How did Sup Forums change you life?
How did Sup Forums change you life?
i'm paranoid and depressed now. depressed because i can't "unlearn" the things i've come to know by lurking this place and the internet for years
i would rather be sad and aware than ignorant and satiated though
I bought a Dyson and forget to charge it all the time
that's about the extent of what you guys have done to me
what things exactly?
Ignorance is a bliss
Did you buy Dyson sphere, user? holy shit, that's amazing.
>Ignorance is a bliss
And fapping.
>im skeptical of every link posted anywhere.
>i hate arch with a passion
>self learned java and javascript
>didint fall for them memes
>never trust Sup Forumsentlemen's opinion on tech
everything we do is logged and recorded, sent to a massive data farm, where it will sit indefinitely regardless of whether you are a threat or not.
if you should ever become a person of interest in the future, they will use their algorithms to find out everything about you.
we are seen as products to companies.
the worst? nobody knows - they're all too busy surfing twitter and watching tv
Better question is how have I changed Sup Forums
I got a job and stopped being miserable about not ever having a gf. Still don't have one and never will, but I don't care, I put all my energy into work.
you cant change a hivemind of pure shit and cancer.
some dude on here said "get a Dyson it looks neat and I get compliments" and I, not being one to argue with results, got the electric car of vacuums and it doesn't pick up shit bit its mounted on my wall and looks nest as hell
>look everyone! I dont care! Look!
What's your point?
my point is that you still care otherwise you wouldn't mention this
Because that's what OP is asking, dumbass?
don't lie to yourself man, its okay. you think we don't know that feel either?
just gotta learn to ignore it.
i can usually go a 4 or 5 days before the feels hit again, and you realize you're alone
PS - you're alone user
but so am i
and a lot of other people on this board
But I've already learned to ignore it, that's how I managed to pull myself together and get a job.
People know, some idiots don't believe it because it has been more than 14 days since the Snowden leaks and most people think Snowden is the same guy as Assange who leaks anti-hillary stuff so they don't trust him.
I bought myself a Seiko watch. Fell for the meme and I love it.
A lot of women finds it fascinating to have someone who work. And you will get a gf eventually, women start realising that they do not have the value they used to have at about 25. Anything older than that and they will gladly ride your dick for attention and sweet words.
Nah, I don't talk to women at all, if by some miracle a woman actually starts moving in on me, I'd have to eventually turn her down, because otherwise everything up until now will have made no sense.
I installed TempleOS and regularly talk to god.
i got a ghibli t1,
ugly as fuck but it sucks up shit from 3 different dogs no worries.
I stopped using Linux because of how retarded the community is.
Who dis be? Sauce?
I started loosing friends because I started calling things a meme
I can get answers to sometimes tricky questions stupidly quick by triggering online autists.
>I wonder if [device] has [feature]?
>Make thread
>"[Device] doesn't even [feature] lmao [company] on suicidewatch"
>Get reply "you are fucking retarded [link to proof of feature] now kys"
>Make a complimentary shitpost as reply and close the tab
I now have 2000 € debt because I had to get new Sup Forums recommended pc.
Hey i do this too when i have a doubt about something, sometimes i don't even make a thread i just insult someone regarding some topic to get some info from his mad autistic reply.
>he actually buys his computer parts
You actually started losing friends because they realized that you're retarded.
I dropped out of HS, got really into Linux thanks to Sup Forums, then got a job doing that.
It's ok.
Sup Forums made me go out and get a job in a non IT field and i'm so much happier knowing I will not descend to neckbeard or sysadmin levels.
Learned I could get smarter, better, faster, more powerful.
How'd you land that sweet gig?
Nepotism. Grew that into a small MSP which I run.
>he doesn't loose his friends
I have also become more socially inept.
>I have also become more socially inept.
This x100
I switched to ganoo+linoox.
Installed Loonix and learned many other useful things
Even though this board is fucking garbage and annoying, it can actually be really useful
I got triggered with botnet programs/apps people are using.
1] I sold my iPhone 6 and got a Note 4
2] Built my first custom desktop (i3 4330 + R9 280)
3] Tried several linux distros but ended up going back to windows 7
4] did not downgrade to windows 10
5] encoded all my FLACS to 192 Opus, saved like 40GB in the process
6] am now learning HTML and PHP web development
bought MBP 2016
I am very focused on every single line of code of mine, like Sup Forums would look at it and mock me for being lazy if they see it. Can say it has improved my code quality.
Explain this to me like I'm 5.
Hardware accelerated decoding
Is it a cringe thread?
You will have dogshit battery life and constantly be bullied by those who have kabylake processors on their windows laptops.
With a simple trick?
i thought i was autistic linux audiophile user
then i met you guys all using thinkpads and arch
fuck thanks creeps i feel like a normie now
tldr: Sup Forums makes me feel normal
I have jungle fever thanks to Sup Forums.
>its a guy
Because a headphone enthusiast then a gearfaggotry audiophile. It got worse.
I mean *became. Fuck I need sleep. Too much researching if I need $999 Focal Elear.
I bought a ThinkPad and switched to GNU/Linux from windows 8.1. I like this laptop better than my old one and linux is nice.
Someone please tell me her name.
On the up side, I now have a x220 and a redmi note 3. No ragrets there
At the same time I'm not sure if studying CS is even worth it anymore
Became a woman thanks to Sup Forums
Inspired to buy bookshelf speakers.
Love them.
bought a thinkpad
it was a piece of crap
also getoo sucks ass
it made me realize there are no technically competent people on web forums
I went from a master degree in philosophy to IT tech. Now I have a job and I can put food in my plate which is nice.
Thank you fuckers.
>bought a Thinkpad
>started using Linux as my main OS
>became more paranoid
went from moderately suspicious of the (((corporations))) and (((big (((brothers)))))) to multiple installations of various distros on thumbdrives and sd cards everywhere. vpn on every device, pi-hole, encrypted drives and filders. only one computer still has windows on it
>I bought a Sansa Clip+, it broke
>I bought a Sansa Clip Zip, it broke
>I bought a pair of Superlux HD668Bs, they broke
>I bought a pair of PortaPros, they got stolen
>I bought another pair of PortaPros, I've had to replace the plug because it broke after two years
>I bought a mechanical keyboard for €1, best thing ever
>I bought a ThinkPad T61, the fan broke and started rattling
Most of these recommendations come from Sup Forums though, not neo/g/.
I was hetero once. Now I want to suck dicks
>ditches my HP shit and have been using Thinkpads and MacBooks only
>Only buy phones unlocked
>Buy next to nothing at best buy
>Distrust for all social media therefore don't use any
>Awareness of privacy breaches from companies and government
>No longer console peasant
>Built my own PC
Honestly, Sup Forums has just made me alot more frugal and savvy as a consumer WHEN i consume. I almost never buy shit anymore thanks to this website. Now I just travel more.
Thanks, Sup Forums, it's been good.
Stop that.
wtf is he doing
Trying to get the cord out, but it keeps retracting. Or maybe he's trying to start it like a lawnmower.
>Or maybe he's trying to start it like a lawnmower.
although it wasn't very successful
post pic
It made me become a radical fanboy
I used to use Arch and like to tinker with computers, cars, electronics and shit. Now I'm watching a lot more TV.
bagless vacuums are the spawn of satan
I'll never buy one of these pieces of crap again
if you vacuum spiders you have to pull the fuckers out again, nasty shit
I used thy o hack for fun, now just spending money for random computer parts and write codes for no reason.
Sup Forums turned me into a trap, got me into gnu/linux, made me loose interest in video games, and upgraded my desk
>I bought a mechanical keyboard for €1
Can you elaborate?
i bought a mech keyboard for 2 euros when i was in austria. unused.
It made me hate trapfaggots whereas i was apathetic about them before Sup Forums.
It's good for wasting a few minutes here and there and getting mad over the retarded comments
i post this from a t420 with arch/i3
god bless you user
i didnt even mention the 5 packages of 98c chink shit that I await. but you too, user, you too.
That's Sup Forums you're referring to
I wouldn't say Sup Forums is pure shit and cancer. Not at all. Every board will have those anons. But I really like Sup Forums.
It ruined my social skills.
I was kidding though