
I'm in a comp sci program and I struggle with almost every new subject that pops up. Right now we're dealing with recursion in Java and I'm completely lost on my assignment.

Is there hope for me, or should I just give this all up?

To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.

give up. kill yourself.

don't give up. keep trying. just because you don't get it now doesn't mean shit. I struggled like shit on my comp sci degree the first year, but i managed to pass and get a good job

Look up tutorials and keep trying.

Dropping out is for the weak. Fail out or graduate.

Recursion is a bitch but once you get it you don't have a problem with it.

To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.

>he didn't learn recursion & induction in the first month of his intro CS class
What a shit CS program

recursion is one of the hardest things to learn at first, you just need to sit down and try and get it doesnt matter if it takes you alot of time, i strugguled with it too but later on i understood it completely and use it alot...

To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.

To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.

And you're probably fucking bad at it.

CS courses used to weed out retards like you and OP and now they let any jackass through. You water down the market and make me fix all your sloppy code.

Hope you're still here OP because I want to talk.
Blog: I'm 23, just started college, CS in a community college, mostly black students(i'm not). No one gives a shit in any of the classes, I stick out like a giant try hard faggot. Anyway every one but me and one or two other students is struggling badly in the first programming class(logic, it's like a psuedocode based class). 50% failing.
So how far into your schooling are you? Did you have a good understanding of computers, how they work, terminology, hardware, software etc?
I'm doing great but I had a pretty solid understanding of everything for the general computing class and for programming everything minus the nuances and syntax.
I'm sure your class is significantly harder than mine because mine is a shit school but I have trouble believing that you're not doing well if you've been on this board for a while and are putting forth effort. Even looking over some of the MIT opencourse ware shit, none of it is particularly difficult.

recursion trips everyone up when they first deal with it. eventually you'll actually get used to it and it won't be so bad. compsci has a few super hairy topics like that (pointers, red-black trees etc.) but most of it isn't nearly as hard a recursion will feel like when you first learn it

Just spent all day doing homework assignments about recursion in Java bro. I always take long to learn new concepts, but I'm happy once I grasp something. Just keep practicing and reading, we'll all make it.

I understand recursion.

Recursion is really easy, it's one of those things where once the penny drops you wonder why it ever confused you.

OP if you can't understand recursion then pointers are going to make your head explode

I'm in a comp sci program and I struggle with almost every new subject that pops up. Right now we're dealing with recursion in Java and I'm completely lost on my assignment.

Is there hope for me, or should I just give this all up?

>suffering in silence

This is the worst thing you can do. Go talk to professors, course assistants whatever and let them help get you on track. If you're in the UK, you get 1 (one) shot at uni with student loans. I can elaborate on SL if you care for me to.

OP here, thanks guys. I just managed to finish my assignment after hours of headaches.

This stuff is tough but thanks for the support!

to understand recursion you just to understand recursion you just to understand recursion you just to understand recursion you just

Segmentation Fault

This guy understands recursion:

>I struggle with almost every new subject that pops up.

That's true of most people and most subjects. The key is "new".

The most important thing to learn in life is that you can learn. The sign of the complete loser is the type who sees something difficult and just quits.

Once you've crossed a few of these barriers, you develop confidence in your abilities.

That said, you might be too fucking stupid to be any good at programming. But you're going to have to try and be objective at evaluating yourself. Recursion was a hard topic for me when I first learned it in maybe 10th grade. Now it's just completely natural for me. I can't tell you how much of that is down to simply forcing myself to learn it versus age and increased mental sophistication.

what's blocking you

Recursion was a little tricky to my script-minded mind, but it's really not that hard when you "get" it.

Put some time into it. Watch some videos. Don't be lazy.

recursion isn't used in the real world so don't worry if you don't get a real strong handle on it.