Biometric Passports

Should i make a Biometric passport, or should i be concerned of the government having my fingerprint?
note that i have a nexus 6p and I'm using my fingerprint to unlock it. does that mean google has my fingerprint or is it kept safe and encrypted on my phone like google promises?

gov has everything about you
buy you are not important so don't worry

the question is, should i be concerned if my fingerprint get somehow published because of shitty government server security?
also my question about google's fingerprint still stands.

>does that mean google has my fingerprint or is it kept safe and encrypted on my phone like google promises?
Are you using an open-source version of Android? If you aren't, how could we know?

Android itself is open source.
the applications on it aren't necessarily open source though.

>does that mean google has my fingerprint or is it kept safe and encrypted on my phone like google promises?
Since there are proprietary blobs in Android we can't know for certain. IMO yes they probably do have your fingerprint. Don't they get your fingerprint when you go to the DMV anyways though. At this point everyone and their mother has your fingerprint desu.

Don't they get your fingerprint to make your ID card in the USA though?

I'm pretty sure you're required to give your fingerprint when you get a US passport.
I traveled to a foreign country once, and in addition to scanning my passport and photographing me there, they also did a biometric scan of ALL of my fingerprints.

Also, I'd like to share a story that still makes me sad to this day. Used to make me mad, but now I feel honest sadness over it that our world has gotten to this point.

>high school sophomore year
>decide to take forensic science class
>this is somewhat interesting
>was browsing Sup Forums since middle school so I already had been corrupted and exposed to more than I should have at that age
>one day a cop comes in to teach
>we do get handed out sheets and take our own fingerprints on them
>due tomorrow
>tomorrow comes
>I "forgot" my paper (fuck that I'm not turning in my fingerprint)
>"blah blah blah its a required grade"
>bring it in the day after that
>cop is there on his 3rd and last day volunteering at our forensics class
>am sitting in back of room so i can't hear what he and teacher are saying to each other, but am watching
>teacher hands entire stack of fingerprint sheets with our names to the cop
>cop walks out with them all

I'll never know if that was to dispose of them securely, or to scan them all and upload to that local town's PD systems. I have always assumed the latter.
Also at a different school, my senior year my high school sold my information to the town's local statefarm office and I occasionally get advertisements for car insurance from them. I know it was the high school because at that point I hadn't done anything before, didn't have a job or volunteer anywhere, nor did I ever sign up for anything.

everything is fucked

>scan them all and upload to that local town's PD systems
The fuck do they want mid-school kids fingerprints for? Don't they have everyone's fingerprints at the government anyway at whatever age you're required to make your ID?

Mind you, I was in high school when that happened, but had been on Sup Forums since mid-school. Being on Sup Forums for a few years already is what aroused my suspicion.

Just to have them. Did you ever read the PR IS M slides? it doesn't matter who you are, what they are doing is logging/recording everything, then in time algorithms will be developed to shift through all the information as needed. I wouldn't be surprised if they already exist.

It isn't that they suspected kids, I imagine its just so that the government can have them on file without arousing suspicion.

Don't most countries have mandatory fingerprint registration anyway?

Do everything with gloves on, your fingerprint will be completely useless if your weapon has no fingerprints on it.

>Should i make a Biometric passport, or should i be concerned of the government having my fingerprint

dont you have to give your fingerprint for a regular passpaort anyway?

no, in most countries you will only ever have your fingerprint taken if you are suspected of a crime, and if you are not convicted they must burn the records of your print

Nah, in EU your fingerprints get taken if you get a passport or ID. Maybe you're not used to living in a totalitarian police state where your mere existence is a potential crime.

>Should i make a Biometric passport


I got a passport this January. No fingerprint required.

What country?

you should have done 10 dick prints


What other country is there?

Granted I gave them birth certificate.

Fingerprint devices are a bad idea.

>FBI busts in
>They see your fingerprint-protected phone / computer being protected by a USB fingerprint scanner
>They ask for you to place your finger on the scanner to unlock it for them
>Three of them proceed to manhandle you and force you to place your finger on it

This is 100% legal in burgerland. You don't have to give out a password if they ask for it, as there are anti-self incrimination laws, but your fingerprint isn't entitled to the same protection.

Alternatively, a flat out criminal who wants to use your fingerprint protected device can cut your fingers off.