Why the fuck is my Xbox One lagging then? And it's not game specific (BF1, FIFA) and it's been lagging for a few weeks

Why the fuck is my Xbox One lagging then? And it's not game specific (BF1, FIFA) and it's been lagging for a few weeks.

Fuck, I've got a large stash of bud and no vidya

Do you smoke a lot in your house?

Is your xbone in a closed in space?

Does your house get dusty easily?

It could be getting hot

>using a console in current year

This is actually very normal and mostly has to do with microsoft using DDR3 RAM instead of GDDR5 vRAM.

You should have just built a custom PC you dumb nigger. An X4 845 + R7 460 would only cost you like $300 and you'd get about 5X the performance compared to an xbone.

Not really

Good idea but that doesn't look like it is the issue

Your internet connection has nothing to do with the lag you retard. xbones just plain blow.

Check single player modes, if your still getting lag then you can eliminate internet.

I'd call Microsoft tbqhf

No amount of tech support will be able to fix the dogshit hardware in an xbone.

No lag in GTA V or BF1 storymodes, so I do believe it to be an internet issue

I have little hope in Microsoft reps

Because consoles are shit, ever seen those "$100 Craigslist PC with $50 GPU vs $400 Xbox"
videos on YouTube? Ever wonder why a $150 PC usually performs about the same or slightly better in those videos?

It's obvious, PC is just far better, especially since you aren't limited to just gayming.

It's just online lag though, not issues with single player

>type of memory
>related to latency problems
kill yourself, animeposter

And if you gamed on PC instead, you would easily be able to fix whatever network issue you are dealing with.


Mine gets laggy when it's running too much shit in the background.

I always close all programs before launching a new one.

Of course that confused you....stupid console gamer

It's a console.

Are people this jealous of consoles? Unprovoked butthurt was the giveaway

because it's a console

>Fuck, I've got a large stash of bud and no vidya
kys degenerate

Ethernet or WiFi connection?