A new update to Sailfish OS

A new update to Sailfish OS.


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Hypocritical Sup Forums will still ignore the only real Linux phone OS and continue to use their shitty spyware Java OS Android phones.

I use ios :)

There's also Ubuntu phone


ubuntu is spyware, friend

is that even active?

But when is Jolla coming to Burgerland?

is this java based like lagdroid?

>implying android doesn't use linux
>implying Java is bad
>implying android uses the jvm

user you should choose another board

Fuck Jolla, they fucking cheated the customers with their Jolla tablet.

Nice meme


what the actual fuck? did somebody faceroll the keyboard to come up with that name?

>caring about this meme shit

Please link me to a post on /his/

It explains the name in like the second sentence, you gigantic gaping faghole.

It's Finnish you stupid shartiemartie.

What the fuck are you even on about?

>turing phone

where in germany can i buy a phone with sailfish os

Most likely nowhere.

better question is which phone you get is compatible
which should be a few i guess

It's Fiskars' River in Phinnish

Jolla are a fucking fraud, and now sell their licence to curryniggers oem. Just wait for a new Ubuntu Phone.

what is required for a phone to be compatible

>Proprietary UI
>Brings nothing new to the table
>Native apps are dogshit, and the android support is garbage and outdated (at least on the original Jolla)
>The only devices available are a spyware ridden curryphone and a phone older than Galaxy S III

There's a reason my Jolla is collecting dust in the shelf

There are numerous newer, capable devices running SailfishOS.

Those phones will not run android apps at all, due to AlienDalvik's licensing

lol, my sony from 2011 can run it. sweet


into le trash it goes


There is a kid porting sailfish to moto g2, he has admited that he could do it by just asking on the sailfish porting irc every time he got stuck, so it might be easy if you have the time and willingnes to work.

I will install Sailfish once it has dual SIM support.

.....so does it have dual SIM support now?

Where can you even download Sailfish or find installation instructions?
All there seems to be are stale wiki pages that haven't been updated in half a year.

Maybe Jolla failed becasue they can't even build an informative website?

>A new update to Sailfish OS.

Oh wow, hey. That's great! An OS no one can fucking use got an update!

>wanting to have real apps

>An OS no one can fucking use got an update!

I get this rerun of a fucking thought every time I see anything about Firefox, Ubuntu Touch or Sailfish.

""ok"" when will we actually be able to use it?

I've got a OP3 so... I guess four years from now lol.

Is it possible to use one of these in the USA? I've read conflicting statements on whether its possible

>ignoring technoligy

you mean vaporware? they're not selling neither tablets nor phones on their website, their price is 200 euros for phone not including vat or shipping for a severely underpowered device when comparing others in the same price range.

>desktop apps on a mobile device

The only apps I'd need are communication ones, and those would only be available for ubuntu under their desktop format, so that phone is useless to me. What sort of desktop programs would be nice to carry around with you at all times?

Kinda want to get one but the regular Jolla is so shitty specced and the jntrx aqua isnt available in Germany. Anyone knows where to get one ?

Nope, I use SailfishOS

Jolla works surprisingly well despite the specs. I might be one of the last three users and it is sad to see Sailfish dying and the potential flushed down the toilet. Used one from ebay?