No one gives a fuck, you faggot.
i didnt know this was open source
pretty cool
yubrowser/tugabrowser is better
>i didnt know this was open source
>Ads installed by default
>it's only open source if there are no ads
so remove the ads and compile it yourself, retard.
Ads? On Lightning? Bullshit.
If only it had an element picker it'd be perfect
I've had issues with typing in URLs too fast and it suddenly freezing, so glad it's working properly now~
Bout fucking time.
>DuckDuckGo powered search suggestions
Who cares, it's still based on the android webview.
Meaning Google sniffing around yer data?
Yeah exactly, since it's based on chrome.
Explain, pl0x.
He's full of shit. yubrowser is part of the chinese botnet and tuga is just plain shit
>still can reproduce videos
>no way to instantly clear history without having to longtap every single thing
It's shit
Speed browser is far better.
Except there is. Cuck.
Tugabrowser is better.
How so?
Ublock and https everywhere built in.
>still no updated chrome
>still can't save videos played in the video player like chrome
what the hell is that?
What was the point of that?
Lightning has the best favorite and tab management. I don't understand why other browsers do it any differently.
>swype from right to left->favorites
>swype from left to right->tabs
Is there any other browser that does that?
Krypton + naked browser is better you nig
Both based on chromium, and are optimized for snapdragon devices. If you've got a snapdragon soc, no other browser will be as fast as one of these two.
They also both have ad blocking and some minimal script blocking built in.
They are closed source, but they are also created by some of the most well known rom developers, so they are probably safe.
Of course, if you absolutely do not want a closed browser, then lightning or chromium is your best bet.
RSbrowser is better
Firefox is still much faster and better.
Don't listen to him. Speed Browser is superior.
Is there an open in background tab now? Might give it a try again if so
Due to Lightning's noupdates until now, I moved on to Speed browser. Happy enough with it.
>Better than Tuga
I bet you use Newpipe instead of Webtube, too.
what's the best light web browser? i'm with the nexus 7 2012
Judging by people's reactions you're the faggot.
Naked browser.
Pic related, I fucking love that menu.
>fell for the jewga meme
It was built from open source code :^)
But the developer refused to show the source of his build :^)
Mods on XDA defended this act :^)
Still isn't as good as CAF
The inevitable naked browser shill.
It's shit.
Just like you.
I used to use it on my old LG I bought at best buy 3 years ago. It was pretty comfy
Havent bothered with it since I got a new phone. Now I typically switch between lightning and firefox
Jesus christ Sup Forums you came up with some obscure browsers and I was happy with Chrome, now I need to test everything ITT