Prove me wrong Sup Forums

Prove me wrong Sup Forums
>Muh games
>University and scientific level word processing
All(Google docs can do MLA and latex is available on all platforms)
>Web Development
>Regular development/programming
Mostly linux,macOS, and other UNIX based systems
Linux and macOS
>Learning about computers
>Stability and no bs
MacOS and Linux

>Inb4 windows 7
Nobody wants your eternal updates and having to use an older version of software because your OS is that bad
>Inb4 shadydebotnet.exe
>Having to really on code you can't see to make an OS usable

Other urls found in this thread:

Take "macOS" out of the entire post and make "stability and no bs" empty. Then you'd be right.

aw he hates OS X

he can't afford a mac so they're bad, lol


macOS is for children.

The only things GNU/Linux doesn't do are run AAA games (most of which are whit anyways), and run industry standard audiovisual editors. Otherwise, it is superior in all categories.

I'm not delusional enough to ignore clear benefits of an OS. You don't get points for OS loyalty, they're tools. And with tools you pick the best one for the job.

>updating Windows 7
There's no point. If you're using Windows 7 you obviously don't care about an updated OS. Which isn't bad if you want it to be stable and botnet free, as long as you can secure it yourself since you're missing some security updates.

You're not really wrong about anything else, Linux can run lots of stuff in WINE and the only thing it lacks are industry standard tools (as said in ), all of which have at least a 70% as powerful alternative, almost all of which are free. And even though you lack those (but can run some in WINE with no issues), odds are you don't need them. 99% people don't need anything "industry standard", I mean people are happy with just paint.exe for basic image editing and you can get that on any OS, even smartphones. For anything else you can use Pinta or I'm saying this because the meme argument against GNU/Linux here is "no photoshop", which majority of users don't need or even have installed. What desktop users want most is Web browsing and watching videos, listening to music etc., any OS can do that.


>If you're using Windows 7 you obviously don't care about an updated OS

W7 is still supported though

I'd say:

>Muh games
>University and scientific level word processing
>Web Development
>Regular development/programming
>Learning about computers
>no bs

Mostly because you can't NOT go through bs in any platform

But it will be abandoned soon, Windows 10 is being pushed and Microsoft doesn't want to deal with a legacy OS so any 0-days found on w7 will never be fixed. I also hear from Sup Forums that certain hardware won't have drivers for older versions of Windows. Windows XP is also still technicallysupported, but that doesn't mean it is safe to use it as a desktop OS. If you don't want to use Windows 10 ever it's much better to just switch to Linux until it's too late and you become dependent on Windows.

> Prove me wrong Sup Forums
> >Muh games
> Windows
Can't, but some argue that you can use Wine for that.
> >University and scientific level word processing
> All(Google docs can do MLA and latex is available on all platforms)
> >Web Development
> All
> >Regular development/programming
> Mostly linux,macOS, and other UNIX based systems
What's wrong with using Wangblows for programming?
> >Privacy
> Linux/BSD
> >Security
> Linux and macOS
>>>>>>>>> Linux and macOS
> not BSD
You're a STUPID FUCK if you don't think the BSDs - ESPECIALLY OpenBSD - is more secure than all the Linuxes and ESPECIALLY macOS.

Also, Apple is involved in PRISM, enjoy your backdoors by default. It shouldn't even fucking be in the security category.
> >Learning about computers
> Linux
Any Unix, UNIX, or Unix-like operating system is also good, not just Linux.
> >Stability and no bs
> MacOS and Linux
What. What does this even mean?

> >Inb4 windows 7
> Nobody wants your eternal updates and having to use an older version of software because your OS is that bad
> >Inb4 shadydebotnet.exe
> >Having to really on code you can't see to make an OS usable
> inb4ing your own post
windows 7

I don't see why you can't just use Windows Server 2008 R2.

It's basically Windows 7, but better, less botnet, and no Wangblows 10 bullshit with the updates.


it just works


actually she was fuckeable in high middle schoo.

this t b h

She barely passes, though. Looks like a drag queen's face plastered on top of a 12-year-old's body, upon further inspection.

>>Regular development/programming
>Mostly linux,macOS, and other UNIX based systems
Of course, Windows isn't suitable for programming. For example, all the programs and games you can run on a Windows computer are developed on UNIX systems as everyone knows.

There is nothing Windows can't do.
There ARE things the others can't do.
Therefore Windows is clearly the best OS.

apple deprecated adobe flash with the iPhone
also pepperflash just werks

>Regular development/programming
>UNIX based systems
The only reason companies actually still use Unix systems for that is due to legacy reasons. Not because it's superior or anything. If anything it's just fucking expensive in licensing and support costs and probably have some expensive mainframe type of computer costing gorillions somewhere.

this desu senpai

>iOS development on linux
>muh AD and exchange
>Ayydobe crap
And the list goes on.

>There is nothing Windows can't do.

There is nothing you know about computing.

Who needs a Mac to run OSX?

>Muh games
>University and scientific level word processing
>Web Development
>Regular development/programming
Windows and MacOS
>Learning about computers
>no bs

>There is nothing Windows can't do.
Support a good filesystem.

le meme standard. Latex is for those who have too much free time on their hands.
And "regular development" should include windows since if you work in a company that makes niche software, you can bet your fat greasy ass that it's mostly Windows-only.

>Latex is for those who have too much free time on their hands.
>posts on Sup Forums

This is the dumbest post I've read today.
But my today is still kinda young. Yet, a good early performance.

>The IT world sees that flash is not up to the task
>Google, Microsoft and various other groups start working on alternatives
>Apple announces that flash is dead, doesn't support any particular replacement for it
>The world hails Apple as visionary and forward thinking
>The rest of the world continues developing alternatives quietly in the background
>Meanwhile iPhones are problematic for video streaming services and others due to not supporting flash or anything else vaguely useful
Yeah, Apple sure did some great work there. Just like the current MacBook, so visionary, not a single legacy USB port.

>Google Docs

Enjoy your missing data and reliance on an internet connection

>>Regular development/programming
Mostly linux,macOS, and other UNIX based systems
No unless its server stuff. Java runs on unix and windows and most native code is delevoped for windows. (apart from fairly recent developments like app for smartphones)

and the fonts aren't very good

yet who first truly deprecated flash?
and who made webkit (read - the proper alternative (html5))
also USB-A is deprecated. It can only be inserted one side and cant carry a lot of current

>he lists Linux as something different from UNIX derivatives
In the end, we can choose Mac OS X where Linux is listed if you don't mind closed source.
Oh well, no multimedia workshops in Linux. The only downside.

Agreed, except

>Privacy, Security

Windows 7 is fairly stable if you know what you're doing, and it's not "outdated", the kernel, drivers and essentials are still getting regular updates.

>Learning about computers
Any, or write your own OS.

>and who made webkit
That'd be the KDE team. You didn't think Apple actually did something, did you? Konqueror was making noise long before Apple decided to fork their renderer, KHTML.
> (read - the proper alternative (html5))
I like that you think HTML5 is tied to webkit. W3C would like a word.
>yet who first truly deprecated flash?
That'd be arguably Google, moving youtube towards HTML5 took a lot of effort as it was the largest single use for flash at the time. Google were also actively looking at other alternatives long before 2007.
>also USB-A is deprecated. It can only be inserted one side and cant carry a lot of current
It's also the current dominating standard, meaning it's not deprecated yet.

Please learn to type, your post was annoying to read.

> Linux
> Stable
Daily reminder monolithic kernels are inherently less stable than hybrid/microkernels. And let's not get into the horrifically coded freetard spaghetti userland

Using dev tools is not QUITE the same on OS X, you're more or less forced to use the Xcode supplied version of gcc/llvm and whatever BSD based core utilities Apple includes, many of which are different from their GNU/Busybox/whatever counterparts. Don't get me wrong it's still better than what you have to deal with on Windows, but there is a difference.

> Muh Privacy
NSA's strength in monitoring lies with them being able to tap data originating from the isp nodes. They don't care what os you run, every packet your computer sends is being captured anyways. You are deluded if you think they care enough about your cp to waste a few 0days on you. And if they do care enough to single you out, youd be in a van halfway to Guantanamo already. Dont use the internet or better, computers at all if you want real security.

What's wrong with NTFS?


>Learning about computers
What do you learn about computers that you would be at a disadvantage with Windows? Shouldn't it be "learning about Linux" instead since there's nothing inherently more or less "computer" about either OS?

> just let them fuck you in the ass, user
> there's no point in trying to make things more secure
> just stop doing X if you want REAL Y
Fuck you, dipshit.

Just because they capture every packet, doesn't mean they'll be able to read them.

Enjoy your backdoored operating system, fuckhead. They don't need to waste a 0day when your operating system has those.

There's a reason why they're called mactoddlers and winbabbys, user.

One of them is not being able to into CLI.

The implementation. For starters.

Although I really like being able to have longer filenames, fragmentation is a problem with NTFS.

Not for me, though. It just makes deniability more plausible.

That is a very weak argument. You can have various forms of cli's in Windows depending on which applications you're working with.

But why would you want to?

What's the incentive?

Many diffefent sizes of dicks. Honestly, I just don't get Linux guys where the primary interest is Linux itself. An OS is just an OS and it's primary goal should be to help you achieve your goals, if Linux does that better then of course use it. But as far as "learning computers" the Linux concept is no better of an abstraction than Windows.

>>Stability and no bs
>Mac OS
mac os's filesystem is pretty bad and i doubt the OS is that stable in general(nobody who really gives a shit about uptime uses Mac OS as a server)

>There is nothing Windows can't do.
It can't perform updates without a reboot.

Windows: heterosexuals, normies, gamers, clerks, corporate suits

Linux: people of dubious sexuality (trans, pedos, asexuals, virgins), ubernerds who spent most if not all of their life in front of a computer (a system that needs constant tinkering is perfect for them, since the PC is their only significant other), hackers, software devs, webdevs (who use it on server mostly), some researchers. In general, linux users have a streak of borderline personality in them.

macOS: it used to be the choice system for homosexuals, artists, designers, advertising agency staff, rich folks who didn't want to use what everyone else was using. More recently it has become an existential badge for hipsters, but also bimbos and normies with money to burn. And of course, since the software dev community has become wannabe hipsters who try to add some coolness to their boring selves, they joined the club that was once exclusively for pretentious fags.

Linux users are statistically the most masculine, and also most autistic

>>Web Development

Nigga try to have a decent workflow with node and windows terminal. Bash on Windows still shitty so it's not an alternative.

dog slow, and i've had many funny anomalies that really shouldn't happen.
Docker, Valgrind and haproxy are all examples of powerful multiplatform software that see a lot of use, yet none of them support Windows, and there are no comparable Windows alternatives.
-impossible on Windows due to the kernel being shite
-Would be very slow on windows due to the kernel being slow
-uses a lot of low-level code, would likely be a lot of work to port to windows.
Linux does a lot of things better and faster than Windows in general.
Some companies are actually switching from Linux to UNIX systems due to systemd breaking a shitton of (application) code.
>also USB-A is deprecated.
>It can only be inserted one side
0/10, literally unusable
>cant carry a lot of current
so? do you expect every appliance implementing usb(think printers, routers etc.) to supply a few dozen watts of power? certainly not, they won't implement the necessary electronics to do so.
>muh power transmission over USB is bullshit and only useful for some niche things, in which you can just use usb-c.


I have Photoshop on my GNO/Loonicks system installed

As a linux user it feels so good that flash support is not anymore a reason to not use an operative system. It's a good thing it's dead, it was a lock-in mechanism.

and whos in w3c (apple)

and so is adobe and 421 other companies
your point?

>having to use an older version of software because your OS is that bad
At least they can use the software. Better than Lincucks already.

apple is 1/421th responsible for deprecating flash

>Some companies are actually switching from Linux to UNIX systems due to systemd breaking a shitton of (application) code.
Is this true?
Any source on it?
>mfw it's true

>I've never done any software development at any respectable company

The gist of it is that tons of code used any of the old systems in place before systemd, systemd replaces those so now the code has to be changed and that is too expensive.
Section Change Costs, and big changes cost big in the following article:

Also, from another Sup Forumsentooman:
As a professional sys admin (my team is part of the eCommerce arm for a US wireless telco, we support ~3000 bare metal systems, 85% RHEL 6 and 15% Solaris, and ~500 VMs, all RHEL 6, across 4 data centers in 3 states.) I have done my best to avoid it, my team has done our best to avoid it, and our management has done their best to determine an upgrade path. At this time, it's mostly looking like we'll be sitting on RHEL 6 for some time.
- logging - centralized logging with plain text logs means that if network fails & your host crashes you still have locally readable plain text logs. Having journald crash (or even worse, having PID 1 crash & uncleanly take down journald thus corrupting the logs) means incomplete (at best) or completely corrupted logs
- login management - our method of user management and permissions does not currently work with systemd. To be fair, this is developed in house, so the blame is not wholly on systemd. On the other hand, it's fully portable and works across Linux (RHEL 6 or earlier, Ubuntu 14.04 provided it's headless, Suse prior to v12), Solaris (5.10), HP-UX, & AIX.
- unit files - all of the people in my team and the majority of admins in the company have been writing scripts for years. Some before the release of SysV. This means that reading, editing, & writing init scripts isn't difficult. Until documentation actually started improving a few years ago, it was leaps & bounds better than writing a unit file. Now, it's still easier because of familiarity.
there's more of it in that thread

>-impossible on Windows due to the kernel being shite

Sorry retard.

Of course not. In fact, during the Debian systemd debate there was input from big Linux users arguing to switch to systemd. For example, Spotify posted this in the Debian mailing lists:

wow after 2 years microsoft finally managed to add that to their kernel
I'm (not) impressed.

Who made webkit? The people making KDE. Do you know what KHTML is?

Sorry but I don't see where it says Linux users are the most masculine.

>inb4 Apple users are homosexual
You can be gay and masculine

[spoiler]>inb4 you say that because you're gay lol xD
I'm not[/spoiler]

OSX is better than Windows

Linux is better than OSX

Deal with it

pre webkit khtml didn`t support html5

And? What's wrong with XHTML?

>having to close an

Are you too normalfag to write good code?

>xhmlcucks cant view this

Why would I want to view something that doesn't validate? It's not worth my time. I don't compile things that produce warnings, either.

>>Learning about Linux
When you only know one thing you tend to believe it's the only thing.
Same as religion.

> 2005
My, how times have changed.

I wish that were still true, though. I'd rather have a bunch of angry pedophiles being pandered to than a bunch of retarded normalfags.