AMD FX-8350/FX series and overclocking

Anyone want to share their experiences with overclocking their AMD FX series chips and the coolers used? Whats the highest stable clock speed you guys have achieved?

Im thinking its finally time to OC my 8350 and im wondering what kind of cooling i need. Im aiming for 4.4 - 4.5ghz. Would an evo 212 air cooler work for 4.5 ghz or should I look into water cooling? Never really had temp problems with the stock cooler so far, I have good airflow and I clean it often.
I checked around some forums and heard mixed results. Opinions?

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I was unlucky with my FX-6300, it didn't like anything above 4.3GHz. A friend of mine is running similar speeds under a Hyper 212 Evo and it stays cool enough, although 2 extra cores will probably kick out a fair bit more heat.

what kind of temperatures did you/your friend have under load?

Sub-60, usually. 65 on a hot day.

a lot of overclocking the fx cpus depends on the motherboard.

if you show me your motherboard i can tell you if it's going to cut it .

the motherboard supplies the power to the chip, and if it can't supply enough power efficiently you're going to get much lower overclocks.

you never want the fx chips to run over 61 C .

the motherboard cpu sensor can run higher, up to 70 i think, but that's the temp of the socket on the motherboard and not the cpu temp.

i thought the safe temp was around 70c or something? didnt know it was so low.

Yeah, you ideally want to keep them below 60.

CHIP : FX 8320

My highest stable OC is 4.0 GHz @ 1.42V. It's modest (and the voltage a bit high), but you should know that is 4.0 on the stock FX cooler. I bet i could push A LOT higher with a proper cooling solution.

You can't overclock jack shit with that motherboard.

VRM will definitely warm up but for it's price point it did breety fucking well.

Far better than i expected from a 6+2 VRM board

Whoa hold on a second dude, you're OCing a 8320 on a 6+2 board? I hope you've got heatsinks.

is not ideal because of the power delivery (6+2 phases) but you could probably get a decent overclock.

ideal for air cooling or ideal all together? i could buy a water cooler, i just already have this fan available so id like to save money if possible

i use air cooling myself. it won't leak or anything .
i have a higher end noctua cooler though , i've used the 212 before and it's a good cooler . i wouldn't get water cooling since i've had that too

The VRMs have heatsinks tho. Again, I wasn't looking for much from a $90 mobo, but given its price im impressed with what it offers

I can't believe people still don't understand this

I live my life on the edge.

im aware the temp readings are incorrect, that was not what my post was about

i just undervolted

>falling for the amd meme

Don't go down that hole. I know what you're thinking because I've been there. You're getting bottlenecked by this shitty CPU and you'll waste precious days reading about it and trying desperately to find a way to make it better, then you'll waste money with an expensive cooler, maybe even switch your mobo and try to OC it. In the end of the day, you'll get the same shitty performance because this thing has less than half the IPC of any core from an intel cpu. Unless you're using this thing for video rendering, overclocking won't change fuckall because it won't magically turn a shitty cpu into a good one, it will only polish the turd slightly.

My suggestion: sell this garbage and grab an used non-k intel CPU with some cheap mobo so you can diminish your losses. That's what I did and now I can actually sit at my desk and use my PC without constantly being reminded of my pc's shitty performance.

Also, if you're using this trash for gaming, then I suggest to turn off one module because it's useless for games. This way you'll be able to achieve higher OCs with less heat and less voltage.

Enjoy your substantially higher power consumption btw.

this build has treated me pretty well so far. i know amd chips are worse but i want to give them my money to support them and promote competition between them and intel. competition is a good thing for everyone.,10.html

I have my 8350 on a Kraken X60, and my everyday OC is a hair over 4.7. I've been able to get it up to 4.9, but it doesn't stay stable for more than a couple hours. Temps usually stays around 50°C, but YMMV and all that shit.

>2600k above 6600
welcome to our glorious, ecological, low-power future

What that chart tells us is that either BF1 can't scale past 8 threads (a real possibility) or that it can and the 1080 isn't fast enough to show it.

FX-8350 is a beast with directx12
its a shame most people dont realize the bottleneck is in the software
>HD 7850 can only do 30 fps on bf1
>activate dx12
>suddenly can do 100 fps and dont have stuttering anymore

>8350 above a 6600
Still makes me happy.

this is exactly my experience with my fx-6300. 4.3 top end, even with an NH-D15

Im running a FX-6300 forgot the volts but im stable at 4.8-4.9 I can go to 5.0 but kinda scary for me would rather stay at the safe zone. I idle at 30 and highest I've seen it is 40. I use a budget AIO as my cooler.

First thing, you need proper mobo - 990 chipset is something you'd probably want. I have 8320, OCed it to 4.2GHz and it sits happily below 50C on stress tests. I have budget twin-tower cooler, something like NH-D14 but for poor people (pic related). So, i'd say i could get my 8320 somewhere around 4.5GHz and maybe even higher, but my mobo won't allow it because of its 970 chipset.

8350 should be a good choice in a budget for near future. People finally realize they should write code with many cores in mind, and as long as program is not FPU-heavy, 8350 delivers a lot of power with those eight "cores".

my fx6300 has better temperatures when overclock to 4.1Ghz