Why is denial a thing?

Why is denial a thing?

You call your ISP when their network is down and they tell you to restart your router at home.

You complain about Firefox performance vs Chrome and they tell you to clear your cookies.

You question why systemd needs an http server and Lennart personally closes your bug report and marks it as WONTFIX.

You ask for thumbnails in gnome file picker and somehow 12 years pass.

You question object-oriented programming techniques and they tell you to use more design patterns.

Why can't anyone own up to their mistakes?

>You ask for thumbnails in gnome file picker and somehow 12 years pass.
Ain't you an entitled motherfucker

Human are lazy. Making up an excuse is usually less work than actually solving the problem.

>You ask for thumbnails in gnome file picker and somehow 12 years pass.
Uhm... But Gnome has thumbnails in the file picker???

thumbnails for ants

That's why you have the preview????

I don't understand this meme, it's the same """"issue"""" on both OS X and Windows too.

>it's the same """"issue"""" on both OS X and Windows too.

I don't know about OSX but it's not an issue in Windows.

Pic related, large thumbnails. The preview in the standard GTK picker only shows when you click on an image. The thumbnails are so tiny that if you have a large folder filled with images - like a reaction image folder - it's a lot harder to find the image you want.

Okay, I'm full of assumptions. This is how it looks in OS X and Chrome anyway.

On the top bar in your screenshot there's a button with 4 squares that looks slightly like the Sup Forums logo.

Press it, and you'll have proper thumbnails.

This option is not available in virtually every Linux distro. There's an easy-to-install patch for Arch though.


>This option is not available in virtually every Linux distro
This is a desktop environment thing, not a distro thing.

>There's an easy-to-install patch for Arch though.



>This is a desktop environment thing, not a distro thing.

It's a GTK filepicker thing, and almost every single DE and WM uses the GTK filepicker.

>what is KDE
>what is Qt

Go ahead and show me your Qt filepicker when used from a browser.

As far as I know, KDE is the only DE that has a usable filepicker. It's the exception, not the rule.

>Why can't anyone own up to their mistakes?

Because, as everyone who has spent any time in the internet knows, many(or even a majority) of the users are stupid. So when someone has a problem, it's all too easy to assume that it's THEIR fault somehow. After all, it must be working just fine for the majority of users, otherwise there'd be more complaints.

But KDE uses Qt....

I know it does.

But that doesn't mean your browser will. Firefox for example is hard-coded into using the GTK picker unless patched otherwise, which is often more a hack than a solution.

GTK/Gnome applications will use the GTK picker regardless of your DE. This is why it's an issue.

Firefox is for SJW cucks anyway. No wonder why the femnazis in charge of that wants to rape the patriarchy with GTK

I haven't used Chrome for this, but I'm fairly sure the same issue is there too.

The issue is also prevalent on Firefox forks.

It's not, Chrome uses the system file picker because it isn't a GTK application but embeds its own window drawing stuff. Which is why all the quirky Chrome stuff (like your profile name in the title menu) works everywhere.

Well duh, Firefox

>Why is denial a thing?
It's a river in Egypt.