Does Sup Forums have any tips to decrease the odds of your resume being thrown in the trash?
Does Sup Forums have any tips to decrease the odds of your resume being thrown in the trash?
Avoid obvious CV padding and have relevant experience and education.
Have a 4.0 GPA from MIT.
That's what she wants you retard. Follow this advice increases her rep etc. If I do it I can't say no to something else like say, send me your resume
condescending autist from popular TV sitcom.jpg
How the fuck am I supposed to sleep with this bullshit hanging over me
Let's say you don't have much experience (senior in college, not much internships), wouldn't a bit of padding be preferable than nothing at all?
>How the fuck am I supposed to sleep
In a bed at night with lights turned off and while you're tired?
I don't know, is this a trick question?
Padding is only preferable if
1) they explain gaps
2) they contain experience that are slightly relevant to the position
So yes, in your case some padding is preferable. But don't over do it. Obvious padding is frowned upon and is more likely to count against you as a candidate rather than for you.
You can always show to voluntary work, personal projects, specific college projects etc.
Has anyone told you you're bad at this? I have no proof to back it up. They are all hurr durr tried and tested pajeet method. Hurt durr what do I have to loose
Is someone using Sup Forums to test their bot?
> (You)
> (You)
>Is someone using Sup Forums to test their bot?
no I am trying some RETAINER stuff. Trying to find RETAINER
There's a Linux-pone and IBM-pone on that resume.
Totally Sup Forums-related. Checkmate :^)
Put a lot of buzzwords in so they get caught by the automatic filters.
I dont care bro
It's got pony and I don't want ponies outside they're contament board.
Fuck pony autism!
>outside they're contament
b8/10, no one is that stupid.ð›²
Have experience and maximize your usage of buzzwords. Use pdf format to submit. Make sure you know everything that's in it by heart. Make ageneral one you keep with you / ready at all times and also make one for every job
9 times out of 10 your resume will just be put into a database so you need to make sure you hit as many buzzwords as possible so your resume gets put at the top of the pile
>b8/10, no one is that stupid
Dude where have you been the entirety of 2016? The entire world is that stupid
>Have experience and maximize your usage of buzzwords
>9 times out of 10 your resume will just be put into a database
Put your resume out there and make sure recruiters get their hand on it, instead of replying to job offers like the average perma-unemployed retard.
If your resume is made of buzzwords and bullshit, then you'll land a position with the kind of worthless marketing-first people that can't actually get anything done besides office politics.
You probably don't want that.
You're on Sup Forums,you think the average NEET here has the ability to network?
If you can't network (I know I suck at it), at least build a github and get involved in some flashy open source projects with your email on it, you're guaranteed to get recruiter spam in no time.
My experience with resumes comes from sifting through ~50 applicants for my student organization, so it's not really relevant for enterprise jobs. What surprised me was how many qualified people we threw in the bin because there were enough equally good candidates who had also learned the very basics of the technology we were using.
In my case, we're building robots, so when we got EEs who had if nothing else at least installed a gnu/linux distro and done the ROS tutorials we put them at a massive advantage.
Buzzwords in general had very little impact, but those who had relevant specific knowledge definitely ended up on the top of the pile.
as someone who has helped check resumes, interview several potential candidates and for the software development and IT departments of our 700~ employee broadcaster network for almost 6 years I can tell you the following things
Make a website of have someone make a website for you with all your projects you've worked on, if you can provide source code of those projects do so.
for your CV:
first of all, put on top of your CV your work related experience:
and where you graduated
-Your degree
-GPA (only if higher than 3.6, if it's lower don't put it, we always assume it's on the 3.5+ range)
then you can put 3 small 4 line paragraphs detailing the most important stuff (largest project you worked for, one time you solved a problem really creatively, one time when you solved an expensive project with an effective low-cost alternative)
after this point they stop reading, but it's still important to add padding of other shit, hobbies, sports, etc so it doesn't look like a robot
for a personal interview:
-Obviously go well dressed, but don't overdo it, a simple polo shirt with no extravagant design or logos and jeans or khaki pants that aren't ragged of have 38 pockets will do. goes beyond saying you should keep your hair short and if you can't grow a full bread, clean shaved or stubble
If you're younger than 30 if you go wearing a suit with an overworked hairstyle you'll look like a try-hard
interviewers (unless it's a woman from HR) are really apathetic, they don't give a fuck about your family or charitable actions, if you have children don't mention them unless asked
-Bring a laptop to show your website and projects, but don't rush into it, talk to the interviewer and get him to know you first, then you show him your projects and your website