Is it still worth it to get a T420 or should I look for a more recent model? Also is the i5 to i7 a big difference?

Is it still worth it to get a T420 or should I look for a more recent model? Also is the i5 to i7 a big difference?
I think the hardest I go on a computer is GNS3.

By the way it's gonna cost me around 250 euros (around 275 dollars) since tech is fucking expensive here.

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Its like you want to install malware on your computer user

thinkpad division is still run from the US and doesn't do shaddy malware deals like their consumershit division.

Anything past a T420 is a piece of absolute shit. I loved my T410 but the second Lenovo fucked with the IBM design is the second it went to trash.
Plus they're overpriced and underpowered, for what it matters.

Yes it does, which is why the whole thing is such a big deal. The same malware found in their consume laptops were in their thinkpad lines.

For $700, you could get this Chinese mod by 51nb of a Broadwell motherboard in an X61 chassis.

It was the last generation where it was still mostly a Thinkpad, especially the keyboard. Sandy Bridge processors are still good, just not as efficient. IMO the i5 vs i7 is much more justifiable to get in a laptop. It would be a worthwhile investment. Install a ssd and it'll feel really speedy.

Yes it's okay imo, been running mine as my main computer for a while.

Running three drives simultaneously is a neat feature.

If you don't mind the keyboard, you could spring for a t430.
X series is still the best laptop in its size desu

>The same malware found in their consume laptops were in their thinkpad lines.
>lying on the internet
you should feel bad desu~

I'm glad you made yourself a thread. Really.

The main advantage of ThinkPad is how modular they are. They're modern enough and if you really need anything better just pit the parts in yourself

I understand that new ThinkPads are worse in quality in comparison to the old ones (2011 and earlier). What about newer Dell Latitude notebooks? Is that a good alternative to modern ThinkPads?

I bought a t430
no complain at all. I also had t400, 420 and x200/220....
they're all great and I didn't feel any cheapness


Lmao are you running windoze or your shitbox?

Also interested what experience people have with Latitudes and Elitebooks
Warning: shipping will take a good while.

I wouldn't buy a single fucking ThinkPad from Lelnovo after what they did to it.

The Latitudes are the second best thing currently produced, with the Precisions being the first.

EliteBooks are absolute dogshit. Steer clear. In fact, that's good advice for all HP devices.

>EliteBooks are absolute dogshit. Steer clear. In fact, that's good advice for all HP devices

whoa hold up DELL parts are mostly 2nd hand knock offs non new and full of plastic and you tell me my HP is shit.
This better be bullshit bud

look HP hasn't made a elite book in 2 years but this is low man.

If you want to beat up any company you should beat up acer & asus for adopting atom shit.

There really hasn't been any huge improvements since sandy bridge and the i7's in the T420 are still dual core with HT so its not really worth getting. All the screens in the T420 are garbage most are garbage 1366x768 and the few that are 1600x900 are still some of the worst TN panels you will ever see. I have one with a 1600x900 panel and its terrible it actually looks like everything has film grain almost like in this pic.

Another issue I have with it is the trackpad is too big and its level with the palm rests unlike the T60 I had before. So now when using the trackpoint my palm/thumb will bump the corner of the trackpad and its just annoying.

Otherwise its a decent machine I got mine for $150 shipped

imo if you are going to spend that much I would probably look for a T520 with a 1080p screen and a quad core i7 because they were actually built for them. (you can put a quad core i7 in the T420 but the cooling isn't really made for it)

The t430s screen is awful and you can't change it. On the t420 you can replace it with an IPS one.

>you can't change screen on t430s
but that's fucking wrong

>you can put a quad core i7 in the T420 but the cooling isn't really made for it
Still works fine with quads up to the 2720qm like that user posted above.

>you can't change it
>On the t420 you can replace it with an IPS one
And enter flickering city until a working adapter is made, rmsmajestic posted that he might sell those again for the 420 and 430.

> shit screens
> shit keyboards
> fewer ports
> fewer durability certifications
Yeah, no. It is a PIECE. OF SHIT.

Even Dell is better than HP dogshit.

The only company that I can think of that's worse than HP in the laptop space is Lelnovo, and that's just because they took the godly ThinkPad line and made it shit.

user hold your autism

Where do you think you are?

Just picked up a T420 for $230 CDN.
Still worth it.

alright hold on you must be confusing probooks with elitebooks

i have an ivy bridge elitebook that i've used as a daily driver for almost 4 years now and while yes, the screen IS one of the worst panels i've had to look, at the rest of the machine is rock solid

pic related, the model i have

>buy a t420
>it barely gets through a three hour movie

Did I make a mistake? Should I have bought a MacBook?

You should have bought a 9 cell battery to go for it.