Post what your desktop looks like in it's current form. Discuss various aspects of it such as: Distro, WM/DE...

Post what your desktop looks like in it's current form. Discuss various aspects of it such as: Distro, WM/DE, and other programs. Rate others desktops and provide constructive criticism!

i'm new to linux please no bully

>uses botnet os


Hey not bad, just a note. You're WM bar is kinda THICC.

What makes Xubuntu botnet


ubuntu based, sketchy upstream source and do on, haven't you read?

No i have not

is this the new desktop thread


And this is my autistic gaymen rig, bone stock b/c what faggot rices windows

Why are you running this in a VM

They harvest/sell your data to amazon among other companies.

At least it's not Windows 10, haHAA

I thought only stock Ubuntu does this. I don't have anything Amazon related installed.

Because I don't know much about Linux and I've heard dual-booting can fuck shit up on my main OS. There's the USB-boot option, but idk.

Thoughts? I know if I'm trying to crack something using the GPU it's a lot slower in a VM because it's not using my R9 card. There's something called 'PCI-Passthrough' to take advantage of the GPU in a VM but that's super complicated.

Should I just dual-boot?

I've been meaning to switch to KDE Neon or something from W7 anyway. Just run two distro's of linux. Although i still play overwatch so I'm not sure I totally want to get away from W7

>showing hidden files

>Should I just dual-boot?
No, just uninstall Windows.

Should I even bother posting here if my desktop isn't plastered with anime girls?


Of course you should :). Wow that dekstop is cool. What WM are you using?

I'm thinking of moving over to Wayland and using Sway. Anyone have any experience with it?

But user... how can you live like this

>bold bitmap fonts
>pure black and white


Not very exciting...

It's actually really comfy. Browser window taking up most of the screen doesn't do it justice, I guess

Nice and clean 8/10

That's pretty cool looking desu

Congrats, you managed to make KDE look even worse than it does out of the box.


Just dual-boot, but seems pretty useless to me, you don't need anything from Linux, you seem to be doing fine with Windows. Keep experimenting in a VM.

>And this is my autistic gaymen rig
>gaming rig
>not win10
I too like shitty performance

What about the performance loss because the VM can't take advantage of my GPU? For cracking, etc.

Ideally I'd like to triple boot. Kali, KDE, and Windows 7 and only use windows 7 strictly for gaming, so not very often. I'm trying to get away from windows and get better with the command line. Just overall get more familiar with linux.

For now, yes I'm mostly just experimenting. Ideally I'm trying to get another box to setup for Hypervisor ESXi, and host vulnerable VM's on it to try and break into. Take the strain off my workstation.

I have a looooooong way to go with what I'm trying to do, I know, but first things first. I want off the windows wagon