>it's Halloween
>he's posting on Sup Forums instead of going to parties
What's your excuse?
>it's Halloween
>he's posting on Sup Forums instead of going to parties
What's your excuse?
Buddy lives 50 miles away. Anyone who lives closer are all cunts.
>wanting to go out where annoying people are
>going out for no reason
I like it inside
>it's halloween
>normies are too busy to come shit Sup Forums up
I don't live in shit country like USA.
I'm to busy with regular power outages in my lovely best country which is Ukraine.
>going to parties
no, i'm taking my son and daughter trick-or-treating with their friends
>What's your excuse
i caught the autism
stop making fun of me
I went to a party last Friday. Acid is a hell of a drug.
I have a midterm and shit to do
I was at a party on Saturday? Who the fuck goes to a party on Monday?
How is that EU treaty working out for you?
At least prepare your butthole for when they gonna rip your country off with taxes and shit.
>tfw you injured yourself and are now scared of the world
Jesus fuck, the world is objectively ass. I don't want to participate with a permanent injury.
>going to a party on a monday
Oh wait this post doesn't relate at all.
>this is the reason I'm staying at home tonight and every night in the foreseeable future.
*wife's son and daughter
>wastes money on superfluous parties
ok kid
Already went to one.
It's Monday you fucking NEET most people have jobs or education etc. parties were all on Saturday.
50 US miles isn't very far.
I don't like being around people and also I have to work overnight tonight and just got home from last night's overnight and I'm very sore/in pain!
i have classes today you autistic fuck
I'm ugly and girls don't like me so no point.
!DisableHalloweenTheme: ON
I've been invited to a Halloween party tonight, was thinking of going as Elliot from Mr. Robot since I already have all of his clothing, not sure about getting the haircut though. Plus as soon as people start dancing I leave parties so it's not really worth it.
It's 11 am you sperglord. Go back to coding a girlfriend faggot.
I've lost my molly connects and parties are literally worthless without MDMA.
I have a job
I'm at uni, and I have classes today and tomorrow. What else am I supposed to do?
My gf and I went to one in our hometown two nights ago, but now we're both back at uni and neither of us are big into like proper parties.
We're both more "small gathering of close friends" types
I'm on the go. Reading your shit posting in the bus
It's not really celebrated in Finland. Today was a regular school day.
Besides, I went to a party on Saturday. Usually ones a week is enough for me.
kinda related to myself
I "overtook" LSD for a while (not really abused) and pyschologically fucked up a little bit.
I prefer do not find myself in unknown enviroments with too many stranger ppl, also, I'm too autistic to be invited to parties, that's why I have Arch
literally shit taste.
this except work day for me
At least try to move your ass a bit. I don't want to speak for everyone. But l like to dance even if I look like shit
What if Arch found out you were autistic and didn't want to hang out any mnore
Samhain (pronounced Sah-ween)