Look upon my desktop, O Sup Forums, and despair!

Look upon my desktop, O Sup Forums, and despair!

Desktops should be the last place to store anything imo

nice wallpaper

have any tips on cleaning this clusterfuck up so i can run parallels or is perseverance my best bet here (i suspect that's the case, just wishful thinking on my part)? i got it somewhat recently and always take forever to get around to organizing my files, if i even manage to do so before my laptop is completely destroyed from my abuse

install gentoo

"u have a pic saved that just says watch me get trichinosis"
im fucking wheezing i have only the vaguest recollection of why i saved it

is this the new desktop thread


Off the top of my head I could suggest starting by creating a bunch of specified folders to move everything off your desktop, then whenever you have a spare moment go through a couple of lines of files and place them in the new folders out of the way.

You could try sorting everything either on what it is or the file type, for example either folders like "lewds" "discord/rabbit caps" "pfp's" or "images" "webms" etc

>pic is example from my ssd, judge not mac user.

cutest in this ITT thread

ty u too

I always wondered what happens when the desktop runs out of space. Worst mine ever came to was about 3/4 covered.

Create some folders (elsewhere) with broad topics, porn, reactions, how-to, etc. And don't do "memes" and "dank memes", just make one named "memes." Or "tits" "asses" "traps" "fucking", just do "porn."
Open up those folders, then go through the images one by one and sort everything out. Work through them bits at a time, or all at once if you're up to it. Once you're done you can go into each folder and sort them further.


That's why you delete your Desktop

Oh and nice try DORK, this is shooped up worse than the crowds at crooked hillary rallies, notice the repeating pattern.


delete everything in there and start over.

I just want to wave my mouse around double-clicking and see what starts up, to be honest


i can't imagine you access any of these images with any amount of frequency so you might as well recycle all of them desu.

Share wallpaper, please

OS X is a beautiful operating system


how do you put that picture there?


What colors are you using on your music player? (artist and song names)

>really organizing files

shit, at this point, I literally just search for all my shit by name (so, name your shit, takes seconds and it doesn't matter where you kept your file)

there's vague, super broad organization (eg, pictures go into the 10000+ item pictures folder, music into the music folder, programs w/o installers into the programs folder), but beyond that, fuck sorting shit into folders
even my porn is the same, 3DPD shit into one big-ass folder, hentai into another, unsorted videos and shit into one folder, favorite pictures in another, etc
and then you just look up whatever

posting my desktop

nice desktop


I want to rape Kumiko, make her scream and cry and make her bleed.

delet this

pls dont'