Name a good use for one

Name a good use for one.

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leech neighbor's internet

I use mine as an in house file server.

teaching keeds how computers work


i use mine to play youtube from my tv. it's also got a website and email server on it. slow af, but $5

It takes measurements for my terrarium and regulates the heat and light source. Also it upload the information on a wordpress blog+visualization for easy access.

I always wanted to get one of these and make it into a movie and picture viewer from a NAT or something.

LibreElec as media center + emulation through Recalbox and a PS4 controller, all in one little box hidden behind the TV. Next I am going to get a Lightberry set for ambient lighting.

coffee warmer

Kodi box
Retro pi
Dragon dildo fuck machine speed module

I'm a really heavy sleeper and just sleep through alarms no matter how loud they are. I hooked up a raspberry pi to two electrodes and attach it to my toes and set a cron job to run a current. Haven't overslept since.

>five dollars
>shipping is more than five
>when shipping is cheap it's 15 dollars
>must buy other parts and solder
Fuck it, I'll buy an Android.

fucking brits

Living next to a Microcenter feels good af

We're not all snot-nosed little toffs, m8




That sounds neat actually. Can you link it?

Collecting dust
>file server
too slow
can't encode
too slow

It's a piece of shit really


Airplay emulator because fuck giving the Applejews more shekels just to play audio wirelessly.

I use mine for this.

Botnet-free phone

Suprisingly strong FM radio transmitter.


People complain that Pi's are useless and moan they have to do electronics work, they were literally invented for children to learn computers/programming/electronics.

Not for neck beards to buy 100's of them to stuff in a box and gather dust.

Link fgt

The boot loader is proprietary and you're not going to find a modern cellular baseband processor that runs free software.

Tor exit node of course

I'm not sure if you're joking.

>mfw cheapest available on Amazon right now


use it to stream music from my home, to my phone wherever i am

made a gameboy zero, which is great on the go, or I can plug into a tv via hdmi and still keep all my saves and stuff while playing on a big screen

made a magic mirror meme because le reddit

in short, i want you to eat my balls AND ass

Cheap server.


Lol not using an official reseller

come on man, link it.

An imagination station

da fuk is that?

Does the Raspberry pi make for a decent server?

use mine as a webhost for my very basic website, a mailserver for my domain, and it also runs my three twitter bots

server for what?

Server has a lot of different meanings and roles

it works

I use mine for robotics

I soldered a wifi card to one and use it to brew my coffee from 3 rooms over.

Botnet :^)

File server/Samba share
Web server

I use mine as a Samba share and I also have it scrape through some RSS feeds with Venus and display them with Nginx over the local network.

3D printing server

Webserver for bots and simple websites.

Create synths and midi interface with java

test network setups
make cheap home server
make cheap smart tv
small hardware projects
cheap computer for child who wants to learn how to use a computer.

You're a disgusting hipster pile of trash

I use mine as a webserver to host my resume & gitlab also use it to host a mumble server
cost like £30 upfront then around £5 a year in electric cheaper than a VPS

>Vibrator controller.
>Centralized House computer (put smart switches on lights and get network coffee makers and shit like that and give the Pi bluetooth and control it all for your phone)
>Really shitty home server
> // // // PC

I can go on....

>Vibrator controller
Go on...

Living room emulator machine.

using it to flash libreboot onto thinkpads.

This. But they were had to get like a year ago.

It's exactly as it sounds you grab a dildo or anything that's externally powered by batteries or even one that's already Bluetooth( But then you're going to have to figure out how it works).

If it's externally powered you can just attach the rotors directly to the GPIO ports and make it it work by sending modulated waves if it's needs more power you will have to build a circuit to power it.

All you need is basic electronics knowledge anyways.

>using nonfree cpus to flash free bios

>around £5 a year in electric

it's closer to £1/year under load

Plex (works really well on rPi 3), Pi-Hole, host a bunch of personal NodeJS projects (Local photo albums, browser games, shopping lists, some website scrapers).

Been using a chinese clone as a file server for more than 3 years.

Haven't riced it anymore since I configured it, does it's job perfectly.

>>using nonfree cpus to flash free bios


Socks5 proxy

Me too

That's really cool. Is there something similar for OpenWRT?

OpenVPN server. Nice for those times that you can't roam and have to use some public wifi..

Terrarium controller.
Headless Debian stable with a webui to monitor temp/humidity. Automatic lighting schedule, fogger control for humidity, turn on cooling system for night time temp drops.

I use mine as a Seafile server (filesharing between phone and computer) and Mopidy (internet radio without having to turn on my PC). Works fine.


Keep papers from falling off my desk

On openwrt trunk there is luci-app-adblock which can be installed from the default opkg repo

how does gitlab run on Pi? I thought you needed a decent size server to run all the Ruby bloat and Pi is not powerful enough to do that comfortably.

>what is OSMC
Got one hooked up to TV.

It's awesome.
Cost less then $40 at the time.
Can access things on my network through samba, and nfs (rip retarded dlna servers).
Can be controlled straight from my TV remote (HDMI, no wireless keyboard needed).
Can run ssh server along with more fancy things like git and subversion.
Can do cron jobs on my network 24/7.
Can host always-on html servers.
Can easily ready signals from sensors (ei start playing music automatically when you come home from work).
Can host network backups to an external hdd.
Uses less the 10% power of a single a light bulb.

What is there not to like?

nice, I had no idea about this... but I couldn't find that package. are you sure it's in the openwrt repos?
it's for x86 only... fuck

Yeah I have it running on arm, you need the designated driver build from trunk.

ahh, durr, I hadn't read that part... it's in trunk.
still, it requires a lot of memory, so in any case, I'm fucked.

thanks anyway, m8

>actual tech discussion
>Sup Forums leaves it die

>all the attention is driven toward shitposting, consumerism and support questions

Sup Forums - """Technology"""

We have this thread literally every day. Lurk more retard.

> tfw used $7 of BTC gotten from ages ago to buy a Pi0
check Pimoroni

I wanna make a honeypot using one anyone heard of any good open source honeypots to use with the Pi?

>Plex (works really well on rPi 3)
Does it actually?

I made an IP camera of it and gave it to my parents to have in their mountain cabin


What's the best single board computer rn?

Tor exit node on neighbours WiFi

Pihole for home network

What do you guys think about OpenMediaVault for RPi? is a good choise?

nothing ... I use them for everything -- they are pcs.

When I ssh into my CHIP over wifi, my main computer is connected straight to the router, there's a huge delay in my inputs. I just don't even understand why it's so laggy. Why is ssh over wifi so bad?

My raspberry pi is a bit sluggy on a wired network, usually caps out at about 700kb/s on a network that gets 3MB/s down.

honestly wtf is this

you could try mosh, it's made for situations like that

>Botnet-free phone

>bot·net noun COMPUTING

>a network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners' knowledge, e.g., to send spam messages.

Um, how???

Initially ran emulators for muh vidjya gaymes now spends its days playing music with shareplay.

feh slideshow image player from smb shared folder