GTX 1080 VRM Catches Fire Caught On Camera


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Fixed that for ya retard.

I wish people would understand the difference between VRM Phases and chokes already.

no, ayymd needs all the help they can get so good Sup Forumsentoomen should pin it on nvidia

how did he manage to get his soundcard on fire as well?

I'd set myself on fire if I were owned by a black as well.

Thank you for correcting the record.

I'd set myself on fire too if I had to output rap.

free 1080ti upgrade here i come

They go from the 980 straight to the fucking toilet after the Ti.

What the hell.

Nvidia's design cycle:
>release new cutting edge shit
>catches fire
>release mature shit
>works great

That actually explains a lot. Thank god I got the 980 when I did.

So if a friend gifted me a 1080 Founder's Edition am I fucked?

This is literally only happening with the EVGA FTW models

Posts like are just ayymdtards fear mongering like usual

first post best post

Are you sure, user? I'm literally fucking paranoid right now over this, because I'll feel like a damned douche for returning this over not wanting to Fahrenheit 451 my PC.

Whenever I google the situation I find three key points

>It has to do with the VRam being so close due to the FTW model using a non-reference PCB
>It has to do with the ACX 3.0 cooler for the FTW line of cards not having proper cooling for some of the VRMs
>It has to do with the cards themselves being put under heavy stress, and without the proper cooling heating to insane temps

If you're using an MSI, Zotac, or even reference 1080 FE, you'll be fine. As far as I know, if your EVGA 1080 isn't a FTW model, you'll also be fine. I have the SC model and it hasn't had any problems at all, at least right now.

I'm as worried as you are, but the homework I've done on it has helped alleviate my concern. Doesn't mean I'm not worried, though.


It's an EVGA 1080 FE, and I have a 1k PSU with the base tower case four to five fans. I'm not sure if I should add more, now.

>have an EVGA 960 running while posting this

Should I be concerned?

>power connector not connected
my amd wouldn't even turn on without it.

>Running Nvidia cards in a non-tundra climate

Serves him right

What you should do is consider thermal pads, if you're that worried. It's like paste, but for things that don't need paste and not messy at all.

It's only 1070s and 1080s produced between August and probably a week ago.

I don't even know what to believe anymore

Is it Nvidia or AMD cards that overheat/catch fire more?

glad I stuck with my 390X

Nvidia is literally housefire tier

I know nothing about installing thermal pads, though.

it's fine

that's why we have search engines

look into taking apart a GPU, application of thermal paste for when you reassemble it, and also where you'd exactly have to put them to deal with their heating issue

i hate tinfoil hat shit but i honestly believe there are so many shills and/or fanboys who want to defend their purchase that i dont even know at this point

not like ive been concerned for my own sake enough to look into it independently because ive not bought a card since GTX660

amd card doesn't catch fire.

>I have the SC model and it hasn't had any problems at all, at least right now.

I do too, I've been following this today since the last thing I want is my PC or my house catching fire. I heard they're looking to update the bios to help with this

I wouldn't be surprised if they end up having recalls since things could end very badly if fires start popping up all over the place.

Well here's to hoping it at least does the trick.


>After reports of EVGA cards overheating and sometimes becoming non-operational, which we covered right here on TPU, the company has now issued a statement further clarifying the steps it's taking towards solving the issues. Though it was first reported that only the GTX 1070/1080 FTW series of cards were having issues, the company has also extended its efforts towards the GTX 1060 cards, in both 3 GB and 6 GB flavors, which may point to either underlying problems with those cards as well, or simply EVGA extending that bit of extra support to their customers.

>While at first it seemed that the company-distributed, free-of-charge thermal pads (which EVGA stressed were optional in nature) would be enough to fix any and all issues, the company is also issuing a BIOS revision in a few days, which "adjusts the fan speed curve" to "ensure sufficient cooling of all components across all operating temperatures".

EVGA BTFO. here are some pics showing how other companies cool the VRM while the evga cooler does nothing.


>I heard they're looking to update the bios to help with this
All the update does is set the fan curve more aggressively which you can do yourself manually through MSI afterburner or any other app like it.

>I wouldn't be surprised if they end up having recalls since things could end very badly if fires start popping up all over the place

I really think they should. Imagine all those people they send out those thermal pads to and they fuck up their cards taking it apart. Will evga still grant them their warranty? Or even worse, what if one of those cards burns and takes other PC components with it. can evga be held liable for those other PC parts as well as the graphics card?


Anything these guys report on can't be trusted.

>Will evga still grant them their warranty?
Yes actually, it's covered by warranty.

What's more is they simply reposted another dude's video, simply saying "hey this is a thing that's happening" and fucking off with the views.

Facebook tier desu.

>gtx 1080 catches fire and explodes
>your basement catches on fire where the bottom of the house is it spreads upwards and your parents and your sister have nowhere to go
>they die screaming in pain and cursing you for your ignorance
>you make it out alive
>report the failure to EVGA
>they send you free thermal pads as compensation

I have an EVGA 1070 SC and the temperature never gets above 68 C during BF1 for me on my setup. I know you cant measure vrm temps but should I be afraid to use my card? Should I RMA it and get a new one that has thermal pads already installled?

the new bios is going to support that card so I would just updated to be on the safe side or

>Any customer who is not comfortable performing the recommended VBIOS update, may request a warranty cross-shipment* to exchange the product to EVGA for an updated replacement.

spot the samefag

Gee I wonder why

I sent my evga 1080 back, should I just get a 980 or wait till black friday for one that wont blow up to go on sale?

nice find, why doesn't he have any connected, how does it still run?

as stated in the video, the user was troubleshooting by removing X and Y linearly
if you're trying to identify problems, removing power cables from components can but won't always narrow it down for you

with no pci power, he could identify whether the mobo would automatically detect "no gpu" and switch to onboard graphics

additionally, with no pci power cables connected, for vrm's to overheat is absurd
they're literally capped at ~75w from the pcie lane and should never overheat under such use

have you ever built a pc?

why would you get a 980? thats a huge downgrade from a 1080. also evga wont refund you the full amount, instead they'll put some cheap thermal pad and update the bios to make the fan curve higher.


I didn't buy it directly from EVGA. I got it from B&H and they've already accepted my request for a refund

Wtf i hate evga now!

Then get a new one, preferably from Gigabyte. Going from 1080 to a mere 980 is the dumbest shit you could possibly do.

*EVGA is finished

they should be damage controlling hard but they're just pussyfooting right now

>it's only FTW ACX models
>wait no it's actually all ACX models
>we're going to update the bios to have more aggressive fan curves
>here's some free thermal pads

I'm very hesitant about trusting EVGA now, I've been using them for years but they're not handling this the right way at all

makes you wonder if those VRM explode like that with just the PCIE 75w would've burnt if they had the PSU connectors or if another part would've catch on fire or melt.

Also, i'm the only one that find those half seconds before the explosion when the gpu led tilt, turn off, then followed by the explosion and blink on at full intensity oddly fun? like it was some sort michael bay movie

I mean is it really "the dumbest shit" to opt for a 980 which is stable and not gonna cost me over 600 dollars for a card that could blow up because of manufacturer oversights? Since this problem has been widely reported; its EVGA's 1080 isn't the only one I've hear tell problems of

>implying that won't blowup too

And the 980 isn't anything to scoff at. Its obviously not gonna be as good as a 1080 but that doesn't make it trash either.

>we're going to update the bios to have more aggressive fan curves

Top kek, can't wait for them to do that.
After the bios update, all of the cards are going to sound like miniature jet engines and reving at 80%-100% all the damn time.

There are many pics showing exactly why this is happening. It's just that EVGA engineers are idiots who didn't make sure the VRMs actually connect to the heatsink thus they cook themselves to death. Gigabyte and Zotac for example are perfectly fine.

It is trash for someone coming from a 1080.

>EVGA's 1080 isn't the only one I've hear tell problems of

it actually is. MSI had some problems with their cards in china but none reported here or in europe. evga really fucked up on the cooler design with the 10 series.

btw is b&h giving you a full refund for the card?


here are the comparisons to other cards

>those salty youtube comments

kek, Nvidia Apologist are in full force today

Beg to differ. I don't subscribe to that elitist mentality of "anything less, no matter what is moot".
Yea, but now that I think about it I'm wondering if its worth hanging on to for when the 1080ti comes out.

I used to use one of these leaf blower cards for a long time so I'm used to my PC sounding incredibly loud under load but I really prefer having a practically silent card now that I'm used to it

Well then go and be a retard and downgrade to a substantially weaker card then. It's not like such a stupid decision is gonna affect anyone else. Or maybe settle for some prebuilt or whatever to proudly display your "noble" mindset.

I once had a reference gtx 760 and dear god it was pure torture using my pc. Even at idle you can still hear this garbage inefficient cooler.

meme related

AMD cards generate way more heat but it's the evga/msi pascal cards that are catching fire.

>still no full DX12 support

Who gives a fuck about dx12, specially when you have what is literally the best GPU of the gaming-oriented market?


Funny coincidence, these cards are using samsung memory chips.

You need to get that spiked covered dick out of your ass, no ones retarded for debating switching to a 980 for stability over performance.

I've had the 1080 for about a week, I originally had a 780. So for me a 980 is still an upgrade

Funny coincidence I have been screaming for year at everyone not to buy evga and now look

That has nothing to do with it. The samsung memory is the actually good one. The Micron memory is garbage.

> got a EVGA GTX 1060 non OC months ago
> works like a charm
> temperatures rarely go over 72 C
How does it feel to have a burning high-end graphic card that's just 5% better than mine?


You could have bought a second hand card for half the price and the same performance as that card.
Not to mention my card from 2014 is faster than yours.

Enjoy your 5%.

Wow cool story bro!

Sequels are generally better than the original.
Get rekt.

Evga are actually retarded
>well this is one heck of a fuckup, eh?
>here's some thermal pads you can apply yourself
>also here's a bios update so the fan works overtime because of our design errors
>if you don't want to risk doing any of that yourself just send in your card for a week so that one of our poo's can fix it for you
>we stand by our cards!
yea im not buying EVGA again

Why is anyone buying them in the first place? What is the attraction? I don't understand.

their warranties are probably the best around

They're like butt buddys with Nvidia, so you would expect they know what they're doing. And they weren't always making fuckups like this.

It has nothing to do with the temperature of the chip you imbecile, it's the VRMs that pop and you can't measure their temperature unless you have a heat gun.

All this because they didn't put a metal plate into the right place

How amateur a mistake is this?

EVGA is like amazon. Top tier customer service/warranty/RMA etc.

This is sad because they make one of the best PSUs on the market (Supernova G2)

I seriously cannot explain it, I just can't. I mean, if you handed the design of this shit over to some random Sup Forums neet who's read a few threads about gpus he wouldn't possibly fuck up this part in the least, but these are engineers of a multi-million company with years upon years of experience and they fuck up something as basic as this? I simply have no words to describe.

literally every other AIB partner has shitty warranty coverage. i would hate to be novideo bro when now evga can't even be trusted.
i'm going to buy a sapphire RX fury with 16GB of HBM2 memory in Q1 2017 and not have to worry about build quality or my warranty coverage.

they have good customer service and seem to have way less cases of coil whine
This case is ridiculous though, shit could actually damage several components of a PC including destroying a 600+ dollar graphics card and they're acting like it's no biggie, "its just furmark haha not our fault"
Yea fuck off this is insane

The bean counters at corporate were likely:
>what is this extra 10 cent plate for?
>sir this may keep the card from overloading itself and-
>'May?' So this part isn't completely necessary, cut this part from the OEM
>Guy in charge of decision makes an extra 5 million

Happens all the time, everywhere.

So is it worth keeping their 1080 to get in on dat tasty step up plan and warranty?

New CEO of the company I work for (Was purchased from founder in 2007, CEO in question came into power 2015) decided to part off 95% of our company overseas and keep us twiddling our thumbs to make budget. Gets a big fuckin fat bonus due to -projected- savings and quits before shit hits the fan.

Everywhere, all the time.


Oh lord, this is literally fermi 2.0

the step up plan is only like 60 days


the sad part is that they don't realize that cutting corners like this will come back to bite them in the ass

hopefully someone at the top loses their job for this but I doubt it'll happen