How do I grow out of video games so I can use Linux as my main OS?

How do I grow out of video games so I can use Linux as my main OS?

Other urls found in this thread: Corinthians 13:11&version=KJV

user just realize that there hasn't been a good video game in 10 years and that industry is dead because there hasn't been innovation in 15.

stop playing

Try running the games that you already play in wine

Who the fuck cares? If you enjoy playing games you don't need to stop to get validation from your peers. Long as your not staying a NEET because of it.

Create all the games you play in web assembly

Papers Please
Life is Strange

Buy another computer and use it for video games.

remove Kolech

>what is pci passthrough
Both of which run natively on linux

Battlefield 4 and gta v are pretty fun, but origin has been a big buggy lately for me so bf4 is less fun than before.

Other than being a unix and running better on outdated hardware than modern windows there's no advantage to it.

You won't benefit unless you're a programmer or in a field that requires Unix.

Why would you cuck yourself like that?

>what is pci passthrough

>You won't benefit unless you're a programmer or in a field that requires Unix.
Having privacy and not being spied on 24/7 by an NSA collaborator is pretty neat.

Get better hardware and install wine/playonlinux.

what part of it is garbage?
It offers virtually no performance loss and when you are done with your gayming degeneracy you can turn it off and enjoy a proper OS

he's probably one of the retards who bought a intel k series without iommu

>system is being emulated
>virtually no performance loss

The NSA doesn't give a fuck about what random neckbeards do.

>Thinking that you still have privacy in 2016
Top fucking kek m8.

meme all you want but clearly you have never tried it.

look up what iommu does you fucking retard

It's not about growing out of video games to install Linux, it's about installing Linux, uninstalling Windows, and forget about video games in general.

If you can't stand not playing video games I'd recommend detoxing with Linux classics such as SuperTuxCart, Sauerbraten, and my personal favorite, Neverball.

there will be one day when you just stop. you will see back and regret all the time you wasted.

i hope that day is close for you.

leave the gaming industry behind and buy a retina macbook pro

Hipster Shit for tumblrista faggots

I love playing games with a VM, that 30 fps loss is awesome!

It is hard to make to make change without struggle or any form of despair - where is the incentive without it?

I am not trying to be all philosophical, I'm being totally honest.
OP, give up gaming. It took me many wasted years, and developing RSI for me to finally give it up. When I realized that I have constant pain because I was too childish to give up something I should have long ago, I've been feeling regret ever since. No matter what hour of the day, or how long I abstain from difficult or frequent movements, my wrist and index finger are hurting 24/7.

You don't know not to play with fire until you get burnt.

If you want some other sources though:
> Corinthians 13:11&version=KJV

treat games like a drug, because they kind of are.

just install linux and force yourself to forget about games. you'll be weened off eventually and realize they are a complete waste of time. laying in bed all day watching tv is more productive than playing fucking video games.

you also seem to love showing everyone that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Linux is great, you can play slideshow games!

further confirming you have never used it
Its ok if you are too dumb to set it up, there are plenty of guides for retards like you.

>not hipster shit

>posting on an anime imageboard is somehow better than playing video games

at least playing video games is socially acceptable

>at least playing video games is socially acceptable

for you

Gaming is dead. Why drop $200 on a GPU that can render the latest cutscene simulator?

Just emulate games from the golden days and don't worry about it. There are all kinds of emulators available to GNU/Linux. Also, Wine should work pretty well for PC exclusives in the early to late 2000 era.

Play games on Linux? Sure, the library is smaller and performance is a bit shittier compared to Windows but at least then you get use Linux while getting your gaymen fix.

Laptop for Linux.

Desktop PC for gaymen.

That's my setup, and it just werks.™

>How do I grow out of video games so I can use Linux as my main OS

Stupid question. Use both or many at once via virtual machines.

If Linux does not serve your needs then you don't need to run it. If you are too stupid to use VMs, stick with Windows. VMs are like old penis i.e. not hard.

Switching is retarded. Software is free (I certainly don't pay for it, though I once bought a copy of Partition Magic in 1999) so run one OS or many.

>You won't benefit unless you're a programmer or in a field that requires Unix.

Not even that anymore. Win 10 has an Ubuntu subsystem that you can activate and have native bash in Windows. You can also install utilities made for linux.

There's literally no reason to use Linux anymore, except for pedophilia and/or autism.

>Not even that anymore. Win 10 has an Ubuntu subsystem that you can activate and have native bash in Windows. You can also install utilities made for linux.

Why the fuck would I want to use Linux tools inside Windows? That's just pure retardation.

just took this right now. I could have cleaned up a little, but I wanted to show my reality.

I spent a whole month in my bedroom, going through everything, it took me a little over 3 weeks to "clean" my room. I took every single thing out, and got rid of what I no longer desire. I have boxes full of things I still need to get rid of.

I started lifting, running, and learned guitar since I've stopped gaming. I've totally transformed my life. It wasn't solely the video games before, but I am gradually removing everything from my life that was holding me back.

I even put my desktop away in my closet, I use my thinkpad for everything, and plug it into the cable and monitor with the battery removed and use it as a desktop on my little setup there.

The binder on the bottom right is over 100 pages of sheet/tablature I found on the web and printed it off, i am slowly learning and improving my playing

Windows is still a malware and exploit farm. Best to host it on Linux for its own protection and easy restoration from a snapshot.

>""""""""""ubuntu subsystem""""""""""
>anything more than a gimmick to try keep developers on NSA/Windows

But user, you don't have to give up vidya on Linux!

i've played geetar for about 20 years. google justinguitar and follow his beginner courses, and go through his other lessons too once you're done. he covers pretty much everything you need to know up until mid level intermediate

>I've stopped gaming
>a chat client used exclusively by gaymers

>Why the fuck would I want to use Linux tools inside Windows?

Same reason you use them on Linux?

You don't need to do it completely, the following is pasta but relevant:

Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.

The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.

I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?

Some links:

I don't follow? I don't have a discord. If you're referring to the icons on the left toolbar, maybe you have it mixed up with audacious?
That website on screen is Sup Forums.

thanks a lot user, and I really mean it.
I've been compiling as many different reliable sources as I can, and I've never found anyone who truly starts from the bottom and up. I've just found good song tutorial vids on youtube

Only if you click and download random shit. You can't get any malware if you don't download shitty executables from shady sites.

>being such a pedo that you have to fear your own cyber security agency (NSA) that works to protect your country

Stop procrastinating. Linux will help you as games are bigger timesink than any linux distro, gentoo included.

>Same reason you use them on Linux?

Using Linux tools in Linux makes infinitely more sense then using them on Windows. The entire reason I switched to Linux is because of the extensive tools and the constant issues I've had with Windows. I'm not going to switch back just because the pajeets at Microsoft decided to add a bash shell.

Seriously, that's just stupidity. The only acceptable use for this layer is if you're in a work environment where you can't feasibly use Linux due to some custom software or because of IT policies. (and even then you're SOL since most IT depts won't let you run your own programs)

his lessons are more rock and general guitar knowledge stuff, so it's not that good for classical or jazz (if that's what you want to learn). but what he does and how he does it is pretty much the best lessons ive found for beginner courses on the internet.

>go to the /dpt/ or /wdg/ or whatever
>check the resources
>try learning something new
>keep on practicing
>give up
>install Steam on Linux
>keep on being a stupid fuck for the rest of your life

i use to be like you, the only way is this:

switch to linux for good forever, and at the same time get hobbies that do not involve computers...

personally this works because my job is computers, thousands and thousands of computers, i get sick of them, i go home and i have hobbies that don't involve them.

i use to play games all the time now i don't have enough time for them. this, actually, is my free time. im sipping wine and browsing Sup Forums.

>How do I grow out of video games
By looking at the statistics and realising that most gamers are over 25, that games are now a bigger industry than the music industry and movie industry combined and that they're officially recognised as art forms in their own right by several courts around the world.
>so I can use Linux as my main OS?
Wine for older games and only playing the new games that are available on Linux. If you approach it as you would a poem or a movie and actually analyse what's going on you may find yourself enjoying the games more and in a much more mature way.

>protects my country
>implying the NSA exists to protect
They sure are doing a great job considering my information was stolen in the with the
background check hack that happened a while back. but you keep drinking that kool aid

Yeah I started with an acoustic, its sitting in my closet right now as I'm waiting to upgrade to a yamaha fg800, I'm tired of using an outright shitty guitar. Somebody broke my electric and I'm waiting to replace that too. I bought the classical a little over a month ago. I'm loving it, but it is incredibly difficult to play true classical, so I'm playing beginner level compositions.

Thanks again man

Play league of legends and use the words: "Rito does _____" and "pajeet" in chat. You will get nothing but bad games. Make sure to wait til you're good at the game, though. It's even worse then. Especially if you're always the mmr.

It's not just a bash shell. You can install those extensive tools using this shell.

Who stole it? Soros, Google, the evil Rotschilds?
How do you know they had any significant information about you? Do you have an insider to confirm that for you? Or is it just pure and ordinary paranoia.

There aren't even any good games on PC lol. Just get a gayming console.

That has nothing to do with my answer. You can now install stuff like you would in Ubuntu and use it without rebooting.

Is it as good as using actual Linux? No, but it's pretty decent.

I got myself a console and stopped upgrading my desktop computer, now it's too old and the graphics card started to fail and I don't plan to upgrade it.

Playing on the ps4 gets boring after 2h for me, unless it's a really fucking good game, I'll hardly do a 3h+ gaming session, and that's on the weekends.

If you are a programmer, work on a different stack and on a problem you find interesting, try programming a game if you like them so much, for example.

only sane response ITT

>It's not just a bash shell. You can install those extensive tools using this shell.

*or* I could just use Linux because I'm not a complete fuckwit.

>having fun is a waste of time
>watching ads all day long is a lot more fun
What a shitty life you must have to be that pessimistic...

head over to Sup Forums sometime and go to the guitar general /gg/ thread if you want gear advice, or any advice really.

mu is awful, but that thread is usually fine and helpful. i post in there sometimes

I am already set on the yamaha for my acoustic, but I'm still curious as to what I should get for my electric.

I have thought about the Cort CR50, a guy I did lessons with has it in his shop.

Story of my life for the past 5 years.

>the gubbermint is an evil organisation created to spy on me and sell the info to the Rotschields and the members of the Bilderberg group

>Linux subsystem
It doesn't even work lol. Like half of the most important commands either return an error or just don't do anything. Easier to just use pure Linux without clunky Windows getting in the way.

yeah, I received snail mail from the goverment that my information used in my
TS clearance was stolen.
I have 3 years of free identity protection because of it

here you go faggot

How far do you have to bury your head in the sand to ignore this shit?

>further confirming you have never wasted you time on inane bullshit for internet credibility

[citation needed]

>it's not my fault i'm a lazy piece of shit, it's video games!

Laptop- Linux
Desktop- Linux
Gayming- PS4

Keep that Windows cancer off my devices please.

Really don't even use the PS4, probably gonna sell it after I beat ff15. I waited 10 years for that game to come out lol I will make that my final video game.

i'm not a big gear guy, but you can't go wrong with a tele, squier teles are cheap and the guitar manufacturing process to make a tele is very simple, because the guitar is simple, so it's difficult to truly fuck it up. /gg/ loves teles too, i play one as my main.

/gg/ is good with beginner recommendations, they know way more about gear than me

Hey leatherman!

>I am too dumb to dual boot OS
What did you mean by this

Take up keyboarding. Seriously. Do it, keyboards are cheap, it's easy, seriously, even if you play for just like 45 minutes a day, you'll be able to play most music in about a year and a half and you'll learn how to read music in the process. Once you've learned piano move on to violin like i did. Believe me when I say music makes you smarter.


thanks, will head over there now

wish me luck, I haven't been to Sup Forums since 2013 when I was going through an edgy phase

leave the gaming industry behind and buy a macbook pro with retina display

I still can't do linux because it has shitty Crossfire/SLI support.

What can you expect.. Americans are retarded, they get hacked so easily..

That's why the best hackers are not from the US. You're the best victims because you're fat and stupid and don't think about anything all day but consuming (food, games, movies).

Can a Macbook Pro With Retina Display™ play Civilization 6?

I can't do it on my laptop because it has shitty support for newer AMD cards.

Ironically, the proprietary drivers actually work for it, but every major distro has discontinued support of the fglrx/catalyst package in favor of the open source amdgpu that doesn't hardly support anything newer than a couple years.

I can still get Linux to run on my laptop if I install an older distro, like Ubuntu 14.04 or Debian, but I'm not using ancient packages. Fuck that

yes, of course it can, but, erm, that's not exactly leaving the gaming industry behind

I'm , I've often thought about getting a digital piano, one with weighter keys

How easy or difficult is it to learn? I am not wanting to become a professional musician by any means, I've just always thought of trying my hand at the piano though (as most people have)

>How easy or difficult is it to learn?
you're asking the wrong questions

>How easy or difficult is it to learn.
Only as difficult as you make it, I don't know if I'm talented, or it it's actually easy as shit. Weighted or unweighted, personally weighted helps you develop your skills better, but that's just me.

Buy it and install it, Nick.

>projecting this hard
>being this mad

The real answer. Take control of your life OP.

>implying i'd ever give apple my real name

>being this much of a crossdressing dick lusting faggot
not that guy btw

>anime poster
Enough said.

>pic related

>text poster on a imageboard
enough said