install vrms
post vrms
Whoever has the lower non-free% combined with contrib% wins.
install vrms
post vrms
Whoever has the lower non-free% combined with contrib% wins.
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I'm using Trisquel/Parabola dual boot, I win by default.
Went full freetard.
Thinkpad is librebooted also.
I bet your hard drive firmware is proprietary.
It does not execute on CPU, though.
How would someone go about librebooting a laptop which isn't supported? I have a Thinkpenguin machine which unfortunately has a nonfree BIOS. I figure that's not for lack of trying, though, so it might be a fool's errand.
X200 is fully supported.
>No non-free or contrib packages installed on [redacted]! rms would be proud.
my fucking sides
Yes, I'm aware of that. I was wondering if you had any other experience with other laptops which aren't.
How does this make you feel, freetards?
First it needs to be ported to coreboot and Intel ME version should be lower than 6.x.
it means that any post 2009 can't be librebooted, and if machine is pre 2009 it still needs tons of work to be librebooted.
I am not a coreboot or libreboot dev, I just flashed libreboot image into a BIOS chip.
Well, thank you for the info, anyway.
>tfw the botnet wants me to be out of date
I have a few packages, Google Chrome and a few font and theme packages with "custom" license ("microsoft" etc). And then a boatload of ones with a license that it can't parse.
And this is with vrms-arch
>Google Chrome
the fuck
Why not Chromium?
317 ambiguously liscenced packages
Does it come with the Netflix thingy and flash? That's the only reason I installed it for. My GF wanted to watch stuff from Netflix and I also needed to use flash for a gov website thingy, that relates to my uni work.
Why not just go full botnet if you need normie shit like that?
otherwise my GPU wont function correctly. Also installed steam, but never actually played any games.
My fucking sides when this is the only game Linux users can play
To be fair, I use Office, when I really need it, on our family PC.
Non-free packages installed on pinkiepie
emacs24-common-non-dfsg GNU Emacs common non-DFSG items, including the core do
firmware-atheros Binary firmware for Atheros wireless cards
firmware-iwlwifi Binary firmware for Intel Wireless cards
firmware-realtek Binary firmware for Realtek wired/wifi/BT adapters
gdb-doc The GNU Debugger Documentation
unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
virtualbox-guest-additions-iso guest additions iso image for VirtualBox
Contrib packages installed on pinkiepie
torbrowser-launcher helps download and run the Tor Browser Bundle
virtualbox x86 virtualization solution - base binaries
virtualbox-dkms x86 virtualization solution - kernel module sources fo
virtualbox-ext-pack extra capabilities for VirtualBox, downloader.
virtualbox-qt x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface
7 non-free packages, 0.2% of 3251 installed packages.
5 contrib packages, 0.2% of 3251 installed packages.
here we go
I'm planning on librebooting my X200 in a few weeks.
How did you do it? Beaglebone black method or did you buy it librebooted already?
I'm getting hella spied on. Also vrms is kinda shit because it can only detect official Debian packages. I have Chrome installed as well as a handful of nonfree games, but they weren't detected.
Non-free packages installed on debawspc
amd64-microcode Processor microcode firmware for AMD CPUs
firmware-amd-graphics Binary firmware for AMD/ATI graphics chips
firmware-iwlwifi Binary firmware for Intel Wireless cards
firmware-linux-nonfree Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kerne
firmware-misc-nonfree Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kerne
firmware-realtek Binary firmware for Realtek wired/wifi/BT adapters
intel-microcode Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs
rar Archiver for .rar files
steam Valve's Steam digital software delivery system
steam-devices Device support for Steam-related hardware
steamcmd Command-line interface for Valve's Steam
unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
Contrib packages installed on debawspc
iucode-tool Intel processor microcode tool
virtualbox x86 virtualization solution - base binaries
virtualbox-dkms x86 virtualization solution - kernel module sources fo
virtualbox-qt x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface
winetricks package manager for WINE to install software easily
12 non-free packages, 0.5% of 2207 installed packages.
5 contrib packages, 0.2% of 2207 installed packages.
I think it's pretty funny, but that's about it
Chromecast doesn't work with Chromium
I'm not using Linux to get away from the botnet in particular. I just use it because it's light and does everything I need it to do. And because it's what I'm used to.
If you can do without Netflix or don't have anything school work or that kind of stuff that requires flash, well that's just great. But I'll just use what works. The project wasn't worth the extra hassle of using something else and the Netflix thing was just simpler that way. She wanted it and I had installed Chrome anyway, so I didn't want to bother to come up with an alternative.
Sub 1%, not too bad.
What OS you running?
Raspbian confirmed non free