Post your ideas. Apps/websites/programs/groundbreaking algorithms

inb4 rumblr inb4 op cant inb4

why? so u can steal em?

you cant steal ideas winklevoss pls go

A textbook review website, where students post whether or not the current edition of a textbook is exactly the same as the old edition of a textbook, so students can decide whether or not they need to buy the new one

IPMI device for non-IPMI boards. It plugs into two PS/2 and a VGA port and encapsulates video output to UDP packets, also tranforms IPMI TCP "input" packets to PS/2 keyboard and mouse input. Can be USB or PoE powered.

Real life anonymous imageboard

basically everything sent to an address is redistributed to subscribed homes

I had an idea about a very sophisticated algorithm/neural network decision making piece of software that reads the OP and decides whether or not OP is a faggot .
So far it only returns positive results so some tweaking is still necessary.

What kind of stuff would you send to this service, and why might someone want to subscribe?


Kensington lock that doubles as belt.

You would send anything physical. e.g, handwritten letters, drawings, gifts

You might subscribe to it because it would be free... somehow...

Pretty sure it would work in Japan if it doesn't already exist.

stealing this.

Send 3d print patterns, receive printed goods.
To become a member you must submit one pattern (and it has to be approved by certain portion of existing members, so people can't get access with "look I made a square").
After initial submital (and distribution of 1 instance of the item to each member) the patter can be re-used and further prints sold to public (thus gaining some funding for the project).
Obviously it fail when you gain too many members and you need upper limit to size of the printed things.

Put water pipes under streets to draw away heat during summer, and melt ice during winter.

Nsa probably has something like this, they have all the possible backdoors

I'd like to subscribe to /gif/ yes please thank you.

how are you supposed to hit them if they're under the street?

what are patents

I do not see a need to buy a new edition, since most of the content are likely the same anyway. It probably benefits 2nd hand buyers/sellers though.

I approve.
OP idea is bloat

uh... water pipes usually *are* under the streets.

nice pic OP

God these are nice pics. Just... those girls do not have the legs of cyclists.

wow you bigot, so you want to discriminate against cyclists based on their legs now?

For my algorithms class, the exercises all have different numbers and are in different chapters in the older editions. Got screwed over

A gf

An app that reminds you of when a new episode of a show is going to start.
You open the app and select what you like from a list of all ongoing shows. You can set it to send the notification at the time it starts or minutes before.
You can also "subscribe" to sports teams. That way you always know when they are playing.
Even if you don't have cable or tv you can still use it to remind you to look for livestreams on your own.

How about an app that lets you download the show and watch it whenever you want?

The jews will shut you down.

I've posted it several times by now and I don't have the skill to make it, so if you do make it do a good one and credit me somewhere.

Imagine tinder, but for food. You're lonely Friday night, no one to eat with. You open up your phone and you have several options, you can invite someone to come over and you can cook together, you can offer to pay for the meal to have company or you can see people who offer one of those two. So, you pick one and either make or select the type of food you're in the mood for. You think "I'm in the mood for curry" and you want to make it together with someone. So you punch it in and if someone swipes right on your curry get together then you meet up and have dinner.

So in other words, it's like tinder?

You mean this?

Kind of, but without the sex and the sans the lonely microwave dinners.

I don't know.
Does it have a button for every team in all the major American and European sports leagues?
One for every show in every network as well?

Can it keep up with possible schedule changes from week to week until the show is cancelled?

>inviting people over for cooking and dinner
>no sex
good joke

>inb4 rumblr inb4 op cant inb4+ 0 post omitted.
before you type something so fucking inane as this, I just want you to imagine your mother seeing it and asking you what it means. and I want you to imagine not only explaining to her what it means, but also why you made the stylistic choices that you did in expressing yourself.

I'm developing an algorithm to define the connection between Jewish guys and Asian girls.

Collective ownership combined with fractional pricing.

Capitalism is bad at rewarding things with high upfront R&D costs but low manufacturing costs.

Developing drugs costs a lot of money but producing them is basically free. Therefore we create an artifical monopoly through patents. This results in high prices because of lack of competition.

We can't abolish patents because that would mean everyone can use the R&D results of the first company that developed the drugs.
Instead it should be possible for companies to always buy a share of the patent. Since everyone receives the same thing they should also both pay the same price. Therefore the more buyers the lower the price.

e.g. company A invests 100 million dollars into a patent
company B buys a share of that patent for 50 million dollars.
company A gets all their money refunded until they only paid 50 million dollars
company C buys a share for 33 million
company A and C get the their money refunded until they only paid 33 million dollars

Company A still has the first mover advantage but the barrier to competition is lowered significantly. It's also more efficient because in our current system company A, B and C invest 100 million dollars for the same thing.

Combine this with an auction system where everyone can make their bid which is automatically executed when the price of a share is less or equal to the bid.

Well, this is Sup Forums...

pretty much

yeah and for us this is irrelevant either way beacuse nobody would swipe right on us

(if you disagree, you're a normie and don't belong)

For me having dinner is way more intimate than fucking.

Are you a college freshman?

So you have sex with your friends and family and only have dinner with your waifu?

software that spoofs curated metadata at websites in order to mask your actual activity

That way instead of companies knowing your taste in tentacle porn, they think you really like lamps, and as a result only throw lamp ads at you

This is a funny ass idea

>he doesn't have an incest orgy every evening followed by an intimate dinner with his dakimakura

Fucking plebs.

Tfw winklevoss twins won their case

Imagine a combination of XSL and IIS with a feature set that is unparalleled in the industry, but co-branded users and newbie-proof operation is invariably considered a terrific achievement. The methodologies factor can be summed up in one word: short-term. Think social-network-based. Think backward-compatible, dot-com. Think dot-com, front-end. But don't think all three at the same time. Integrate the aptitude of deliverables to benchmark. The capacity to optimize virtually leads to the power to deliver transparently.

It's going to be very expensive
One post = one postcard?


Mobile app that lets you type random garbage in a terminal and rates how close your typing is to actual commands. If you type real commands then you get points and random sound bites from Mr robot or other hacker media. The highest ranked people will get free hoodies and ski masks. EVERYONE IS PRETENDING TO BE A HACKER.

How would a pipe underground melt ice?

Shit idea.

Ideas are meant to be shared dumbass. Intellectual property is a spook.

Stirner pls

You know what would be cool? A multiplayer music game that allows you to play instruments with other people. The instruments would have to be digital of course, but I still think it's better than rhythm games where the notes are just random. With this game, you will actually learn about playing music. Anyways, the possibilities are endless.