Mobile internet use passes desktop for the first time, study finds

>More users around the world are accessing the internet from mobile devices than from desktop computers for the first time, according to internet monitoring firm StatCounter. The combined traffic from mobile and tablet devices tipped the balance at 51.2 percent, vs. 48.7 percent for desktop access, marking the first time this has happened since StatCounter began tracking stats for internet usage.

>It's a huge moment for the web overall: this means going forward, companies that haven?t yet decided to focus on a mobile-first approach to their internet services and web properties really should, as the trend line is unlikely to reverse.

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i accessed you're mom from the mobile internet according to statcounter combined traffic unlikely reverse if you know what i mean

Mobile is cancer.

most internet users are mobileposters
most popular mobile os is android
android is linux based
year of the linux when?

It isn't. It is kind of cool actually, too bad websites are infected by ads and pop ups that kind of ruins the browsing experience. Also android and ios sucks at displaying websites and have to reload tabs constantly.

continuum is the future

Tons of desktop sites look better than mobile sites on mobile

Mobile shitposting literally makes up the majority of this website

This isn't surprising in the least.

I forget the exact statistic, but there's something like 1 mobile device for every 3 people on the planet, so the fact that mobile internet usage is surpassing desktop internet usage isn't all that noteworthy. Beyond that, I'm willing to bet that at least half the mobile usage is just buffering the shitty ads they inject into the mobile versions of websites.

this. in India and other retardedly poor countries, phones are their only internet capable devices.

Responsive design to fit every device, from phone to TV is the future of web design.

Only if Windows 10 Mobile has a future.

>4G+ is almost everywhere
>Only smatphones and a couple of tablets have 4G SIM tray


Android and ChromeOS hybrid is the future bro.

And yet it's still a total pain in the ass to browse even mobile-optimized sites on these retarded buttonless glass slabs.

God I'm sick of smartphones.

You know that you can get normal, unlimited 4G data for laptops and tablets from any provider that comes with a SIM tray USB adapter, right?

Settle down, you butthurt dumb boys. Also, I'm an intelligent beautiful woman.

>and have to reload tabs constantly.
I fucking hate this

phone posting ruined Sup Forums

It'll ruin the rest of the internet in 3 years

anyone else detest not using keyboard and mouse?

i don't see how people do it.

By not being autistic

no wonder everyone's so retarded

I've got a keyboard on my phone, would love to have a trackball too. Eventually I'll at least have a keyboard and trackpad.

Mobile typing is flawed and cannot be fixed. An ideal typing system on mobile would be


pick 2

Device built inside your head and connected wirelessly with your phone, transferring your thoughts into text whenever you want so you can type rapidly, silently and without looking at your phone for anything other than thought checking. Welcome to the beauty of botnet.

If the device can stimulate the visual cortex to integrate a UI directly into your vision, there would probably be no need for a phone.

What we need to do now is start banning all posters who use phones and tablets.

A lot of older posters are posting on mobile platforms though..

>implying that matters
the day I use for a phone to post on Sup Forums is the day I become a normie. My phone is for work/family/friends not fags

So? They can just wait until they get home or use a laptop. It's a small price to pay for removing a massive tumor.

How are you not a normalfag?

I use Clover. Does that mean I'm a normie?

>using your phone to talk to normies

you're such a normalfag

Why did it have to be like this? Why are people so satisfied with shitty toy OSes that more than 50% of web browsing is done with them?