually do. I had all the cartridges from when my mother was a kid.
>Nintendo putting 3.5gb of vram in 2017
>4GB of VRAM for gaming is bad
oh wait, I forgot we have to measure graphical power in teraflops, not memory/clock speed. that's the only way microshills/sonyponies understand anything.
Did she have a 2600
Nintendo's target audience is still children. I'm not sure what retard came up with the idea to put children's games on a fucking tablet. Kids will wreck that shit in no time.
carts are fast but expensive(per GB), discs are cheap and hold a lot
remember back to the N64 vs PS1 days. PS1 games were much longer with far more content like real music and voice acting, but you had to wait eons for something as simple as twisted metal to load up. N64's cartridge system was just the opposite
>I'm not sure what retard came up with the idea to put children's games on a fucking tablet
how can anyone be this disconnected from reality? Most of the stupid games in the play store/app store are for kids. Kids are a huge market in tablet gaming
>those bezels
>That's the same as my phone faggot
The difference is one is720 while the other is 1080
it's not just a 6 inch screen. it's a 6 inch screen right in front of your face.
compare a 720p iphone to a 1080p phone. you can literally count the pixels on the iphone. and they are like 4 inches.
Has to have them because it has a touch screen. People could accidentally touch the screen and fuck shit up when playing.
>portable console
>it's humongous
The Switch is just a super powerful handheld that you can connect to your TV.
I highly doubt that we all at least had an n64
>What even is the differences when making games on cartridges vs discs?
>carts are fast but expensive(per GB), discs are cheap and hold a lot
capacity is not exactly apples-to-apples.
disk seeks are really slow, especially on optical, so you often see content redundantly recorded in order to make big linear reads.
with solid-state storage, you can just store textures etc. once and not worry about killing load times by hopping around numerous files.
Are you fucking memeing? VRAM is not storage. Am I missing something?
historically, nintendo gets an independent auxiliary processor with independent memory for his os.
Your phone has vram?
>what is Gameboy Advance
Historically flagship Nintendo games lags like fuck. There isn't a single version of the 3DS doesn't lag to hell during certain scenes, some as common as the battle split screen (literally every battle) when playing Pokemon. They even sold the New 3DS as having superior processing power while locking the frame rates with no improvement.
God help if you turn on the 3D while playing Pokemon.
The difference is 1,152,000 pixels.