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2008 really was the golden age of personal computing
>Android is a web browser
Default gecko-based android browser.
I'm colorblind what the heck am I looking at?
Everything's dying while Google is prospering.
Firefox was such a balls up.
It's crazy what kinda results being able to advertise your browser on the most visited webpage on the internet will get you.
desktop is dying and mobile is winning
It was doomed as soon as they went to rapid-release updates and decided they wanted to be chrome instead.
SJW's fucking that shit up good.
>1. Chrome
>2. Safari
Looks like KDE wins again folks! KHTML wins!
>google owns largest search engine
>google owns most popular browser
>google owns ISP
how much longer til google owns me?
kinda funny how even since april 2012 I still see more people using firefox than chrome.
Where do these numbers come from? I suspect this has something to do with universities switching to chrome, and installing it on all 9 gorillion of their computers
Also not "android" isnt a webbrowser, the default browser in android IS "chrom". So every smartphone ever made is adding points to "chrome", which really took off starting around 2010 - 2013, where chrome really began to grow.
>mfw chrome is the new IE
if a few ms is enough to get you to betray your privacy by using chrome, then you are a gigantic faggot who deserves everything coming to you
So more people are using a competitor browser...ok, keep me posted
But user, they already do.
The pulled something straight out of a dystopian cyberpunk novel about all powerful mega corporations and got away with it because of their harmless looking logo and headquarters.
>how long till the own me
They already do, but the question you really need to ask is who owns them.
and i'm on opera...
"There are lies, bloody lies and statistics.."
The default browser of android identifies itself as chrome, so whenever an android uses the web you get +1 for the chrome statistics.
I weep for the fate of Firefox, but I don't regret the switch. Perhaps one day I shall return to its warm embrace...
You forgot:
..the list goes on and on. Basically google know what you write to whom, where you meet, what music you like, what you are searching for in the internet and so on. Just a few more years they control everything and then we will pay for it, one way or another.
Mark my words.
Smart phones reigning over desktop markets.
>tfw Opera will soon surpass IE and Firefox
Freetards and Blink keks BTFO
They really do control pretty much everything though. Even how people react or think, or what they decide to do when searching.
just look at smartwatches now. They're so, so convenient. You can use like 30 different services between that and your smartphone that track how you behave, what you eat, where you go frequently and even stuff you wouldn't trust your friends to know.
It has gotten so, so scary that you should just embrace it.
Oh, and of course:
-google documents
You still think it's a good idea to expand their empire?
Sit you ass down, here's a atory.
>be me
>at my uncle's house
>le he brought a new laptop for his presentations
>Literally brought a $900 Dell and when I asked him why, he said that it was because "apples are not as cheap"
>I'm the >le computer haxxor
>Tells me it is running slow
>he can't use the internet for shit
>It actually runs slow
>win 10 (jfc)
>fuckton of dell utilities installed
>bullshit programs running int he background
>I ask him to search for something online
>He tries to open chrome
>I tell him not to
>Looks at me with a blank expression and says, "but then how will we go online without internet explorer?"
>mfw he signs into chrome
>mfw he runs 10 addons and toolbars
>he types google.com in the search bar
This is 99% of users.
>99% of users
Nine. Ty. Ni. Nnnnnnnn. Per. Cen. T? Eyyyh??!
u havin a fockin laff m8?
mozilla what the fuck are you ding? just merge the servo shit in gecko already
You know that 1% is a lot of users, right?
Yes, even though it's only 20% of the population of Earth (unless you want to count in smartphones and the like).
So, roughly 1.5 billion people are complete retards when it comes to computers, and around 15 million aren't, is what you're saying.
So I'm askin' ya m8 if yer havin a focking laff cos that's some uppity hoppity optimistic numbers if I ever saw some.
I cannot remember anymore, at which date did firefox start to copy everything from Chrome?
>chrome skyrocketing
>every fucking android smartphone, EVERY SINGLE ONE has chrome preinstalled
>chromium counts as chrome too
0 days without jewish tricks
>muh smartphones
Here's the desktop-only chart, user. Chrome is actually even more dominant in this one. Explain that with
>muh smartphones
IE was shit and Firefox decided to become just a lame copy of Chrome so there was no more reason to use it over Chrome.
Never tried Edge, maybe it's alright but it just came too late when Chrome was already established.
If they want to break Chrome's market dominance they would have to come up with a browser that brings some serious convenience advantage and pray that Google doesn't just copy it within a couple of days. user's chart here proves that it is not just about being the stock browser, people are actually willing to install a new one.
you mean pajeet tricks
I'm surprised that persistent marketing could kill IE.
Media are powerful as fuck.
You know that pajeets are just asskissers, right?
>/r/pcmr - google chrome
>Sup Forums - mozilla firefox
Well as the years went, Firefox lost its originality and slowly started becoming Chrome, so normie users had no reason to just not switch to Chrome and benefit from its memory management.
>Sup Forums
>sjw bullshit instead of hand made WebKit based browser
I'll never understand why so many programs try to just copy the more successful competitor rather than coming up with something new that sets them apart
It's a fucking death sentence, if you turn your program into a copy of the other - even if you do it perfectly - it is still inferior because it will always lack behind in development since you're just aping.
Mozilla has no time to come up with their own design and features for a simple web browser when they have so many minority outreach programmes to manage.
When will those furfags learn that Firefox era is over? It used to be the best browser around, but now it's just a Chrome clone, face it.
Because, chromium, Opera, and other forks of chromium are counted as "Chrome".
Still the only browser that lets me properly stack my tabs in a vertical tree.
that's why I use Yandex (And you should use it too).
>the shittiest browser around since IE and it's relatively popular
>how much longer til google owns me?
Oh you silly user
There are some extensions that allow you to do that on Chrome, see "Tabs Outline", that's the one I use.
Tabs Outline uses a separate window for the tabs. Not nearly as good as TST.
Why do normies use Chrome?
Yet more evidence that the whole of internet went to shit after 2007.
browsing this thread with edge
with webm support it would become the perfect Sup Forums browser
Browsers went to shit when the damn Norwegians decided to kill Opera.
These days I use palememe, and I just expect any day now the retarded sjw cabal in mozilla to officially kill firefox.
2007 and 2012 were years when everything just went to utter shit
Shouldn't they?
nobody cared about iphone until iphone 3g senpai
They are the best company really. I'd trust them with all my data.
Opera absolutely isn't counted as Chrome. Chromium is, and should be, but is only a tiny, tiny fraction of the market, considering desktop Linux is at about 1% market share and most freetards won't use Chromium. Windows users are even less likely to seek it out, with only third party builds available. It's completely insignificant to Chrome's overall domination. As would Opera be, even if it was counted. None of the other Chromium forks have enough users to be relevant either.
It's not just the iphone, but the whole mobile internet thing and a lot of other services popping up for the normies within that year: tumblr created in 2007, facebook goes public, android explodes in popularity, the wii and casual gaming etc.
>2008 First term of Obama's presidency
>Internet goes to shit
>2012 second term of Obama's presidency
>even more shit
I've cracked the code
No, they should be counted as "chromium-based"
Why is Opera not counted? Don't say "you're talking about chropera" meme.
What about "firefox-based" browsers then?
>he types google.com in the search bar
If he's using Chrome, how comes he types google.com in the search bar when search bar and address bar are unified there?
But I do know what you mean. I've found that most people just google whatever website they want to go on.
>most people just google whatever website they want to go on
it's safer too
As an Opera user, the past year or two have been some tough times indeed.
I was/am an hardcore firefox supporter but holy shit, chromium is fucking fast and smoth compared to firefox.
>i left school between 2007-2012
How is it safer? Because of typos?
I'm talking about people and their commonly visited websites here. Typing f in address bar and selecting facebook from drop down is a lot less hassle than googling it every single time. It's just that extra step that makes no sense.
Nah, like, if he wants to go to fb
>select chrome icon on desktop
>Press enter
>click on address bar
>peck and hunt to type google's complete address including http and the last backslash
>click on google search field when it loads
>peck and hunt to type facebok's complete address and the last backslash
>find mouse cursor on screen and then guide it to the "Search" button and click twice
>Read links from the search results from the start (including the ads)
>find cursor again and click on facebook.com
What's wrong with firefox?
It's facebook technology you dummy, you meant: angular
It's slow and ran by SJWs. Other than that, nothing.
It's funny because I find these people at work whose job is mainly producing documents, and their workflow is so painfully slow that I can't imagine them actually getting anything done over an hour.
>types at 30wpm
>needs 5 seconds to locate their mouse
>"oh, where did I save my document?"
And these people absolutely refuse to listen or even try to become better, because why would they? Their job is safe and they're making $90k a year.
Fuck public sector.
all the alternatives are bad though.
Chrome makes my computer tank
Opera is lacking all my addons and extentions
Nothing. They just don't have the money to counter the advertising campaign Google runs against it.
Pretty sure it's Blink based.
When something is free, you are the product.
Also, ghacks.net
Opera can run Chrome addons, user. Because it's Chropera.
Sure, it's not because their browser became a sluggish piece of shit Chrome clone.
Repeating your lie won't make it true, Pajeet.
It's based on webview. Samsung browser is the one blink based.
ex dee
Isn't webview blink based?
It's Google code anyway.
I feel you, should have figured instead of some gray "globocorp" or something the world dominating corporation would have a quirky name, primary colored cutesy logo, and the motto "don't be evil", power corrupts
Idk, Chrome seems a bit shaky here :^)
Isn't blink webkit based?
It's Apple code anyway.
Either use Pale Moon or kill yourself
>inb4 le furry maymay
It's not like he's putting in furry porn in the fucking browser, he just faps it to furry. The browser is amazing.
>power corrupts
And absolute power corrupts absolutely
These guys throw a Firefox CD-ROM at you then take your gf out back to culturally enrich her. What do you do?
get their attention and throw a banana in the opposite direction