What programming languages are the most sought after and therefore valuable?
That's not that 'solid' though. :^)
about to finish java course on mooc.fi... what should i do next?
That's more like it, user!
Java,C#, C++ and JS depending on the field you want to go.
Bonus points:SQL knowledge
Well, I'm nuclear engineering, so...
Assembly language is the most prized. if you can cope with 64 bit mnemonic assembly language you can basically choose which corporation will work for you and pay you shit loads of money. After that COBOL programmers are the most sought after as the majority of corporations are running batch processing mainframes. After that is C, C++ and BASIC. Infact if you are great at programming in assembly language and BASIC you could land a job at NASA. ANYTHING OTHER THAN THIS IS SHIT TIER and companies tend to be able to pick and choose out of a 1000 java etc etc etc programmers,
most valuable:
Scheme, Haskell, Erlang
least valuable:
javascript, c++, java
Thank you, user, this is very helpful information.
Most valuable != NEET languages
I'll let you have Erlang though, given how much telecommunications infrastructure is written in it. People writing that for a living must bathe in dorra bills.
>dorra bills
They're mostly Asian?
kill yourself
sought after =/= valuable
no, seriously
God tier:
PL/I, BCPL, Pascal, Fortran
Enterprise tier:
Java, C#, VB.NET
Code monkey tier:
C, C++, Python
Web dev tier:
Javascript, Ruby
Hipster tier:
Go, Swift, Rust
Ultra hipster tier:
Elixir, Nim
Useless tier:
tcl, lua, perl
>Most sought after /= most valuable
Pajeets learn the most sought after ones, and make shit. That's who you will be competing with with the most sought after meme languages. For the most part anyway. C and C++ are two highly sought languages that are great to know--in fact knowing one or both could get your resume more attention than the resumes of people who don't know them, even if the job doesn't require either. It's just assumed that C/C++ programmers are more competent programmers in general.
Other than that, rare, obscure languages that no one would dare propose using on a modern project are a great niche to fall into. There's tons of legacy code that requires updating and maintenance, but are in languages that not very many people know, or even know of. You want good pay, and job security? This is it.
> (OP)
>Assembly language is the most prized. if you can cope with 64 bit mnemonic assembly language you can basically choose which corporation will work for you and pay you shit loads of money. After that COBOL programmers are the most sought after as the majority of corporations are running batch processing mainframes. After that is C, C++ and BASIC. Infact if you are great at programming in assembly language and BASIC you could land a job at NASA. ANYTHING OTHER THAN THIS IS SHIT TIER and companies tend to be able to pick and choose out of a 1000 java etc etc etc programmers,
Fuck off grandpa
What if I'm making Warcraft mods, bro?
While its market is niche, every old fart who learned COBOL is about to retire, so the banks and other companies are always looking for new blood.
It's death itself to learn, but there's most likely job guaranteed because noone bothers learning a dead language.
Sounds good to make some money on the side with, to be honest.
This is a pretty accureate list, desu.
Switch "god tier" and "useless tier" though.