Ive been coding in C (demanding tasks and MCU) and python (quick tasks) since 2006 and just started to learn C++ as extension. You all fags brag about java and shitty languages and noone pays attention to this sleek and fast language at all. Java is shit to me as well as other garbage and I admit, C++ is really step forward for me. Post and share your knowpedge and recommendations (nano + gcc user here, learncpp.com)
/Cpp appreciation
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I think you have to be pretty retarded to call java garbage. What other language allows you to control midi and record audio out of the box on a raspberry pi?
Python I guess?
Where can I learn modern C++ stuff if I already know the old shitty C++?
Sepples have some unique features, but also a lot of bizarre design decision that result in similarly bizarre idioms. All it needs to be good is some serious trimming down, starting with header files.
>standard library makes language good
Effective Modern C++ by based Scott Meyers
>idioms adopted by virtually all modern programming languages
Ok kid.
>All it needs to be good is some serious trimming down, starting with header files.
Well, I agree with you on this one though. The insistence on keeping C++ backwards compatible with C is the major limiting factor the language has, and results in horrendous compilation times among other things.
>>standard library makes language good
Standard library is part of the language.
Is there just a book that lists all the new features of modern C++?
>Is there just a book that lists all the new features of modern C++?
Use wikipedia for that
When I started programming, I started with C++ and then also adopted Java. I then stopped and thought what the fuck am I doing, bought K&R2 and tried C.
Never looked back.
Java now feels like utter crap that needs to be flushed down the toilet and C++ feels too dirty to touch.
>"I tried C++ and Java for two weeks and now I'm an expert on them"
>using a single language for everyting
can't use switch with strings in cpp
into the trash it goes desu :^)
It's actually kind of sweet to see somebody who is still in the honeymoon phase with C++. Give it a few years; to truly appreciate C++, one must learn all of its faults, and they are numerous.
I've used it for nearly 15 years and I thoroughly despise it. I'm glad I spent the time learning it, though, because I appreciate other languages (and non-OOP paradigms) a lot more.
Fuck you, C++.
switch is unreadable I always use if/else
are you legitimately retarded
switch is always more efficient, you should always use it if you can instead of if/else
>"switch is always more efficient"
>this syntactic sugar for a conditional jump is always more efficient than that syntactic sugar for a conditional jump
Exactly how do you think switching on Java strings work? This should be fun...
Ive been learning C++ for two weeks now, i know basic syntax but a few people are telling me to just drop c++ as a first language. I dont see why, i think its pretty good and has cool optimisation features that i know are non exsistant in java (like pointers).
Why does it have such a focus on optimization considering its a oop, high level language? and what should i do from here?
why is c++ so industry standard for non shit coding (like java stuff)
switch on strings in java is the same as if-else it has to compare them anyway
i read it as 'i always use if-else' not 'i always use if-else in the case of strings'
if youre saying the former it's retarded
if the ladder my bad im a dumbass
>I want to sacrifice readability for unmeasurably small performance enhancement
Don't use Java if you like performances
What did gates mean when he said that?
To use assembly language
>idioms adopted by virtually all modern programming languages
>posting links to the mobile version of wikipedos