/wdg/ - Web Development General

/wdg/ - Web Development General

Previous Thread: > Discord
(they're the same)

>IRC Channel
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: rizon.net/chat

>Learning material

>Useful Youtube channels

>Frontend development

>Backend development
[Gist] backendDevelopmentBookmarks.md (embed)

>Useful tools
pastebin.com/q5nB1Npt/ (embed) (embed)
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment
pastebin.com/4YeJAUbT/ (embed) (embed)

>How to get started
pastebin.com/pDT82mQS (embed) (embed)

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q="There's no need to bum bud"


There's no need to bum bud

anybody know a electron tutorial?

>tfw too scared to post the code of my portfolio projects in /wdg/ in fear of getting roasted

do it

It's a good idea to not post it.
Your future employee can find the thread it in tech archives, so do you really want them to know you're a former l337 anonymouse haxx0r?

I would elect ron. But it's too late.

>Your future employee can find the thread it in tech archives

What's wrong with posting on a board about web dev and technology?

I just saw the (embeds)

Dammit op

There's no way they'd think to specifically search through the Sup Forums archive, and just googling the code wouldn't bring you here

does someone here have there own custom css for this site?

>do you really want them to know you're a former l337 anonymouse haxx0r?

I wonder how many of us actually did this.
I may or may not have lured pedos to download trojans through AIM thinking it would open my webcam. 13/f/cali

You know nothing about the internet, kid..

Let's google this post here:
You can try it yourself:
>google.com/search?q="There's no need to bum bud"

The first (and only) result is here:

BOOM, found you.

no lol
i was tempted to take the material css from april fools and change it to not be so bright and shit but wasted effort 2bh



Meh, too old.

Anyone else trying to build a restful API from scratch?
I'm honestly really confused on how to implement cookies/sessions

Tokens, REST should be stateless.

PHP is a meme language?

Yes, it is a mistake that is on its way out.

Thanks user!


everything is a meme, but who cares? its the most used one, if you want more job opportunities you should learn it.

Is PHP a meme Language? Depends on your expectations, desire to learn and improve, other realistic available options, and previous experience with programming.

web dev babby here, if php is so shit then how do I do something like

If you mean including code from another file then every language can do that for example
import navbar
If you mean including html mixed with some backend code then it depends on the templating engine. It's basic. Like
{% include navbar.html' %}


Give me all your website ideas or your waifu is dead

oooh I'm so scared.

okay get this
it's Sup Forums, but... not
god this will be such a huge hit

> with something that isn't php?

pretty fucking wide scope there user, what are you using instead

Is this the right place to post if I want feedback on the design and aesthetics of my startpage?

sure, it's an start I guess

wdg is kinda dead now, pajeets are asleep

I'll try now and when I wake up tomorrow

also to anyone judging this ignore the links, I already know I'm cancer.

please, dont blend the background with the foreground. I can't see clearly the text and/or the boxes itself . try complementary colors or stick to black and white in texts.

alright thanks, I'll have a google and see what colors work with sky blue and pink

Try throwing some box-shadow on the squares.

Is your background an image or CSS?

will do
an image

tkmh.me/ how does he do that. That once you select a menu section he loads the html in while keeping the webgl animation?


Is there a way to set something like this as the desktop?


not that I know of, maybe with rainmeter, I just have it as the page that opens when I launch my browser

I want to make my own shitposting forum with 0 JS code is this possible, what do I have to learn?

the hover effect AFAIK in here is javascript . the update button is javascript . and everything else . PL of your fucking choice ( Ruby/Python/PHP/Java/Go )

what is your opinion on Web Assembly /wdg/?

Not hard, forums predate JS. But most tutorials nowadays won't be helpful. I recommend Python with Flask. PHP is godawful but easy to get started with.

>web assembly
>pc assembly
You are a proud shitposter, are you?

Then produce navbar.js renders as needed.

Hey gentles,
I building at the moment my own website with the framework bootstrap because responsive aspects. Nevermind, I need help with the navbar by responsive. I have a navbar fixed top "". The problem is now, when I zoom in until mobile version getting load the navbar is building it up like the pic attached. Am I have any chance to get the navbar in desctop version fixed and in mobile version not fixed?

What is /wdg/s opinion on over-bearing comments. A lot of people will comment like:

//Set the display of the modal to false
this.displayModal = false

It sorta annoys me but when I code review people and ask them to remove them they get triggered.

media queries new guy


c-could someone review my code?

paint was my friend, overall, horrible, wouldn't host desu

Just a short question, which PHP framework is the best for PHP beginners, Symfony or Laravel?


Well, i think laravel is easier.

I wanted critics for my code, the design and these projects are from TOP and I just Imitated to improve my skills. What didn't you like about the code

Could you elaborate please? I know some Perl but i completely new to PHP.

that sign up page looks like it is from w3school

Learning backend dev, should I just go with an existing webserver or should I write my own using built-in libraries?

its design?

I just liked laravel more because there is more useful tutorials online.
This dude has great tutorial, it is not just about creating blog, he explains everything.


Also if you try to fallow that tutorial, there is little folder structure difference in latest laravel.


That's how the original looks like
And I think I looked up [spoiler]and copied[/spoiler] some styling for the button

Thank's i'll look into it.

the uncapitalized chan is triggering my autism

Not previous poster but dood there's no code, it's only html with some jquery and it's not even hosted. You should try to make a functioning project even if it's just another retarded calendar or todo webapp. Bonus points if you host it, this being your portfolio and stuff.

desu I wanted some opinions on my css that's all. I have a project I host on heroku, it's a news site the backend I wrote with rails
yeah yeah that carousel is retarded it's just a place holder for now. and I have a problem with mailer not sending email on production

It looks really outdated desu.

The design is from a project I did on TOP and I decided to add some backend

And I only cared to add some features and make it responsive just to do it didn't care about making it look good that much I think. maybe I should change the design

Looks a bit broken

No another one would go to the left but there is no content

I think throwing them into the trash and starting a project I design from scratch is for the best ...

What should i build to learn laravel, pls no blog

Not ready for me. I'm waiting for support for anything not C or C++.
ES6 is supposed to fix this.
Laravel won't make you a better programmer, make sure you understand PHP 5.6 code perfectly.
Grab a small project from freelancer.com (one of the lowest paying ones) and do it for free, for yourself.

Going to do a big portfolio /wdg/, what should it be?

A web app for systematic catalogization of chinese adult cartoons written in assebmly.

I don't think that's something to show an employer

Well.. desu, i think it entirely depends on where you're going to apply.
A good start should be to make a website with an introduction, who are you, what have you done, where hav you worked, etc...
Inlcude projects you've worked on, maybe if it's something non-critical deploy it. That's how i'd start.
But keep in mind, less is more. It's better to show well done mature projects instead of "spamming" some half-backed shit on your portfolio.

Can someone point me to a good tutorial to make a simple crud web app with asp.net/visual studio?

ASP.NET MVC or WebForms?

Yeah, thought so. From what i've read by now Laravel seems like the "easy & dirty" choice and Symfony like the proper way to do things.
While Laravel should get the job done quickly i'll probably learn next to nothing.
Therefore i shall go with Symfony. Do you have some good guides/tutorials by any chance?

not the original guy but seeing both sides would be good if you can hook me up

OK, here it goes:

A RESTful API that serves JSON and informs you how many prime numbers are in your IPv4 adress.

God, that baby will make me a shitload of money..

a web site for /fit/ so they can compete with each other on their lifts, with links to stickys for all the generals on there and possibly a TDEE calculator.

>asp.net/visual studio

Have you tried kys.net ?

already been done.
youre waifu is dead.

yes :^)

> he thinks kys.net is a website

you got me user, you've successfully triggered the fuck out of me. thanks for ruining my day.
fuck yuo.

Link or it didn't happen!

OK wait, next idea:
A web shop where you can solve captions for money.

So if you have a bot and want it to shitpost on Sup Forums, you pay 0.1 ct per caption (PayPal), so 1 dollar = 1000 shitposts.

NEETs can solve those captions all day and get the money - it's not much, but enuogh so someone will do it.

Wanna make a startup with me?

Try it without the "www":

not bird but I would be interested in this.
my programming skills are average but im really cute and energetic.




Cool, my programming skills are below average, but I'm fat and sluggish.

What I meant to say is that you need previous experience with pure PHP and basic software design.
Anyway, the latest Symfony tutorial looks fine. Don't forget to check phptherightway.com

i clicked it too, was hopping for a support ticket system or something, well guess i can't even kill myself without hurting someone.