/HG/ Hacking General

Step 1: buy a raspberry pi
Step 2: install Kali Linux
Step 3: a.pomf.cat/pryygm.webm [youtu.be/3_TXBZvK52I]

the internet is a f*cked up place...

Hey what's the best way you use to identify backends I use nmap with os det what do you guys use?

>Kali Linux
>not Backtrack

>using others tools

incase anyones wondering this is "waters of nazerath" by Jus†ice

>kali linux
jesus the edge is unreal

can you explain why Kali linux is bad? I've never used it but pentesting and hacking is something I would like to get into and it seems like it is to goto suggestion for that.

Sup Forums gets triggered at script kiddies

pls let this be a joke, how old are you?
because the ratio for using kali and being a hacker is something like 1/10000, most of the people who use it are just curious and want to learn how to """" hack"""" but they lost their hope and curiosity eventually

>because the ratio for using kali and being a hacker is something like 1/10000, most of the people who use it are just curious and want to learn how to """" hack"""" but they lost their hope and curiosity eventually
So it's bad because the people using it for hacking loose their drive most of the time? Wut?

why use kali and backtrack don't be skids learn to hack, also most attacks come from other servers almost never from your come connection when you ssh into a box you need to install on the tools you need for the vuln you find

it's bad because most of the users are edgy teenagers who wants to be edgy
kali linux's popularity was a mistake.

I remember when I was under 18 and that this was l33t.

Hacking is for kids because adults don't want to go to jail.

>m-muh popularity
Sounds like you're the edgy wannabe-underground teen.

>Kali Linux
are you for real?

i've never used kali, i'm just saying it's targetted for people who use it for doing their jobs, not fat highschool students who wants to hack the facebook accounts of girls who rejected them.
all these hacker things are just a phase, don't worry

>all these hacker things are just a phase, don't worry
I don't know jack shit about hacking, but thanks for this...uhm...usefull advice. I'll totally pass it, if I ever get the chance to talk to some skript kiddo.

>it's targetted for people who use it for doing their jobs, not fat highschool students who wants to hack the facebook accounts of girls who rejected them.
Cars are bad because people without a license use them? Or what is this logic?

Cars would absolutely be considered bad if most users did not have a license

>implying licensed driving means that you're safe
>what is all seeing eye
>what is license plates
To hack is to be in control, simply. Stop being such a jew.

No, the system checking for licenses would be considered bad. Most people overcook their meat. That doesn't mean the meat is bad, it means peoples cooking skills are bad.
People abusing kali doesn't make kali bad, it makes the people abusing it idiots.

>exploits in ruby
the conversation should've ended here.

Your whole life is just a phase though.

didn't he already show how fucking superior to everyone else he was?
just shut it man, he is the top dog here in Sup Forums, you don't want to mess with him, believe me
just go play with a ball or sth

Man I really need to buy me a balaclava to rev up those hacker skills

kali is pretty worthless. It is really a poser tool, not even for skiddies but for "lol look at me I'm h2x7r!". It is kind of the equivalent of running tcpdump and saying you're a hacker.
It has a lot of tools, all of them which you could just as readily get in any other UNIX[-like]. The tools themselves are no good if you don't know what they are about.
Put simply, the best way (IMO) to learn that shit is:
learn C
learn shell scripting
learn the network stack
learn unix
Knowledge is where it's at, not that clusterfuck of tools that will just sit there unused because you don't know what they're about

>learn C
>learn shell scripting
>learn the network stack
>learn unix

All you said is a meme. You don't reinvent the wheel for doing some pentesting/hacking, and that what Kali is for. There is nothing wrong with using tools made by others, just RTFM and do it your own way.

Nope nope and nope.
Kys slowly and painfully please.

>tfw hacking is dead

heh nice try kiddo. if you don't exclusively make your own tools in assembly you'll never be a real hacker like me

that's probably because
1. microsoft woke up and started adding some security around windows files
2. the """""hackers"""" are no longer 12 years old and moved on because hacking is fucking stupid

>not writing machinecode
stay pleb

>how do i make sure wheel is working properly
>learn to how a wheel is supposed to be and see if it works like that

>not writing your entire OS with punchcards
>not programming by putting magnets on tape until it makes exactly the binary sequences you need via trial and error
you could just as well be """"""programming"""""" emojis, kiddo

>using a cpu
>not using a pen & paper and sheer mental processing
Utterly plebian

May as well just keep playing Farmville, kid

>using pen and paper
>not just doing it in your head and memorizing everything else
Why even bother?

>tfw to intelligent to even think of solutions

How to ssh into macs?
im russia not england well
help thanks

go to the house of whoever you're trying to hack, open OS X's preference panel, go to Network and enable remote access.

you guys have any easy software to plant onto someones PC to Spy on them or their webcam?

Newfag here.