ctrl+f: halt
ctrl+f: halt and
Just started watching pic related, so far it seems like a mad men homage, how much of the show is legit, as far as source material?
ctrl+f: halt
ctrl+f: halt and
Just started watching pic related, so far it seems like a mad men homage, how much of the show is legit, as far as source material?
I don't know but it has some nice armpits
why would you expect there to be a halt and catch fire thread?
because its about the rise of computing?? because its about Technology?? there were silicon valley threads every week and that show is garbage
maybe I should have asked what Sup Forums thinks of it.
It's too niche, you'll hardly get any responses. Plus it's too patrician and Sup Forums is pleb as fuck
Also the last season wasn't too great
*Halt and catch aids
*Halt and catch a dyke
It's not terribly historical, but it captures the zeitgeist pretty well.
The computer they're working on is somewhat reminiscent of the original Compaq, the wife that works for TI is involved with the TI-99/4a project - her description of the problems when its cancelled are pretty good, one of the writers or technical consultants must have had one and done assembler programming on it - it was a combination of an amazing CPU and amazing-for-the-time-GPU, and an utterly crippling interface between the two.
All the code you see in the series is gibberish. You see Cameron writing C++ like object oriented programming waaaaay before it was a thing, but with the syntax completely messed up.
They get most of the important stuff right in S1 and S2, but stuff gets really loose in S3.
The biggest faults are in Season 3 is when they use a packet sniffer days after that guy leaks the software to determine if he did it.
The way they pulled a disassembly of the IBM BIOS was an utter joke though, you just needed to write a little program to read the BIOS out, then run it through the commercially-available Microsoft disassembler. Could probably do it by just getting the assembler-level debugger to dump a disassembly straight from ROM to a disk file, it's been 30 yrs so I don't remember if there was a command to do that, but there probably was because it was common to patch code while debugging it, and you needed a easy way to get the modified code back out of memory.
So yeah, its a wierd mix of neat uber-obscure yet pedantically correct technical details, and complete and utter what-the-fuckery.
Also Cameron doesn't spend enough time naked.
And by the mid 80's the only women in tech were in customer support.
But mostly Cameron doesn't spend enough time naked, especially given how much time she's completely baked.
Even C wasn't used much in the PC world in the early 80's (S1). It was mostly assembler, with a bit of C for the very high level stuff. C and Turbo Pascal was used more by the late 80's when 640K was more common and CPU speeds were up around 12mhz.
C++ didn't become common till 93 or so, several years after the Zortech compiler came out in '90, then the excellent Turbo C++ compiler in '91.
This show was cool until it turned into an "Empower Women" bullshit SJW show in s2. I stopped watching mid way through s3 because they just treat all men like they're retarded or a pig. Even though Cameron was nothing but a cum dumpster in season 1.
That show was a pure pile of shit. The first season was bearable, the secon season went FULL SJW with WOMYN IN TECH XDDDD garbage
Halt and catch brain damage
it only has one more season so hopefully it'll end on a note similar to the first season. but i'm glad amc kept it alive. they showed some real integrity by declaring it a pet project and telling detractors to get fucked
that show is the most inaccurate show ever...
no kidding
It isn't even really about the technology or computers, showing someone tapping away at a C64 for 30 seconds and having the rest of the show be about gays or whatever while playing some Miami Vice music doesn't make it feel like they're an 80's tech company.
The first season was just OK, but it should've never gone past that.
the sad fact is that not once did they accurately show how technology worked back then.
Yeah the only reason why I watched the first season was because it was kinda sorta a super loose retelling of Compaq which was odd for normie TV. Couldn't stomach season 2 and beyond though.
Comercially avaivable disassembler in the early 80s? Sure thing, buddy.
>halt and catch brain damage