b i n Sup Forums o
B i n Sup Forums o
You get points for NOT having any stuff from certain obscure brands now?
What do I win?
>Can only claim free space
>Could also claim cute dog if it were expanded to include other animals - cat, specifically
Does that make me too normal?
I don't have a bed, I sleep on a couple blankets on the floor.
>Linux free
>Apple free
>single bed
Not too bad.
post stockings you god damn faggots
*forgot mechanical keyboard and no Razer products
wait. thats an old one. I have a cheap ikea table now.
>no razer products
>no apple products
>rubki's cube
dude i am normie as le fuck lmao xD
>all these manlets with child sized single beds
Literal man children. It's a good thing you'll never bring a woman home anyway.
I'm 6'1" and I still sleep on a twin bed. I barely fit on it, I'm just too lazy to get a new one.
I can't fit a larger bed into my room
get at least a full. then you can sleep on it diagionally. 6'2" here.
old picture because i'm in class right now
forgot the picture
z a g r e b
but why?
Not everyone is fat like you, we can fit in a single bed.
How long have you been on hormones? Also post boipucci.
Because they're mentally ill degenerates
You're just short, manchild.
only barely a bingo
Still ok I guess
>TFW when I can never bingo because of the shit placement job OP does
I wish I could do a bingo but I can't see any way for me to do it.
For example, I am too masculine to ever pull off socks. I have a mic that's not a blue dildo and it would ruin my all black setup. I have retro tech but it's not ironic.
What nazi shit do you have?
Twin, 90cm x 200cm is enough.
What are you, a nigger that measures 2 meters?
women? on my Sup Forums? imposible.
retro tech is ironic whether you like it or not.
i have a replica SS hat for halloween and fancy dress, it counts. right?
Almost there.
kek, I have that exact lamp and chair at work
bretty good
why not?
>wasting your money on shit
>not investing into bitcoin mining in 2k16
Normie here.
I just can never win these threads.
Green Is My Pepper
My stockings were bought years ago and now they're only knee-highs on me
[spoiler]I do sometimes wear them when I want to feel like a trap when fapping[/spoiler]
Some of these are embarrassing. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
isn't there an updated version ?
3/25 i had no chance
I was given this razer keyboard as a graduation present. I don't even use synapse or whatever the shit it's called. A free keyboard is a free keyboard.
in my "defense" - own a single bed because just moved into my house, ikea meme desk because new house cheap furniture, does look at my alcohol" count if you just have spirits because guests?
I came close, but i am using a Razer mouse.
"gaming peripherals" and "no razer" shouldn't be in the same row. Shitty bingo card.
I'll see myself out.
i fail. shamefur dispray
No apple products and you call yourself a normie? I don't believe it.
That was close.
Good thing I use Windows 7 on my desktop.
[spoiler]same, it's the best[/spoiler]
I'm counting Gunpla as anime figurines. Otherwise nothing.
>three near hits
I feel like filling more than half of the board should be an automatic bingo.
I love how this bingo board will just continue to grow for me.
Well, no bingo it seems.