

>Drinking name-brand cola over OpenCola

Why does Sup Forums hate freedom so much?

Other urls found in this thread:


>drinking cola
>not water

>drinking sugary shit


>non free ingredients

> drinking tax-supported municipal water
> not fusing h to o yourself

>not drinking your own fluids
shig the dig

>drinking acidic beverages
>calcifying your third eye

>drinking water
Foolish mortals.

>not using a homemade particle accelerator running linux-libre to collide one part oxygen atoms with two parts hydrogen atoms in order to create water

>using proprietary oxygen atoms
>not fusing your own

but they were created using random quantum fluctuations and since it can be described using a mathematical formula it's sort of open source


>Drinking the liquid jew
Enjoy your stained teeth and diabetes.

I stopped drinking cola a long time ago.
I tried it again recently and couldn't believe how sweet it is; almost vomited.

Are you a colossal faggot or something?
Just drink water.

>Not building your own GNU + SUN to create the oxygen atoms necessary to make H20
Microsoft shills go.

This. You need to drink your alkalized water and eat your activated almonds.

>wincucks use proprietary water


>not creating your own GNU/universe

>drinking cola
I only drink alcoholic beverages, juices, tea and water.

ur gay

>drinking water

you mean the stuff in the toilet? lol sure Sup Forums

>not compiling your own universe from scratch using quantum wave wave functions you wrote yourself to create the conditions necessary to give rise to a sentient species capable of creating cola

Idiocracy is great.

>You'll never be part of the GNU + Universe
it hurts to live.

>tfw GBcucks put chloride into their drinking water
It's like drinking the water from a public swimming pool

ur fat

you two should fuck

...your mom! lol gottem haha ezpz lol

Maths is closed source, only a few people can understand it.

>The year of our Lord 2016
>Drinking Cola
>Not drinking open-sourced home-brewed apple cider out of a mason jar.

I don't even know if I'm a hick or a hipster at this point, Sup Forums.

Anything that keeps me going strong until the deadline. Hell, I would drink a mixture of kerosene, bear blood, and tiger semen, if that's what it takes to get things done on time.

>Waterfag calling anyone else a faggot


I drink only my own wine. jk I live on mountain dew/doritos or as i recently called it mountain dew plus doritos.

>drinking anything but water
Pleb tier

>Drinking cold apple cider

the fuck is wrong with you?

>Any alcoholic beverage
>Anything but cold

Get the fuck out.

>Apple cider

AKA apples and more apples, unless you mean cider that is apple flavoured in which case it would be carbonated which that picture fucking obviously isn't. It's also way to clear to be apple cider, nigger just poured some cold apple juice in a hipster cup and tried to be unique

>not just GNUniverse

>being poorfag 2016

What are you talking about, user? Cider = fermented apple juice. It can be carbonated or not (mine was; carbonated in the bottle using corn sugar to prime). The color doesn't disappear when you ferment it. I use a pectic enzyme before I start fermenting to help with clarity, and then rack twice (once to secondary, once to a bottling bucket).

Pic related - it is my (messy) brew storage closet and my fermenting fridge (with a feijoa wine and a maple syrup wine sitting in secondary, with bottled cider beneath (it's just finishing up its bottle conditioning). Usually I have more going at any one time, but I just bottled 4 gallons of cider 3 weeks ago or so, so there's less fermenting at present.

(types pic related, then doesn't attach pic. /shake head and upload on reply).

But I only drink scotch, user

Water is the plebbiest drink of them all.

>5 lbs of sugar
lmao, no wonder stallman looks like that

That best be optimator

Goddamn I miss my brewing gear. Had to leave it when I moved overseas.

>The texts of OpenCola and Cube-Cola recipes are published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

I get that meme.

Remember, Free as in Free Speech, not Free Beer.


Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.

t. fatty