Flat design

>flat design
>material design
>minimal design
>metro design

When will this meme end


when designers start getting crap for not doing any innovayshun

I give it two years more.

Microsoft's UIs are the worst offenders, at least there's some depth and colors left on MacOS and iOS but Microsoft just went full retard with flatness. Even Windows 95 looked more vibrant than 10.


One day his spirit will rise from unemployment and they'll all know that he was right

what's this kind of UX design called again. the kind that immitates real stuff. like a bookshelf for an ebook app

it's on the tip of my fuckin tongue


i actually like flat design

pls no bully

ah right. weird word.

flat design is simple and clean but sometimes not as intuitive
skeuomorphism is highly intuitive but sometimes more visually complex and ornamental

idk, both have their use, i the best would be as little skeuomorphism as possible but as much as necessary

the bookshelf icon for the ebooks app makes sense to me for example. hard to think of a flat icon that is anywhere near as intuitive

Flat design when done right is eternal. A lot of flat design right now is going to look very 2010's, but look at how much flat design has resurfaced from mid century. When done right flat design is timeless, any imitation of real life is going to look dated.

GUI design definitely peaked around 2009

i miss when buttons and interfaces had clear defined borders

the liberal mindset is infecting our GUIs too

when you stop being a faggot and realize flat designs were better all along.

GUI is meant to be functional first and foremost

I find it far more intuitive as well.

What's the icon for "my computer"? A computer (Remember how Win98SE automatically changed it to a laptop if you installed on a laptop?)

When people stop researching usability and design and just start using the ugly skeuomorphisms again.
Aka never

The problem is that it's not immediately clear in a desktop setting.

For example, a big square box, with a small grid on the inside is a calender. However, on a desktop that could also be your spreadsheet program.

Once you click it and it opens a calender, then you know what it is, and you can rapidly access your calender again. So in that case they're right that it is more "usable" to an experienced user.

HOWEVER, you shouldn't need to try something to see what it does. It's the GUI version of typing various commands in to a command line to get yourself to move (sorry, cd) to another place.

But this has always been the case of just plain bad design. Look at the images folder, which looks more like a fonts folder.

google's material is probably the most annoying shit ive seen for years
replacing actual buttons with text and labels with small icons no one understands because they went too fucking far on having as little detail as possible makes it arbitrary and completely useless

microshaft at the very least keeps small text labels on their stupid ass squares

I definitely agree that replacing written labels with emojis is lowering the user-friendliness of operating systems, but is more attractive to look at than skeuomorphism. Will the next step be a mobile OS that runs like those nested "choose number from 1-0" menus that unix people just zoom through?

Well, at least Duarte's Material Design brings something new to the table.

itt: retards

you listed those completely out of order

minimal (web 2.0 2006-2009) metro (windows 8) flat (2010-present) material (2014-present)

thanks duARTe

>most shit is still on the vista/early os x level of design
>glassy transparent panels everywhere with fake light diffusion
>gradients gradients gradients
>concurrently, desktop threads start appearing on Sup Forums
>flat rectangles, pastel colors, harmonious color schemes
>cell shading over gradients
>low footprint, mechanically simple interfaces
>suddenly google and microsoft and lastly apple all start doing this shit

guys I think Sup Forums (or at least the *nix ricing community) influenced mainstream design big time

>low footprint, mechanically simple interfaces
>mainstream design

Pick one.

Can someone please explain to me how doing nothing is so costly?

>It's so minimal I barely exist.

macOS' GUI is the best in the business.
Fuck off and quit living in the past.

Sure its important to design icons well. Do you consider the icon for IrfanView better? That's from the non-flat age.
Flat design must still be well designed to be good, just like non-flat design. But flat is more consistent and better recognizable by reducing visual elements down to the necessary. That's why it's so successful and also why it won't go anywhere. It's literally the best you can do (provided its done well)

I actually noticed this too.

If you want to reduce things down to the necessary, why not just make it a word?

Get rid of icons entirely and just click on text.

A word is more complex than an icon (also less recognizable, slower to grasp etc.)
Icons are good. Too simple or too complex icons are bad.

Words are more information-dense.

Pictures speaking a thousand words is fine for advertisements, but these are computers.

A picture of a typewriter could be a whole number of things, but "Microsoft Word" is specific.

this will be the new vaporwave in a few years time

1. "Microsoft Word" takes up much more space than an icon.
2. An icon has much higher recognizability. If you know what the ms-word icon looks like, you can find quickly in hundreds of icons. Try that with a word in a wall of text.
3. Usually flat design uses both icons AND words giving you the benefits of both. You don't need to start "calendar" to know it's the calendar, if below the icon it says "calendar".
But if you have an app drawer full of icons (and small labels), icons will get you there much quicker (if you use pointer or touch based devices, which most of the world does)

When will functional web design come back?

It seems like it's only ever going to get worse with everything getting faster

In 50 years we'll be using the same protools but with scripts and a browser that takes up 4GB RAM per tab