These are the people incharge of security in Google Chrome. [1]

Now when are you switching to Firefox?


Other urls found in this thread:


I use Chromium so all good here.


If by security it means they can securely gather data on you, then yes.

Exactly, use Ungoogled Chromium.

>Google has solid business reasons to be aggressive in its HTTPS campaign. In contrast to closed-off environments like Apple’s App Store, Google loves the open web, where its search engine reigns supreme and its ads rake in the vast majority of the company’s $80 billion a year in revenue. To compete with mobile apps, Tabriz explains that Google wants web pages to be able to reach deeper into your computer’s resources, accessing the same sensitive information that apps routinely use.

Thanks for making the web secure, google.

I want her to botnet my dick to her honeypot


>he browses reddit



>The sweatshirts were emblazoned with the words “Department of Chromeland Security”

Google UnGoogled Chromium and get that.

>UnGoogled Chromium
ive wanted to do this for a while and now I can finally do it :-) finally pushed me over the line lol

theyre ++security by making sites look "scary"
>goes into starbucks
>add simple cain and abel sniffer
>flooded with info

>which can range anywhere from a hacker sniffing passwords at the next Starbucks table
the fuck?

> male engineers
> do their fucking job
> female engineers
> get a photoshooting

We get it, Pajeet. You want us to continue using Chrome. It won't work, shill in a different thread.


Back to /FFG/ with you, mozilla-cuck.

Stay mad, pajeet.

It's easy to fake strawpolls aswell as rig them with fake votes, nice try nu-male.

Sure, that's why Chrome loses to Firefox in every single vote that has been done.


>omg their girls so they can't code wow chrome sucks xDDDdd
Fuck off. I bet you wouldn't even stand a chance in a 1v1 hacking deathmatch against either of them

I want to work at google - I want to be called Google's Security Daddy

It was only 2 months ago I was on your side.
Alot changed my mind and made me switch.

Perhaps in future I'll give Firefox another go.
Until then ungoogled-chromium it is.

fite me 1v1 hacking bruh

>we hired a few vaguely attractive female developers
>lets have a girls-only photoshoot with them
And this is apparently """not sexism."""

L̶a̶d̶i̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶Gentlemen, here we are witnessing Google shills on full damage control.

Nu-cuck detected.

>tfw no chrome vulnerabilities will be found by this team in the upcoming 5 years
>now Google can tell people Chrome is 100% secure because anyone complaining about the team will get sued.
Brilliant tactic.

Wow, I wonder how good she was at inverting binary trees on paper, seems to be a standard interview challenge for (male) developers

considering she's got a master, probably better at it than 99.9% of Sup Forums


This is what user imagines

This happens when you hire people who have no clue about technology hire to defend your products online.

>hacking deathmatch

k whats youre ip faget mine is

>attractive girls can't take a photo of themselves and feel good about it

mine is come at me bruh

>All white women
Why is this allowed? Where is the diversity? They surely could have gotten women of other ethnicities for that photoshoot.

>CIS scum talking shit about diversity

>we are hackers XD
>lets take a modeling photo!

i fucking hate women


haha sexually frustrated manlet detected

>Implying this isn't a publicity stunt to show off MUH DIVERSITY at Jewgle
shig dig

Meanwhile, in the EU, a woman is working hard to fine jewgle billions of euromoney

whats a manlet to a personal fuccboi? you're all one in the same.


>women making a bunch of icons and sweatshirt is not newsworthy
Top kek.

bad move, google

they should look for people who have the longest unix beards and the most off-putting scowls.

fucking internship yes the long beard guy GET MORE OF THEM
imagine if the main search engine developer in the internship was a sus girl who took selfies with her food

Computer information system?
Ai scum? Fuck you, learn to accept tgat ai is part of your life, ai deserves rights too!!!

Quantum fucking when

Google is a great company, they know a bit more about the internet than the cucks at Lozilla and Kikeroshit

3 Rupees have been transferred to your account

Google sucks, shit UIs, shit concepts, no fun anymore, just business business business and selling users data on the way.

They don't even have their own ideas anymore. Fuck Google.


Is this why Chrome sucks so bad?

Awful memory hog, uses every spare CPU cycle it can muster...thanks ladies.

Switched to Firefox little over 3 months ago.

So far it's been OK. It's nice that I get to edit the UI, but it sure takes a while for Firefox to open and be ready to use. Also it still doesn't support hi-res bookmark icons on retina screens.

If Mozilla would put little more effort into it, Firefox would be awesome browser, for now it's just OK, but since I'm trying to get away from Google there isn't much choice.

hey mate where is that pic coming from?
I searched for a chromium installer, and I always ended up in the fucking chrome page

could you provide the source?

I already found it

Then why not post the link you colossal faggot?
Don't you see that people want the link? You even wanted it yourself, so why not share the needed info?

is this shit smeared on chromium? if yes, give me alternatives, pls

I didn't thought that people where as stupid as me not finding the link

by the way, if you want it, you could ask politely

>vaguely attractive female developers
The only reason why I think they might actually be half competent is because that's an unattractive bunch if that's the best a proffessional photo shoot managed to make them look.

nothing about this image conveys anything about their technical ability and if its to show diversity it fails as they are all white

impressive bait friend

It's funny you mention this. Even hardcore SJWs are starting to realize that white woman are the most privileged in society. More then white males now.


We have CIA niggers among us!

for a bunch of white women they're fucking lewd

I actually think it's a good idea to flag HTTP sites as non secure.
HTTP should have died 15 years ago.

HTTPS should be the default. What's retarded is the big "NOT SECURED !!!1!!1" warning for self signed certificates.


are you fucking amish? why are you on a computer? i bet you think this is lewd

>HTTPS should be the default.
Do you know a lot of porn streaming sites that use HTTPS?

Fortunately they glow at night, so we can kill them easily.

>I won't use a product because women are involved in its development

Why are you people so offended by women?

y-you can se her hands

It's a pretty damn beautiful photo; it's not lewd, but she'd look better with something looser for her legs. You can't just pick the loosest blouse ever and go with tight jeans for your legs. It doesn't work that way.

>yfw your ISP is CIA

Pornhub, xvideos and mommyless do, what more do you need

but it looks so comfy

None of those use HTTPS, not even pornhub.

Shit your're right, why did I think they did?

This is the stupidest fucking thread ever.

Who the fuck cares what browser you use, as long as it's not IE or Edge?


None, and that's exactly where's the problem.
That's why HTTPS should be the default and browsing on all plain HTTP website should display a big warning.
That would scare some users into not using those websites, then cause those websites to actually secure their content.

Because right now, my ISP and a ton of other people can know exactly what kind of porn I watch and I don't like this.

As l9ng as they can do the job it really doesn't fucking matter but somehow I suspect that Google chose them for a particular reason...

Firefox nightly added this too.

Why can't we all just switch to Brave? First 1.0 release should be here by December. It's made by Brendan Eich. Has all ad blocking script blocking shit built right in. No Google botnet. No SJWs. He has a couple of real programmer girls working on it.

Both Firefox and Chrome are compromised and collapsing.

>ask politely
>Sup Forums

They're all white females. Literally the most common demographic in the US.

Brave is just Chromium with some shit slapped on top

>Security Princess

Oh, yeah GRRL! Way to represent the Systyrhood!

>>we are hackers XD
>>lets take a modeling photo!

>Security Princess

isn't it sexist?

jesus please learn to make a coherent response next time before posting.


No, it isn't. It only uses Chromium rendering.

Females are an oppressed minority shitlord

She probably negotiated for that title. People do that a lot.