they say
>because of usb C
>iPhone 7 cant connect to macbook pro without adapter
but the queestion in the end of 2000 fucking 16 is
Why would you want to?
There should be wireless way to do anything and everything in their closed ecosystem
they say
>because of usb C
>iPhone 7 cant connect to macbook pro without adapter
but the queestion in the end of 2000 fucking 16 is
Why would you want to?
There should be wireless way to do anything and everything in their closed ecosystem
I dont even remember the last time I connected my iPhone to my PC. I didnt even install iTunes since I bought a new laptop.
Its a lot easier to do everything on the internet
inb4 muh botnet
>wireless charging for a laptop
>wireless connecting to an external monitor with good latency
>wireless USB thumb drives that everyone uses
some things don't work that way yet on a mass basis
>Why would you want to?
My guess is more for charging it than data transfer. It's much more convenient to plug into your laptop when you don't have a second outlet available for the charger.
As for plugging for data transfer, Apple still hasn't perfected their wireless stuff, so wired is still better for that.
What about for charging though?
there is pretty much. you can sync, transfer songs to, backup, answer calls, texts, tether etc all through wifi and low power bluetooth.
Data transfer is still much faster wired and the iPhone charges at the same time.
apple shill defense force on full alert.
I was actually trying to critizies apple
that they should have wireless solution already in place
from incredible fast data transfer to quick wireless charging... instead they are sleeping in 2010
They can't charge wirelessly.
hi i'm fat fuck i cant reade
>>iPhone 7 cant connect to macbook pro without adapter
bull, just get a usb type-c to lighning cable to replace the included usb typ-a to lighning cable.
Apple should have included it tho, then no one would have that problem.
i have a macair running debian and jb iphone 6. I copy files wirelessly to and from the filesystem of my phone using the ifile webserver. I have been doing this with since the 3gs days... i only use itunes to do some restores and .ipsw tomfoolery
still plug my phone with a cable to my desktop when i transcode 24 bit flac files.... and i can just drag and drop to canopener/flac natively through nemo ....
tldr; wireless aint fast enough yet desu
wigig is just comming out... wonder how long it will take apple to hop on board
all of this relies on a jailbreak which is starting to become a major POS and liability these days...
The fact is Apple has always been adamant on having their devices work seamlessly. Hell, you can't even plug in the iPhone 7s bundled headphones to the new MacBooks.
>Why would you want to?
Wired data transfer is a trillion times faster than wireless. Also charging. These new Apple products are horse shit and you know it.
I use OpenSSH and WinSCP to access my phone.
>starting to become a major POS and liability
Why is that? Jailbreaks are still coming out, still untethered, and still providing root access. It's also still super easy to bypass jailbreak checking in most apps.
>These new Apple products are horse shit and you know it.
Apple products always have been and always will be shit for brain dead gullible morons.
>implying I just don't want to give apple my money
>always have been
Underage b& detected. Power Books were the shit.
>The fact is Apple has always been adamant on having their devices work seamlessly.
not true. transitions are always painful.
Retina MacBook has had USB Type-C connector since April 2015 and connecting your iPhone out of the box was not possible.
>Power Books were shit.
Oops i meant jailbreaking is becoming a real pain in the ass. I acquired my iphone 6 and had to wait 6months for a jb.. i was super pissed
Liability as in you cant rely on a jailbreak to come out soon on a new phone like you used to... they are closing so many of the vulnerabilities and it actually can affect my purchasing choices...
Also been jailbreaking since first ipod touch and my 9.3.3 jailbreak is the first one that has made my phone unstable, my phones hangs alot when using ifile and itransmission.... also having to set up a itunes dev cert when i reset my phone is another PIA
>apple brand hot plates
>made out of plastic
Apple has always been utter shit.
The 12 inch Power Book G4 is probably the best machine ever created. Stay mad, kids.
Have you tried uninstalling all unnecessary packages in Cydia and making sure you have at least 50MB free in the system partition (disk0s1s1)?
ill check, i torrent alot of 24bit flacs and could be running low on space.
Did you enable stashing? If not then you could have some issues with the system partition being full. If you jailbroke the day Pangu released, stashing is not enabled by default.
Powerbooks were molten pieces of shit that ran hotter than a thousand P4 Prescotts. Stay delusional mactoddler.
My PowerBook G4 still works great with Debian. No overheating issues here.
Sent from my Lenovo Thinkpad
>jailbreaking becoming a pain in the ass
Seconded. I spent so much fucking time on iOS 9.0.2 because jailbreaks weren't coming out. Also, bear in mind that jailbreaks now come from Chinese organized crime. Install at your own risk, is all I'm saying.
>No wireless charging
>Also, bear in mind that jailbreaks now come from Chinese organized crime.
So no different than regular iOS now.
>wireless still not perfected by apple
Sure as fuck it's perfected by Android. Enjoy your apples, you hipster vegan fuck.
>normie dipshits think that's a real coffee-based drink
>those manlet hands
At this point they might as well go full retard and remove every single port from the iPhone. Qi charging FTW
thing is, this is very possible, its proven that it's doable to sync your phone with your computer through wifi with a jailbreak tweak
>Apple still hasn't perfected their wireless stuff
Is apple so shit they can't make some cute interface for the decade old FTP over LAN?
wireless chraging and wigig
the phone known as iphone 8 could just be a glass slab.... honetly
j. ive has openly stated the end goal for iphone is to be a fucking monolithic piece of glass
things is though unless i can JB it and SSH into it he can get fucked....
glass slab fine... no ports fine.... just fucking give me root or a developer mode
>>starting to become a major POS and liability
>Why is that?
chinese/russian backdoors. you either choose between one of the following:
1) jailbreak and the superficial perks it brings
2) being able to have 100% peace of mind that your phone is safe to use for online banking, credit card transactions, storing personal information, etc
a smartphone is as vital as your wallet nowadays. i would never trust jailbreaks, even if there was only a small possibility of it being compromised.
>developer mode
you already CAN side load apps you write yourself. it's completely accessible and has been for over a year already.
ftp file transfer in app has been possible since like the iphone 3g days. and i mean not even jailbreaked. as for itunes wireless sync it's been out since like iOS 6 and works great. every thing they advertise as part of the Continuity suite of features including AirDrop works awesomely as well.
>wireless USB thumb drives that everyone uses
Those work for NSA tho :^)
>iPhone 7 cant connect to macbook pro without adapter
>transferring 2.5 GB of data over wifi
>ipad went to auto lock because no activity
>transfer got aborted and need to retransfer it from the beginning.
>now make sure the screen stays on
>switch to other application while transferring data
>transfer got aborted again because fuck multi tasking
Sold my ipad mini 2 the next day. Fuck iOS.
>Sold my ipad mini 2 the next day. Fuck iOS.
Because you couldn't use it?
There's an auto timeout control you could have used in your highly contrived set-piece.
On Android they solved this problem by letting the developer keep the device awake or their application active in the background until the task completed.
>25 bux for a cable
Only iShitters are this retarded
>auto timeout control
Yeah, lets turn the screen on without actually using it.