What do you think are the best addons for firefox and other gecko browsers?
State what browser you use & what addons.
>PaleMoon, uMatrix for spoofing shit
Pic related
What do you think are the best addons for firefox and other gecko browsers?
State what browser you use & what addons.
>PaleMoon, uMatrix for spoofing shit
Pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
redundant addons are redundant
>ublock AND adblock plus plugin
>remove jewgle tracking a few times
>umatrix AND RP
idk what decentralyes does but i was told it helps with privacy and i havent seen any negative effects of it so
It basically hosts a CDN inside your browser to prevent your browser from having to connect to external sites/CDNs to download content. I assume it would also speed things up but I've never used it myself.
looks like you have some good ones OP.
I might have to try some of those.
Now it's confirmed PaleMeme users actually are retarded.
>ublock does the same as blender
>umatrix does the sames as noscript
10/10 b8 m8
Video download helper.
Monochro is superior, but I don't know if it's available for PM.
>Not firefox
Is OP trolling? I don't see the point it just makes him look stupid.
damn you retarded as shit
Web of Trust good, though.
Firefox Nightly reporting in
Hardened Firefox profile + uBlock with default deny third party scripts + hosts file is all I need.
Good but
>Mega Botnet