There is not a SINGLE legal, legitimate reason that you need to use pic related.
There is not a SINGLE legal, legitimate reason that you need to use pic related
> need
What if I want it?
In countries where the internet is heavily censored?
You sound like you just found out about Tor a minute ago from some Buzzfeed scare-mongering site
pedos pls go
>"""""sound like"""""
>I want to hide my IP because I don't want personalized ads
>I just don't want to show my IP.
>It's my PC and I am not harming anyone. Why shouldn't I have the right to use legal software?
Unblock sites on public WiFi without paying for VPN
Browse the interwebs in oppressive countries
nice argument there
I might be moving to China soon for studies
how shit is the internet?
Will tor be useful with breaking the firewall?
How can I get a VPN that's not gay?
yeah there shouldn't be, and thats the point.
There are, what now?
Kys or do something about your uninteresting life
>muh lawz
Odds are you're a liberal big government loving faggot.
I use when I know some shady site operator is logging IPs but I want to read something. Should buy a VPN instead but I tested one and it was dog slow so I asked for a refund.
Well yea maybe for a pleb like you who doesn't understand how the governments work around the world regarding privacy and censorship and you also have the option to buy drugs. BITCH MADE
jouranlist wants to keep the goverment from seeing a source of infomation
>defying the Chinese government
Sounds like a great idea, user! Let us know how you get on.
I run a Tor relay with 15 TiB of traffic per month.
hey OP, is your argument in focus? cuz you are so
How is death penalty?
The irony of that is that most liberals don't actually want big government outside of handouts and welfare. They're the first ones in line to argue about shrinking the military or the other sacred cows of government spending, but will fight tooth and nail to keep social support afloat.
No, the great firewall identifies and blocks Tor exit/bridge nodes and you'd get v&.
if it was that easy it makes you wonder why the americans don't just do the same
especially with all the drugs and crap on tor
>Using a proxy to visit youtube will get you executed
I don't think they are quite THAT retarded
>I don't think they are quite that retarded
>if it was that easy it makes you wonder why the americans don't just do the same
Are you stupid? At least look it up before you shitpost.
Actually there is alot of legit reasons to use it.
Say you are a gay person and live in a country where being gay is punishable by death but you want to be gay anyway and chat with others securely who are gay.
Or you could be a journalist reporting on sensitive issues.
You could be a deep cover CIA big guy and need to get information out of a hostile country securely.
And the list goes on and on.
>There is not a SINGLE legal, legitimate reason that you need to use pic related.
This is what any neutral, objective observer would conclude, and is coincidentally the NSA's official position on Tor. How does it feel to be well-governed, Sup Forums?
>being this retarded
What's the cost of this and how easy was it to sett up? What country is it hosted in?
OP is right.
Tor is all about breaking the law.
In iran it is illegal to be against the president.
In syria it is illegal to be a feminist
In china it is illegal to talk about Tienanmen square.
In sweden it is illegal to not be buttfucked in the ass by a black dick
In Russia it is illegal to...
Op you are aware the US made this bit of software and probably still use it cause it is secure...
>What's the cost of this
It's a dedicated server that I rent anyway but I don't need much bandwidth myself, only CPU and HDD, so I use it for Tor
>how easy was it to sett up?
Very easy.
>What country is it hosted in?
Germany. It's only a relay, not an exit node.
>There is not a SINGLE legal, legitimate reason that you need to use pic related.
To bypass arbitrary censors enforced by your country's laws, or IP range bans that senselessly prevent your entire country from using a given Web site.
>the NSA's official position on Tor.
dude its the NSA no shit they don't want you to use it
not true btw
A friend of mine has been to china and was on VPN the entire time.
Maybe if you're a citizen it could be a problem.
>big government
Odds are you're an underage faggot who subscribes to meme Sup Forumsitics.
I'm in the same situation, got a dedicated server that's hosting some vms and nothing else really. Fancy putting it to use. Will have a look cheers
>not a SINGLE legal
>posts Illegal reasons
Why don't you read the fucking paper retard, there's only 1 or 2 OBSF3-4 bridges that work behind the great firewall, whenever they go down you're fucked aside from the part that you're betting your life to 2 fucking nodes.
>bypass censors
All you need to do is edit /etc/tor/torrc, which is fully commented. You can configure a bandwidth limit too, so it doesn't exceed your quota.
>this backpedaling
get fucked user
where there's a will there's a way
fuck off libcuck
>i'm a bootlicking statist that allows the gov't to pre-approve what I view.
Back to Sup Forums, you degenerates.
backpedaling on what? most people won't be able to run Tor and will get v& on the first try without even knowing what happened, your stupid ignorant opinions will get someone v& and tortured as well when those 2 nodes go down
My friend has lived in China for 5 years and nobody bothered him for using a VPN.
Yes, there are commercial VPN providers that successfully circumvent the great firewall.
Well if you don't want censored internet you really shouldn't move there. They have a death penalty for breaking those laws.
Who cares? I just use it for illegal shit. Any legal stuff I would just do on a normal Web browser.
The gay one is arguable for human rights
The journalist one is legal in most 1st world countries
CIA one is arguably legal/understandable
We aren't talking about travelers they wont get killed for using a vpn tek syndicate openly used a vpn and nothing happened to them they were even treated like royalty. If you're a citizen that's where they will kill your ass.
to buy drugs
Those are all legal reasons dipshit.
What kind of pisspoor 3rd world shit hole do you live in?
you know the Chinese will not have a problem just straight up confiscating your shit and/or deporting you for that?
If you don't have anything to hide you don't have anything to fear.
I find it useful for testing web servers and stuff.
If you are gay you should be killed, full stop
>In Russia it is illegal to...
To what, user? Don't leave me hangin
To talk about homosexuality.
>death penalty
not for foreign man
Nice try, FBI
In which country?
Ultimately, law serves a purpose. It's to enforce what YOU think is the moral right. YOU elect representatives that hold up that law. YOU choose to obey the police. YOU choose to defer or suppress revolution.
There is no objective morality. Law has no justifications but its enforcers and all who bow to them.
A tool to break the law, that can be shared across borders, for YOU, is a weapon. In oppressive states where mere organization is banned, tor is a nuke.
Tor is developed and funded by the US government.
Thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious.
Tor is full retard garbage for mouth-breathing retards.
I don't use it but I'll be glad for it when visiting Wikileaks is made a punishable offence by having your bollocks torn off and being falsely accused of being a Russian terrorist.
[citation needed]
I frequently go to china for ... business
And I always use VPN when I'm there
and no, no special VPN routing/relay/etc. I just open the PIA VPN and connected.
[cure for your down syndrome needed]
How so?
>watching back to the future n ghost films b&
>they steal the organs of political mavericks
>not THAT retarded
nice argument
How come all these onion links never work when I'm on tor?
uBlock Origin
Fuck off pedo
Hotspotshield VPN free
CyberGhost VPN free
Fuck off pedo
nice shitpost
"free" VPN
good goy
>everyone who disagrees with me is a pedo
intresting new trend
gee, thanks user-kun! *blushes*
Fuck off, pedo.
> From a different user who thinks you're a fucking pedo too.
This thread just makes me realize how shitty other country's laws are.
>the great firewall
takes one to know one.
Yes, China is all the other countries. Where do you live and don't say murika.
back to plebbit
chums will always do what they want to do
or russia. or turkey. or india. circumventing in india is punishable by up to 3 years in prison
why would you break the law ? They were made for your security.
>Gay one
If it's illegal, it's illegal
>Journalist one
if it's just for anonimity, I agree
>CIA guy
Illegal in the country where you're staying
Spying is illegal too
Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with Tor (not OP)
US senpai
I love tor only because of child pornography. It's fucking amazing! They have nice child models and I love it! They're cute too.
False flag poster pls
There's no such thing as "human rights", only law decides what a human has a right to do within a country. Human rights don't exist in non-liberal countries.
I have nothing against tor, or it's services. But the truth is lots of it's users do "illegal" things.
Journalists and military personnel are the only ones I can think of with legitimate reasons
Thad I thought you were in prison.
>i have absolutely no concept of technology, information, the Internet or what makes people interested in it
>not using freenet
kill urself my man
eat shit CIA nigger
there's not a single legal/legitimate reason that my private property should be touched by your botnet
tor is shit and was literally funded by the NSA
use i2p
Three or four years ago I friend of mine used Tor while traveling inside China, he didn't have any legal problems.
>tor is for my pedos
I do agree, but if you have been lurking Sup Forums, you might get dumps for cp from there
I wish for have people being killed on streaming sites. I wanna see some people getting their guts cut off and legs cut off.