I fell for the AMD meme

I'm at my wits end here trying to get this shit sorted out.

I recently got a 390x to play some new vidya and it's performing really terribly. Benchmarks show it getting 60+ fps on ultra in BF1, but I'm dropping to 40 on low/medium. I've done all the fixes and completely reinstalled using DDU but I'm still getting shit performance in multiple games.

I've even checked the clock speeds while under load and everything checks out (so that should rule out the possibilities of it being a fake) and neither the card or my processor are throttling.

Should I just return the damn thing or is there anything else I can do?

go post on reddit where someone will give a shit

you bought a meme, and i'm telling you this as an AMD fanboy.
Anyway you are doing something wrong, this card is a power hog but perform pretty damn good at everything, make sure you are not using an iGPU or try some other games/benchmark

It doesn't seem too power hungry. My power supply's only 600w.

That's a good idea though, gonna go check out the performance of GTA

are you using the AMD overclocker? sometimes it underclocks aftermarket cards

>no one asking for the specs on the rest of his computer.

There is hardware or software problem.
Sort it out yourself.

i5 4690k
8 gigs of ram
pretty generic stuff here

>crossing amd and intel
this tickles my autism

Just ordered a 1060 moving over from a 7950

Fuck AMD.

Thanks for your opinion user, but you made a little mistake, you posted this on Sup Forums, I will gladly redirect you to the correct board:

have you tried installing the nvidia-libgl package?

>he says posting in a Sup Forums-Sup Forums thread

your 600w power supply might be struggling to be honest as the 390x is pretty power hungry under load. i have a r9 390 and i ended up buying a 750w psu instead up from 650w because it just kept worrying me
you should run msi afterburner and see how much your gpu is being used
the core clock, the gpu usage, temps etc
clearly you havent done enough to sort out the problem or figure out what it is
what resolution are you using?
..maybe disable vsync?
>not using freesync
i would even go and say you should consider reinstalling windows or if you have a seperate drive test it out on a fresh install


Cpu bottleneck?

>your 600w power supply might be struggling to be honest as the 390x is pretty power hungry under load. i have a r9 390 and i ended up buying a 750w psu instead up from 650w because it just kept worrying me

Does it really matter how big a power supply I've got as long as it can power everything?

>you should run msi afterburner and see how much your gpu is being used
the core clock, the gpu usage, temps etc

gpu usage at 100% while under load, clock speeds check out, temps have never gone past 70c as far as I've seen

>what resolution are you using?


>..maybe disable vsync?

Playing in borderless mode causes it. I've tried fullscreen w/o vsync but it didn't make a differene.

>not using freesync

>being locked into an ecosystem

>i would even go and say you should consider reinstalling windows or if you have a seperate drive test it out on a fresh install

I'm gonna try reinstalling on another drive, ty for the suggestion.

why are you not on an SSD yet
shit isn't a meme for goymers, fast loading times are superior to console tier loading
and since you're a goymer you better be on win10

>I fell for the AMD meme
i know that feel bro

drivers and performance are shit

never listening to Sup Forums's advice again

oh and it's hot as fuck

pic is idle temps

My fury and my 270x and my 5770 have all been great cards, I don't know about all this anti amd memeing. I'm sure nvidias stuff is fine too, they are just a sickish company so I support amd.

Dickish. Fucking mobile posting

hahaha, wow faggot. Sucks to be you.
I guess you're just not smart enough. You should probably give up and never touch a computer again.

>tfw newfag to tech but I got nvidia and intel anyway

disable dx12

any other than that, the i5 is bottlenecking bf1 pretty hard at the moment, aswell as a friend of mine which is playing with a gtx 970 right now so it's not only on amd side

why did you buy a depreciated card?