Do you use it? Why or why not?
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Nope, Sublime does more or less the same thing and I don't want to encourage the JS cancer.
Yes because I have a modern pc and don't have autism.
I just installed atom a few days ago and its awesome. Especially the amount of available plugins. Unfortunately the performance is not the best. But that's maybe an issue with my poorfag laptop
Yes, because it's open source and new packages are being made all the time. It's incredibly extensible.
agreed. I refuse to use these shitty ``hybrid`` apps. enjoy your memory leaks and javasscript crashes op
>for a text editor
>several hundred megabytes of RAM
>to edit text
That's just because it runs on js desu
I did until I realised VS Code is exactly the same but faster
Enjoy your botnet.
I actually use it.
Probably just because I need something to write code in with highlighting and nothing more.
Some of the features it has are comfortable.
I used to run emacs, and while that was nice, I just didn't use the advanced features it offered to me, and in the end wasn't as comfortable.
I'm also terrible at remembering shortcuts.
Now I hope you realize that Atom does the same, but to Google instead.
I use atom for syntax highlighting on languages I don't normally work with, and a proper ide for languages I do normally work with. Atom is relatively light and comfy without the aids that is Sublime or vscode.
>Atom is relatively light
Proprietary garbage.
Compared to a full ide
You could have always disabled it and in the new one they literally ask you on the first startup if you want to enable telemetry.
I hate using complicated IDEs. It's nice and simple.
unstable open source crap
no because i have things to do
Slow piece of shit.
>Hey here's my application, ready for production. Btw, it has webkit bundled within it.
>4gb of ram to open text file
No i'm not a faggot.
Just imagine having 4 applications built on electron running at same time. Would be like having 4 chrome main threads running not mater if those applications are just a tic tac toe app.
No thanks...
no I use sublime
But not compared to a text editor which it is advertised to be
>hundreds megabytes of ram
>when you have at least a few thousand megabytes
Come on now
best ide
Atom is a horrible text editor. It does absolutely nothing VIM or EMACS already don't do better. The search replace usage is horrible, the highlight region to replace all is broken.
Why do I need to allocate 400MB of RAM to edit a 4KB text file?
Also it'll just flat crash if you give it a text file larger then ~1MB. No matter what. My Desktop has 64GB of RAM. I try to open a SQL log in VIM? No problem. I open that same log in Atom? It'll allocate ~2GB of memory, then crash.
Tweaking your css files in-between shitposting your desktop doesn't count cocksucker.
doesn't count for what?
I used atom for a little while. It wasn't even the bloat that got to me, it was that it does everything vim does and takes a lot longer to start up, and that some really big files simply could not load on it.
>Atom is relatively light
Compared to your mother?
all this people complaining that Atom can't handle large files.
meanwhile I use it for visualizing 2gb csv files.
I use Atom because of pic related.
How long ago was this? Atom used to need a cap on file sizes it could open.
I like vim because when I press a key the letter shows up on the screen way faster than it does in atom. It's hard to explain but it's very noticeable to me.
>no address bar
A text editor shouldn't run like shit, so no.
that looks very irritating
Visual Studio Code seem better than Atom. I tried Atom but it was sluggish and i did not like how it worked. I have been trying Visual Studio Code from MS and it is very smooth.
>That’s it in a nutshell. It’s fast editing experience is similar to what you get with brackets, Sublime and Atom while it’s debugging and integration experience is similar to what you get with WebStorm or Visual Studio. I consider it more along the lines of an editor than an IDE, personally. But it really does fit somewhere in between, grabbing the best of both worlds.
VS Code is really good. And fast. And open-source. Of course it's built as an electron app, it would be horrible to attempt replicating it in C
I use it because the auto-complete feature.
Adobe Dreamweaver had the same thing but it costs money so I ditched them.
Had to disable the telemetry in settings first though
DESU, VS Code / Atom / Sublime are all pretty similar. I prefer Sublime, but I'd be fine if I had to use one of the others. I just don't have a good reason to switch when I already have a good workflow going.
If I was going to switch I'd probably just learn vim.
You've gotta be kidding me, you don't code like this all day do you?
He's just a retarded butthurt beta permavirgin pedophile fat ugly shit who has an objectively shitty desktop, he likes objectively shitty ugly people and things and he regurgitates objectively wrong shit. Also, I'm an intelligent beautiful woman. Everything I said is objectively right.
I'm buying a loo for everyone who says VS code
sublime text 3 all the way OP
Are you feeling ok user? you sound triggered and a bit emotional, I take it life's been hard on you lately? I'm sorry.
I trust Microsoft more than Google at this point
I use it just because I suck at vim
Two sides of the same coin, there's no reason to trust one over the other, they both want to data mine and profile to target ads.
And atom isn't Google, it comes with voluntary telemetry that you can easily decline.
I trust Google a bit more, but maybe that's just because I feel like Win 10's update cock waits for any moment where I stop paying perfect attention to it whereas everything I use from Google just werks.
I had this for 5 minutes before it became annoying. There's a plugin for Deletion only and it's alright.
>you can disable it
Same as VS Code.
I bet at the same time you bitch around when your browser eats all the RAM.
No, because I use Emacs.
Yes I use it, but prefer sublime text
I use it because I need to justify my 16gb of RAM
I use it for writing documents in Markdown and LaTeX. I also use it for writing long posts on Sup Forums so I don't lose them by accidentally close the browser and lose my progress (it's happened before). The live Markdown Preview is a great thing.
Those. Millenials just keep perpetuating the JavaScript Hybrid Apps cancer. Fuck those retards who can't even write a proper program in C and who need to break things on Github every two days because of their FOMO and need for hype.
Keep in mind web devs have the mental capacity of a five year old.
No, because there exists an better in every aspect alternative called Vim.
No. Because pic related exists.
Yes because it is free software. Sublime and Visual Studio Code are propriety commercial garbage.
I use Geany. I wish atom was more stable
VS code is MIT licensed
No, because UltraEdit is better.
I tryd it, and I somewhat liked it.
It takes a little while to start up but I like it a lot. Lots of plugins and it looks nice. I used Brackets for a while till I realized that it can't open files properly if it's the default editor (at least on Linux, it just opens the last opened file) and before realizing Atom had a really nice package manager. Sometimes I use Geany because it just loads faster. I don't have autism, if it works, it's extensible and it's free then that's good enough for me.
Proprietary and ugly