Why are technical users of computers so out of touch with what normal people want?

Why are technical users of computers so out of touch with what normal people want?

Why do they try to force their autism on other people?

We get it, certain tools and philosophies work for you, now get the fuck off my lawn.

"Get the fuck out of my lawn"
YOU're in OUR lawn. Fuck off, kid.

Because when the normies fuck up, we end up having to face it or deal with it in some way.

That's entirely dependent on what topic you are discussing. For example, regarding security, why would anyone technical minded consider the wants of a normal person. A majority of normal people are very stupid in regards to security.

But we don't like bullshit gimmicks

Things that make technology interesting to the public is usually crab that is marketed well.

I don't like crab.

why are normal people so lazy?

why do they actively avoid learning things or thinking?

Why do people like you excuse and promote that behavior?

Because technical users are the ones who build and program the things that normies use, and we know better than they do.

I'm a phone user
>inb4 get off my board

smart people exist to think for the normal people.

Normal purple aren't lazy. They just don't need to know what programming language was used to code their Facebook app because it has no significance to how they use it.

Find a nickel, go buy yourself a real operating system.

it's dangerous to go alone

Normies don't give a fuck what OS they are given. They will still use it for Facebook.

What said. I simply refuse to think for myself.

What are you talking about?

Pretty much every piece of hardware is developed with commercial purposes in mind. The only thing that thrives of technical-minded hobbyists may be offshoots of the raspberry picture or arduino kits.

Linux and BSD operating systems have hobbyists developing anda working on them for themselves but the most popular distros are free servers and ubuntu which is targeted at making an open alternative to many Windows features.

If hobbyists ruled the world then laptops would be easily customizeable

This is true. And sad.

Why are normal users of computers so out of touch with what normal people want?

Why do they try to force their laziness on other people?

We get it, certain tools and philosophies work for you, now get the fuck off my lawn.

*what technical people want

>What are you talking about?
>Pretty much every piece of hardware is developed with commercial purposes in mind. The only thing that thrives of technical-minded hobbyists may be offshoots of the raspberry picture or arduino kits.
The raspberry pi is only feasible because commercial buyers drove down the cost of certain broadcom SoCs down so much, that the pi foundation was able to buy them cheap for their board.

Arduino is possible because atmel chips are used in so many commercial devices, that they are kept cheap. They court the hobbyist market, but they don't build the through hole parts for them. Those are built for the prototyping market, and us hobbyists get to play to, because they don't want to price gouge and risk poisoning the well that gets them such great press.

Those look like court artist drawings of my office's social interactions

Lots of people would just live a completely sedentary life if they could, only existing to consume. Who ever creates the first ass wiping machine is going to be very rich.

Japan invented those years ago. Every toilet in the country washes and dries your ass for you.

Because it's them adopting and repurpousing our standars for their needs

Call me the day "normies" make their own protocols and such and are successful instead of dragging everything down

I love it when these millennial hipsters who blindly follow tech trends refer to themselves as 'normies' when all they are are tech illiterates who delude themselves into thinking they some how shape the tech industry

>I dress like the left
wat do Sup Forums

>tech illiterates who delude themselves into thinking they some how shape the tech industry
That's what normies are


You sure this only applies to 'technical users'? I would guess this happens with any profession. If you'd ask a butcher what meat you should eat, he'd also give you an 'autistic' answer and tell you, you should never buy pre-packaged meat from the super market. If you'd ask a carpenter what table you should buy they would probably be very specific about things like different types of wood and you would probably end up just buying the cheapest one, anyway.
Why *should* computer people be any different -- especially in times when computers are having an impact literally everywhere?!?

Maybe everyone should give more of a shit about their consumption habits instead of just buying cheap.

dress like the ones on the right

But I'm too fat and muscular to pull off skinny jeans
I'm built like the Autistic Hulk

Kill yourself.

Fantastic post, really gets at the heart of the issue!

Because normals are fucking filthy consumerist whores that will only eat the shit shoved down their throats and never create anything apart from the shit they upload to "social" media.

The internet wasn't supposed to be this abhorrent abomination it is today, thanks to these shit eating normalfags.

>I simply refuse to think for myself.
You deserve everything bad that happens to you.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>normie meme

there's a thing called division of roles in society

Because your shit is objectively worse for people capable of learning basic shit, but because of the garbage free market (FUCK the free market, central planning or bust) it ends up dominating and all the good shit ends up in unstable, unmaintained linuxware that's X11 only and won't compile without gcc+glibc (the G standards for garbage)

because most of them are socially awkward and thus retreat into hostility and elitism.

also hilariously just echoing sentiments of the people who came before them, copycat behavior is the best way to fit in.

But if you asked an automotive engineer which car you should buy they'd tell you to get a honda civic and rice the fuck out of it

>Popular opinions aren't right, they're pathetic losers trying to fit in, fucking mainstream normies! that means they're wrong and i don't even have to argue against them!

toppest of keks