Why aren't you using sublime?
Why aren't you using sublime?
>paying for a text editor
Because I've used vim the last 8 or 9 years and I really don't see any reason to change.
>Proprietary trialware
Because neovim is better in every conceivable way.
Vim and Visual Studio with vsvim are all I need.
Every time this argument.
I'm using it from day one and never payed for it.
Are you people too retarded or just baiting?
>having to close a message box several times
I am
Oh so it was retarded not baiting. Thanks for clarifying.
Because I chose Atom. With open source backing it up it has a huge amount of packages. It's already great and it's obviously going to keep getting better.
Because it was deprecated in 1976.
>tfw you can just obtain for free
>tfw you're a retard
>not a monospaced font in your text editor
nigger detected
Because I've already mastered Vim and don't need to validate my preferences on a mongolian motion pictures imageboard.
What do you do in the ten seconds it takes to load?
>monospace in anything but terminal
i use vim so far.
go to sleep
Because vim is more convenient and faster
I cant when there are desktops to post
It isn't emacs and has no orgmode
Vim is sublime.
>does one thing twice
>does another thing three times
Because Emacs has taken over my life.
I haven't touched sublime since like 2011. After that was like a couple years of Vim and then exclusively Emacs after that.
Who's the qt
Kuronegro from Boku no imouto sonna fucking bitch wake ganai
> minimal firefox
Any plugin tested so far does not really work on macOS for me.
Because i use Komodo Edit 8
I just want a good Perl6 IDE :(
But it's true. You either pay (nothx) or close a box several times or pirate. None of these points are that bad, but then again why? Why would I have to put up with any of those issues when vim/geany work just fine?
it werks
> dat traffic lights
Visual Studio Code is better :^)
VS Code is now officially a DDOS utility.
worst code of week
>what's pep8
>what's blank line separation
>what's sane variable naming
I'd prefer not to use a fucking web browser to edit text.
because geany exists
>not being able to crack it yourself with a simple hex edit
> why would I have to deal with a one time thing (pay/pirate)?
> I'd rather use an inferior editor every day
but i do
it just works
lol are you poor
You're thinking of atom or Brackets or some other shit. Sublime is written in C++, most of it at least.
> having emacs installed
> not using emacs
sublime is written in python
Which kind of vim is this?
What's it like using Mavericks? Any important features you're missing out on? It looks so good.
No it's not, just the API iirc.
i use it in terminal :3
what features?
picture in picture? cursor locator? new spotlight? new iMessage?
i think all new features are unimportant, and old ones have been made worse.
The only thing that became better is Safari, but I use Chromium or Firefox anyway.
Metal is nice, but nothing what i use requires it.
The only currently irreplaceable software for me is Office 2016. Older versions of Office for Mac don't support RTL, so they're useless to me.
I just might go back to using a VM for that.
...i use iWork when i`m contacting with normies
Doesn't cut it unfortunately, the compatibility is shit. Also Numbers is a joke.
am i doing dis right
一番速いんです・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
Pirating Sublime is so easy that there is nothing to "put up with." You literally just copy paste the master key into a box and register it.
No cracks. No running potentially malicious binaries. You just download the official Sublime Text for free, and copy paste a single key.
Now stop being retarded.
I am though. Which plugins should I use?
I only know how to use Vim and every other editor is too hard.
>Visual Studio
CIA Cuck detected.
because emacs exists.
Or visual studio if necessary