LXC/LXD, easy-as-fuck and efficient container system for Linux only
htop, nice and clear version of top
for i in *.mp4 ; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -vsync 2 -c:v libx265 -c:a libopus "${i%.mp4}.mkv"; done >convert a folder from mp4 or any format of your choice to superior x265 and opus
lbzip2, a parallel version of bzip2, so works much better on multicore machines (i.e. any machine newer than 2006)
for rep in {"ppa:webupd8team/java","ppa:exult-team/exult-daily","ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable","ppa:mc3man/mpv-tests"}; do sudo add-apt-repository $rep; done
add a bunch of PPAs to the software sources in one go
who doesnt know about htop >superior x265 lol >bzip2 >PPAs
where the fuck did you copy this list from, redditard
get off my board
Bentley Reyes
Wow you total cunt. I was trying to share some interesting things I've learnt about Linux over the ages, why don't you fuck off back to /cm/, you fucking trap-loving shitstain.
Gabriel Wright
t. buttmad ubuntu-using redditor
thanks for the ffmpeg oneliner i guess
Jose Morales
>90% of Sup Forums doesn't know about htop
I doubt that.
Lucas Ramirez
Fuck off before I smash your fucking teeth in you little shit
Oliver Gutierrez
>opens a calendar with the current day highlighted
cowsay [message]
>a funny ascii cow says wacky stuff in a speech bubble
Come on my anonymous dudes, your turn now.
Elijah Harris
>cal pretty neat, didn't know about that
Levi Powell
Kill yourself shitty apps guy
Dominic Wright
The fuck is wrong with you cunts, I try and make a useful fucking thread and I get little micropajeets coming in with this bs.
I hope Pakistan drops nukes on all your fucking major cities you utter piece of shit.
Justin Parker
>Fuck off before I smash your fucking teeth in you little shit >Insulting Satan Your funeral
Wyatt Butler
>he thinks satan is real
Owen Davis
>he doesn't praise satan
Joshua Clark
I see you are new to GNU/Linux on Sup Forums, sorry. I thought you were the cunt that made the shitty infographic you posted. He used to shitpost here a lot and got BTFO basically every day.
Grayson Walker
I'm not him, though I'm hardly new to Linux. I don't know why the fuck you shitrags criticize without actually doing better. If you want to bait useful threads without an actual purpose except to be a cunt, go do it on Sup Forums or Sup Forums or better yet, fucking kill yourself.
Liam Thomas
Your pic was taken apart so often won't bother again. It is enough to mention the date it was made and to see the last changes in the install manual.
Liam Russell
The pic was just to set the tone more than become the focal point of the thread you severely-autistic dumbfuck. Now back to the actual discussion and no more autists.
Luis Ross
perf stat is a lot better than time
James Stewart
Jayden Morales
>>convert a folder from mp4 or any format of your choice to superior x265 and opus
>converting a lossy video format to a worse lossy video format
>no more autists >implying we aren't all autistic >implying op isn't the most autistic of them all
Also, nicked this one from a alias thread translate () { if [ -f $1 ] ; then case $1 in *.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .tar.bz2) ;; *.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .tar.gz) ;; *.tar.xz) tar Jxvf $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .tar.xz) ;; *.bz2) bunzip2 $1 && cd $(basename "$1" /bz2) ;; *.rar) unrar x $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .rar) ;; *.gz) gunzip $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .gz) ;; *.tar) tar xvf $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .tar) ;; *.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .tbz2) ;; *.tgz) tar xvzf $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .tgz) ;; *.zip) unzip $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .zip) ;; *.Z) uncompress $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .Z) ;; *.7z) 7z x $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .7z) ;; *) echo "don't know how to translate '$1'..." ;; esac else echo "Cannot translate '$1'" fi }
Evan Thompson
If no one uses them and reports back, they won't ever get good. As they are, they're not atrocious, just a little bit rough around the edges. They do tend to do a good job for most videos and they do actually result in smaller filesizes for downloads of TV series etc.
Hunter Howard
>PPAs >arch in OP image >people don't know about htop >
Christian Gomez
I accidentally discovered this today
when using bash you can press ctrl+r which will open an auto-completing reverse history search, probably one of the most handiest things I've learned about linux in years
Henry Howard
Only your first point is specifically Linux. And of course illumos/OpenIndiana does containers better with Solaris Zones.
Isaac Cruz
look pretty usefull =)
Xavier Bell
or alternatively alias translate='7z x' 7z does all compression formats why has noone moved in yet
Jaxon Mitchell
dtrx automatically extract archives correctly, even with right permissions and everything.
get youtube-dl and you can use mpv to watch youtube videos.
in urxvt, use ctrl-alt-{c,v} for copy and paste
on a laptop, cd to /sys/class/backlight/(your device)/ writing a value to the brightness file (echo 100 > brightness) will actually change your screen brightness