>23 Samsung Executives 'Kneel' On Stage To Apologise For Galaxy Note 7
What are your thoughts, Sup Forums?
>23 Samsung Executives 'Kneel' On Stage To Apologise For Galaxy Note 7
What are your thoughts, Sup Forums?
should have played russian roulette
If Samsung was a Japanese company all of those executives would had died in curious accidents or retired
gee thanks
>not comitting sudoku
Wow :(
At least they will not being denial about it.
shit happens
That's not Korean.
Holy shit your grammar
I want to grope their asses
I expected at least a couple sudokus
They should all commit sudoku tbgh
More honor than any scum living in America ever has
Only like 6 of them are being sincere, your forehead is supposed to touch the ground.
>meanwhile in amerikkka
>What are your thoughts, Sup Forums?
Well, Samsung has to try really hard to sell to China and Japan since Samsung is Korean and all of the major east Asian countries hate each other with a passion.
Apple has the blessing of countless idiots eating up their garbage, they don't have to try at all to please people and sell phones. Honestly, at this rate Apple may very well die considering how Tim Cook is taking their diehard fanbase for granted and slowly making worse and worse business decisions for Apple.
Was ist a shit bow?
>Apple has the blessing of countless idiots eating up their garbage, they don't have to try at all to please people and sell phones. Honestly, at this rate Apple may very well die considering how Tim Cook is taking their diehard fanbase for granted and slowly making worse and worse business decisions for Apple.
Your fantasies intrigue me.
More please.
Don't like their products past the S5, or touchwizz, and don't buy their mainstream stuff but seeing that actually made me feel bad for them makes you wonder just how many of them were actually involved in the design of the exploding note 7s, and how many just got dragged down with the others.
also, this
Pretty sad 2bh
My sides will never be recovered
Classic Japanese behavior, fall on the floor and cry instead of paying reparations.
Maybe next Samsung's management will apologize for their ancestors' crimes in Nanking.
>Well, Samsung has to try really hard to sell to China and Japan
Samsung never released the Note 5 or Note 7 in Japan, their S6 release was really fucking late, only one or two of the providers are selling the S7 and the Note Edge is still available.
Have they announced how they are going to pull their phone division from the hole?
>Classic Japanese behavior, fall on the floor and cry instead of paying reparations.
Everyone who got a Note 7 could exchange it for similar price phone and got $100 from Samsung.
So they payed several hundred million in reparations.
Why are you even bringing the Japanese up in this?
Daily reminder that all Korean males jerk off thinking about their wives being raped by Japanese soldiers.
You would know
Murica is not amazed. They will sue the shit out of them for sure.
>sue the shit out of a company that quickly responded to the issue and ensured that buyers could get any device of equal value and paid recompense for inconvenience
Probably, because Americans are fucking faggots.
>when you sue for burning your tongue on hot coffee because the coffee didn't label it was hot, and get millions on compensation
Guess who you have to thank for that
>A Note 7 is passed back and forth between the group well it runs a benchmark
>The loser is whomever it explodes on
So it seems very likely Samsung will have to file for bankruptcy after this fiasco no?
Too big to fail.
I don't know, you tell me.
sal'ham al sabid allahu
at least they are not teeling ya "you are holding it wrong"'